camp so low at a hundred feet } kits intro

Jan 7, 2024
I'VE LEARNED LOVE IS LIKE A BRICK — They were ready. As loath as Swiftfire was to properly acknowledge it, she knew she couldn't keep her kits within the nursery forever. Especially not as all three of them started to grow larger, pushing and shoving their ways around their shared nest and jumping atop any other kits that they could reach. The queen was already sure all of them would make great - if slightly hard to deal with - apprentices in the future, at least if one went off of their enthusiasm now. Already she found herself wondering what mentors they might end up having, and whether she might get to guide one of them once she was freed from the nursery once more. Though maybe that wouldn't be the best idea - what if she couldn't be as harsh on one of her own kits as she needed to be? At least Smokestar would know how to make the necessary decision when the time came, assuming he actually made it back.

That thought alone was enough to drive a shiver down her spine, swallowing down the bile that suddenly rose in her throat so that she could turn towards her children. "Come on, you three. It's finally time for a trip outside of the nursery. All of you need to behave, though." The scolding edge of her tone wasn't particularly harsh, especially as she allowed her fluffy tail to usher the three of them out of the hidden away safety of the nursery and out into the new freedom of camp. Swiftfire knew it would probably be less than a moon before all of them grew tired of this new step, and more eager to explore outside of camp as well, but she would deal with that as it came. Not as if she could make them reach apprenticeship any faster than they already would. At least they hadn't been born late enough to bear witness to the change in the warrior code - she didn't even want to think of the chaos that would've come from them being delayed.

Sitting down a short distance away from her kits, she gestured them forward with a paw, eager for them to get their own chance at introductions. "Go on then, don't be shy. You've already introduced yourselves to everyone inside the nursery, now you'll just get to do it with the cats out here. Including the warriors, isn't that exciting?" The sun beating down freely onto her back again was a bittersweet feeling, surprisingly. Swiftfire had expected to be nothing but overjoyed to be out of the nursery - even if only temporarily. Yet, being out of it once again reminded her of how fast Dreamkit, Amberkit, and Roekit were growing. It really wouldn't be that long until they were paws, and that was a realization that was hard for her to deal with.

  • // @Dreamkit @AMBERKIT and @Roekit although you don't need to wait for them !!
  • 76635829_9N4qhCxavM25hPX.png
    shorthaired blue and red tabby chimera molly with green eyes
    42 moons old; ages the 1st every month
    bisexual; secretly mated to hush
    mother to dreamkit, amberkit, and roekit
    formerly of the ripple colony; loyal to riverclan
    easy to befriend; desperate to improve the former colonists' reputation
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed

✧ . With each passing day, the boy grows a bit more and the world he’s known all his life shrinks.

There is more outside his home, he knows, and often questions. Light seeps into the nursery everyday to wake up him and his siblings and his mother, and others walk in and out of the den’s confines into a bigger world, a place he’s only got glimpses of in-between leaps across the nursery, in-between pounces on his siblings, the other kits. But not Robinheart’s kits. They’re too small and cry too much, and his mother would be so mad at him, wouldn’t she?

Amberkit expects today to be like every other day he can remember so far. Light seeping into the den, a meal, time to play and sleep. But he and his siblings are beckoned forward by his multicolored mother with words that spark his curiosity. A trip! They’re to go outside today, finally. Excitement courses through the golden child, and the boy nearly bolts out of the nursery before his mother’s words stop him.

I do behave, “ Amberkit insists in a sing-song tone, though it’s hardly convincing. But, she hasn’t scolded him yet today, so that has to count for something, yeah?

A patchworked tail ushers them toward the nursery’s entrance, and a honeyed paw steps forward, guiding its cloudy counterparts to follow. He’s excited — nearly bouncing — until he’s just outside of the nursery’s entrance, blue eyes round as he tries to take in everything. There’s so much. He… Amberkit thought it might be smaller than this, with far less cats than what he sees. Suddenly, he’d rather be back in the nursery, where he knows everyone and everything already.

