camp so long sentiment - rta | tree climbing

He had not done much the past few moons outside following Deersong around, the whimsy and humor of new things and apprenticeship had long since faded and it had become a mindless chore. Not to say he did not like his mentor, but his enthusiasm for the affairs of clan life had soured overtime like prey left too long in the sun. He was despondent, miserable even, but outwardly the same sleek gray dappled bundle of exuberance he was before because he had learned that no one wanted to hear what he really thought about things and life, how he felt every moment a tragic waste as they all rotted away microscopic bit by microscopic bit; how the entire idea of borders and boundaries were simple a means to restrain and regulate order where order was not previously present, that the simple act of setting a heirarchy threatened it to come crashing down. Snowpaw did not want to live in this life of kings and castles, he wanted to leave and go out into the world to dip his paws in new beauty because the places around him were now worn and mundane with every sweeping yellow glance. The blue tom wanted to be happy again, but happiness was such a fickle emotion and it came in fleeting bursts rather than the default norm so he was forced to chase it like one would a squirrel up a tree and it was here he was perched, high amidst the camp with the splash of momentary serotonin and adrenaline fading now that the vermin was slung over the branch and motionless. The apprentice considered coming down, but he decided he preferred the air here more. The highest point of the tree seemed to break into a new world, cloak him in thick rolling clouds like fog and let him gaze upon a land familiar and then beyond into uncertainty.
Sometimes, Snowpaw would gaze down at the world below the lofty throne of branches, and wonder what the sensation of falling might be like. Would it feel akin a bird taking flight, the wind rushing up in a desperate bid to catch you as you spiraled past it into the cold below; or was it just like tripping over your paw for an infinite amount of time, head over heels and trapped with the horrific lurch of a stomach unsettled. It was never worth the risk to find out, but he did enjoy the thrill of bouncing upon the branch at its weakest point to test it; daring StarClan to claim him as he idly sprang from paw to paw.
Maybe one day he'd get to fly, but for now this would suffice; dispersing his weight over the high limbs of the tree and dancing a game with death knowing one wrongly placed paw would send him hurtling to an early grave.

𝐵𝓊𝓉 𝓎𝑜𝓊 𝓀𝓃𝑜𝓌, 𝐼 𝒿𝓊𝓈𝓉 𝓌𝒶𝓃𝓉 𝓎𝑜𝓊 𝒶𝓈 𝓎𝑜𝓊 𝒶𝓇𝑒

"Here you are, star child." A familiar coo of warmth and amusement would flow into the tom's ears as Deersong smiled up at him from a branch just below, "How did I know I'd find you high up in the sky?" Her smile was whimsical, making her way up the rest of the way so she could sit beside her apprentice, tail dangling softly off of the branch as she sat in silence with him for a while, just admiring the scenery below them before meowing softly, "Are you happy here, Snowpaw? Your aura has been quite murky lately."

She would turn to look at him, an expression of patience on her face as she tilted her head, "You know you can talk to me about anything bothering you, right?"


While Snowpaw dreamed of flying and escaping the society they lived within, Figpaw was still off eating bugs and thinking about when she'd get to google eye RiverClanner's... or something like that anyways.

One thing the two did have in common was their desire to climb, while the girl was yet to catch her first piece of prey she excelled at the skill SkyClanner's were born to do. Good StarClan did she fly through the branches, perhaps in another life she had been a squirrel... or maybe even a chipmunk? Regardless, today she found herself climbing about in the same tree as Snowpaw. Okay... maybe it wasn't a coincidence? Maybe she followed him...

Figpaw is shocked from a few branches below when Deersong hints that Snowpaw hasn't been feeling well, like... sick? Maybe he should go see Dawnglare, but she knew how ma felt about that. Or did Deersong mean, unwell as in unhappy?

No, Figpaw does not think so. "Snowpaw is just being Snowpaw." Fig offers from below harmlessly, a grin on her face.


( primary character / "speech" / ic opinions )

· FIGPAW, AMAB — she / her
╰ ‣ 5 moons .
╰ ‣ skyclan apprentice . believes in starclan, doesn't fully understand

· DOMESTIC FELINE, smells like pine nettles & sap, status — 100%
╰ ‣ A red tabby she-cat with orange eyes.

