- Feb 20, 2024
- 351
- 126
- 43
Guilt is an emotion Flora is intimately familiar with, she has danced with it frequently since her daughter was two moons old. She doesn't think she will be entangled with another, no other feeling grips her, attached to her like a shadow. She curls up on the long fraying couch of her Tweolegs. Body wrapped in gauze and bandages, saved the humiliation of a cone but she knows that to be a looming threat. She keeps from everyone in the house, Ditto included, nights are spent wandering when she has the time. Whenever she's not sleeping away the ache of the physical pain in her chest she's fighting off the phantom pains in her heart. Claws dig into the rough fabric beneath her, tears flow and shouts of damnation flow from her maw. There are some days where she rants about how she should have done it, it wouldn't fix anything but maybe things would hurt less if Kite were dead. There are others where she attempts to repent from those outbursts, begging StarClan for a chance to try and fix things. Can they even hear her out here? Is their grace not reserved for a kittypet out in Twolegplace?
She slowly reaches a cold acceptance in her slow ongoing recovery. It probably came after her bandages were changed, that she can't truly fix anything. It happened under her nose and she was too blind to notice, that she is a fool and she should just accept that. Use this to prepare for in case Kite came back, to finish what she couldn't before after giving them ample warning. To help make the clan stronger, so everyone knows where her loyalty is. To focus on those she actually loves, she thinks of Doeblaze and her friends in SkyClan. Ignoring the pang in her chest at the implications that she doesn't love her ex-mate anymore. Because that would be just too easy wouldn't it? She wishes she could have it easy, isn't this her birth right? To have a cushy life, she waits for it.
Tonight is no different, Flora sniffles as she stares at bleak food. Medicine hidden between wet chunks of meat, not herbs like Fireflyglow's, this is some kind of liquid. The taste is bitter but she acts as if she can't smell the difference once she wills herself to actually eat. The miserable affair of self care is cut short by the sound of something knocking against the window pane, there couldn't be a tree branch that's done it. Her fur bristles and curiosity finds the better of her, stretching her body to jump onto the windowsill brings another sharp hiss of pain. Wounds stretching with her, hopefully nothings torn. As her paws greet the sleek surface of the windowsill her thoughts of pain are erased entirely.
"Doeblaze? It's late" she trails off, looking up beyond the scarred warrrior to the moon above her. Framing her head like a halo, a gentle moon beam highlighting the lighter parts of the SkyClanners fur. It makes it a little easier to see her, the nights prior have been dark and dreary. "What are you doing out here?" She projects her voice to be heard beyond the glass, chords crackling as she exhausts herself to make any sound other than sobbing for the past week.
She slowly reaches a cold acceptance in her slow ongoing recovery. It probably came after her bandages were changed, that she can't truly fix anything. It happened under her nose and she was too blind to notice, that she is a fool and she should just accept that. Use this to prepare for in case Kite came back, to finish what she couldn't before after giving them ample warning. To help make the clan stronger, so everyone knows where her loyalty is. To focus on those she actually loves, she thinks of Doeblaze and her friends in SkyClan. Ignoring the pang in her chest at the implications that she doesn't love her ex-mate anymore. Because that would be just too easy wouldn't it? She wishes she could have it easy, isn't this her birth right? To have a cushy life, she waits for it.
Tonight is no different, Flora sniffles as she stares at bleak food. Medicine hidden between wet chunks of meat, not herbs like Fireflyglow's, this is some kind of liquid. The taste is bitter but she acts as if she can't smell the difference once she wills herself to actually eat. The miserable affair of self care is cut short by the sound of something knocking against the window pane, there couldn't be a tree branch that's done it. Her fur bristles and curiosity finds the better of her, stretching her body to jump onto the windowsill brings another sharp hiss of pain. Wounds stretching with her, hopefully nothings torn. As her paws greet the sleek surface of the windowsill her thoughts of pain are erased entirely.
"Doeblaze? It's late" she trails off, looking up beyond the scarred warrrior to the moon above her. Framing her head like a halo, a gentle moon beam highlighting the lighter parts of the SkyClanners fur. It makes it a little easier to see her, the nights prior have been dark and dreary. "What are you doing out here?" She projects her voice to be heard beyond the glass, chords crackling as she exhausts herself to make any sound other than sobbing for the past week.
❥ A large black tabby maine coon with low white and bright green eyes, always wearing her mushroom print collar if she can
❥ Mentored by Sorrelsong /Mentoring Daffodilpaw
❥ "Speech", thoughts, attacking
❥ Penned by Juice ⏐ouijeejuice on discord {open to being dmed for plots}