Don’t be shy, his mother urges them, and strange-set ears twitch in response, his paws kneading the ground below him. Would he not be behaving, if he turned back now? What if he’s never allowed back out? And then he’d never meet the rest of the warriors, and then he’d never be a warrior.

Okay… “ he reluctantly squeaks, stepping further into the sunlight. Wide eyes peer up at the first new face to come near. “ Hi! I’m… I’m Amberkit! “ He speaks his name slowly and clearly, just as he’s practiced before, so that the warrior can catch it. ​
  • AMBERKIT AMAB. He / Him. Kit of RiverClan.
    ✧ . A cream tabby and white tom with duplicated pinnae.
    ✧ . Swiftfire x Hush
    ✧ . Mentor to be determined.
    ✧ . Peaceful and healing powerplay permitted!
    ✧ . Penned by Abri@_abri_ on discord, feel free to dm for plots!
    ✧ . " Speech " ; Attack

I HEARD, I HEARD ACROSS THE MOONLIT SEA — Beepaw had returned from a rather successful hunting patrol and now basked in the sunlight near the medicine den, she feels content in having brought in two plump salmon home. Her eyes half-lidded though it open completely at the sound of excited pawsteps drumming against the ground and her bat-like ears angle in the direction of Swiftfire and her brood. Her gaze lingering on Dreamkit and Amberkit taking note of how they had another smaller set of ears... She had thought her siblings and her own ears had been odd enough but these kits definitely took the cod on that aspect. Little weirdos... The thought passes her mind for a heartbeat and they trail off when she recalls helping in the nursery once, she can remember Apricotflower asking if she had a change in path. A frown present on her face as she turns to Swiftfire and her kittens once more as she tries to imagine herself having a few kittens tumbling around her own paws.

Perhaps there would be a Fiercekit named after her father, Smokestar, a Butterflykit after the bug names that her and her siblings had, and a Buddingkit named for... She shoves aside the thoughts immediately knowing that it would not happen and its not a future for her. The bicolored molly doubts that anyone could ever love her the way that she is and the way her personality has become jagged after all those moons. The high pitched squeak of a kitten speaking is enough to make her glance in the direction of Amberkit, Beepaw draws a sigh out of her jaws and pushes herself to her paws. She might as well introduce herself to these kittens... Perhaps one of them would be assigned to her to mentor and the thought makes her heart flutter in her chest.

With one snowy paw in front of the other, the warrior to-be approaches them nodding a silent greeting in Swiftfire's way and glances down at Amberkit. She remembers when she had been this little and had asked Cicadapaw to race her to the small pools near the nursery, both of her parents had been there, and it's a happy memory that she wishes to come back so she may live in the past even for just a heartbeat. "Hello Amberkit," Beepaw greets trying her best to be friendly even if she finds that to be rather difficult considering her prickly personality, "I'm Beepaw." There's an awkward silence for a moment before she offers and tilts her head to the side inquiring gently "Do you play mossball?"


  • bKn8fx1.png
    shorthaired black smoke molly w/low white and mismatched eyes
    oftentimes comes off as untrusting of those around her, closed off, and not the easiest to engage in conversation with, she's not easy to befriend. all her opinions are IC only.
    10 moons old; ages the 10th every month
    sexuality unknown; currently interested in no one
    currently being mentored by smokestar
    firstborn daughter of cicadastar and smokestar
    sister of cicadapaw and cricketpaw
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed

He'd stayed as close to his mother as possible his whole life, something deep within him needing to make sure that she was there still, he needed that confirmation she was going nowhere. The few times Swiftfire had left the nursery after the birth of the trio had been spent with Roekit thrust into a state of confusion and tear-filled quiet cries while he tried to figure out where she went and despite the assurance that she would be coming back it was never believed until she entered the nursery once more and that was finally when tears dried up and hiccups began to slow.