· ENFP-A ❝
CAMPAIGNER❞ , Gryfindor, Lawful Good
╰ ‣ Excitable, generous, caring, quick-to-act, daft, naive
╰ ‣ finds relative ease relating to others . kind-hearted, will show mercy

· NPC X DAISYFLIGHT, sister to Greenpaw, Violetpaw, Snowpaw & Butterflypaw
╰ ‣ homosexual . mistakes admiration for romantic feelings
╰ ‣ poor fighter . okay hunter .
╰ ‣ unlikely to start fights . will flee .
╰ ‣ attack in underline . penned by user @ava.
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╭── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──╮

Unlike Daisyflight's kits, Blazestar is quite comfortable living life on the ground, where the world is solid under his paws and where there is no risk of his enormous weight snapping branches and sending him hurtling towards his demise. Even as a kitten with his housefolk, Blazestar had never had any desire to climb. They'd purchased a false tree for him, soft with tiny dens, but he had not scaled to its highest perch until he was well too big for it.

He pads behind Deersong, who looks at her apprentice with amusement. Blazestar follows her aquamarine gaze and is filled with dread as it focuses on Snowpaw, bouncing up and down on a thin, flexible branch that any second could break.

"Snowpaw, please don't," he says, horror bright in his cerulean eyes. "What am I going to tell Daisyflight if that snaps under you? Come on down and talk, why do't you?" His sister is up in the branches too, but her expression is content. A contrast to Snowpaw's surly face.

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With trees taking up such space in their home, how could one not want to climb them? Blazestar's tendency to just... stay on the ground when so much happened when tangled in the branches was something Twitchpaw had noticed, wondered about even- but he supposed he was in no place to judge. Plenty things were scary to some and not to others... many of the daylight warriors claimed that dogs were harmless and friendly, that monsters were easily-evaded. The gnashing teeth in his nightmares and the image of their leader's blood smeared on tarmac and tire persuaded him otherwise in both cases.

Figpaw's casual tone- aloof, vivacious as always- set ears pinning back upon a chocolate-furred skull, olivine eyes widening in sunken shock. "Does Snowpaw just want to break his spine!?" Twitchpaw called out, tone of voice rising to a panicked quaver. Stupid- stupid behaviour! What even was he doing- did he not listen to his mentor? Or maybe- maybe she just didn't tell him. The coo in her voice, fluttering about her words- she was amused by this display of intending doom!

Bristles were ill-hid, even toward a lead warrior- horror painted itself by pure definition upon his features. He'd been warned, and she'd better be ready to catch him if he did not heed it!
penned by pin ✧
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Deersong joins him, disregards his bouncing idly on the limb to take a seat and start her concerned lecture he knew was coming; she had a strange tendency to see right through his nonchalant charade and he wasn't very fond of it. He was allowed his silent rebellion, his brooding moments, he was permitted the space to dwell on matters his own age ought not even consider. She was astute though, if anything. He preferred the trees. "I'm-" His words accentuated with a bounce between them. "-groovy." Stellar even, absolute chillin' as they say. He felt fine, morose and disinterested in life but otherwise fine. It was hard to explain-he didn't think he was sad or even had anything to be sad about but he had decided this life was unsatisfying. The pale tom hears scratching below him but does not look down, Figpaw's voice drifting upward in her usual way; nonsensical commentary he latches onto without pause, "I'm being Snowpaw." He agrees. He was Snowpaw. Verified. This might've been the end to the prying had he not heard Blazestar's voice rising up like an abhorrent song, a frog croak, a dying bird's final caw. "What WILL you tell her?"

The apprentice mused out loud, "Her favorite son, sorry Greenpaw, died doing what he loved." Bouncing on limbs? Climbing trees? "Disobeying authority. You hold no power over me, groundwalker." And neither did the fidget spinner who decided to waltz in and add his complaints to the growing pile. "At least I HAVE a spine to break, Twitchpaw!"


At least I HAVE a spine to break, Twitchpaw! Right, that was it- Twitchpaw's eyes widened, one lid spasmed, in an expression of pure incredulity. All he did was worry, worry- and only for other's own good, and what wonderful gratitude did he receive? A retort, an insult. Already-spiky fur became hawthorn at the insinuation- that he was a coward! Never, never was he a coward- everything he was afraid of, he was afraid of for very good reason- for what sane person wanted to see someone plummet to their death, tempting the hands of the reaper! Not him!

Rage bubbled hot in his throat. "I'll kill you if you don't die from the fall, I swear!" he shrieked, dramatic fanatical cry tearing free from him. Why did everyone love to make him suffer like this, getting into trouble of getting him into trouble- as if the threat of the warmongering moorland or the knowledge that all but one Clan hated them was not enough, almost daily someone came near-death or he had some sort of horrific dream.
penned by pin ✧