He wouldn't admit it but Roekit had been curious where his mother ended up in those tear-filled moments of confusion and dread, so when she finally got up to move out of the comforting warmth of the nursery once more but this time ushering her children with her it caused Roekit's confusion as to where she was going to thrum into excitement. He would finally get to see outside the nursery where the food that his mom mysteriously came back with out of nowhere was located, where the apprentices that moved in and out of the den to change nests would get their moss and their own nests.

Clung to his mother's leg as they're ushered from all they've known into the new bigger world of camp the fire-pelted kitten blinks baby blues as they get used to the sudden contrast in light before shrinking back and pressing against Swiftfire as much as possible. They're told to behave and though that's Roekit's plan all along - he always behaved to the best of his ability - he silently nods his head. Amberkit introduces himself first and though Roekit wants to be quick to follow he instead stares at Beepaw and whoever else may venture near, not wanting to introduce himself just yet. Maybe Amberkit and Dreamkit would be able to distract the others so no one would talk to him.

  • --
  • 78389410_wHLZ7hCdLZ3oBnd.png
  • 𓆟 LH red tabby w/low white & blue eyes
    𓆟 Swiftfire x Hush
    𓆟 Brother to Amberkit and Dreamkit
    𓆟 easy to befriend/interact with
    𓆟 "speech", thoughts, attacking
    𓆟 easy in combat
    𓆟 peaceful powerplay allowed
come along with me

Turtlepaw was too young to think about having kits. It's not something she's ever had to think about. When the new set of kits tumbled out of the nursery in front of Swiftfire, the apprentice raised her head from the moss pile she had collected for the elder den. A smile grew on her face and she rose to her feet ready to greet them.

A familiar black pelt moved in front of her toward the kits. Her dark ears pricked and her feet moved to follow Beepaw. Turtlepaw had never really thought of the older apprentice until Smokestar's disappearance. Most of the older apprentices - in truth - scared her. They were pillars of knowledge and growth in the clan. She felt so... not that. She still felt like a kit at times despite the rigorous training Snakeblink has been putting her through. Now, though, she felt like she had to grow up, and the most grown up apprentice she knew was Beepaw.

She trailed behind the black pelted apprentice and peered over the taller shoulder at the new kittens. "I'm Turtlepaw!" She chimed in, probably a little too excitable. She flicked her eyes toward Beepaw to see her reaction. A bead of confusion crossed her mind as to why she cared about that, but quickly shook it away at the mention of mossball. "Oo! If you don't, we can show you how. It's really fun!"

  • speech color
  • TURTLEPAW she/her/hers, apprentice of riverclan, 6 moons (ages every 1st)
    stocky silver charcoal tabby. tail is a stub. energetic, naive, dim
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / roughhousing and wrestling encouraged / underline and tag when attacking ↛ see battle info here
    penned by muddly@/muddly on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


The young kit looked towards the entrance of the den, head tilting in curiosity. A new world existed out there, a world that his mother knew well, but that he would only just begin to experience. It was... exciting. Should be exciting. He was excited, ready to learn about what existed right outside the walls of the den, but the only way he showed it was with a wide smile. Small eyes looked up at his mother as she ushered them out, and he took the initiative to walk himself out.

Right outside was the sun, and cats - many cats! Much like Amberkit, he paused, taking in the scene. The world was huge out here, larger than Dreamkit could have imagined. Eyes widened at the possibilities, at everything he could do. He suddenly realized that he now had many, many playmates - if only he could string together the words to ask. Swiftfire spoke to them again, his eyes making their way back to meeting hers. That's right, warriors were out here! Dreamkit could pester them and ask all that he wanted!

Who to bother first, though? Dreamkit wasn't sure, until he saw his brother make his way towards another cat. He followed quickly, bouncing after his sibling and tripping over his own paws. "Dreamkit want play!" He squeaked to the apprentices. "What mossball?"

  • ooc ))

  • OVWvtai.png
    - DREAMKIT . tags
    - AMAB (he/him) . 3 moons
    - gen 2 . Swiftfire x Hush . sib to Roekit & Amberkit
    - speech . thoughts
    penned by doc
