sensitive topics SO MUCH MORE THAN THIS — grief

ROEFLAME — break the air to feel the fall.
The day after tragedy was always the worst, Roeflame had unfortunately found. Her mind had cleared and come to a still, the first few blissfully ignorant moments after waking now blinked away.
She is staring at an empty nest, Burnstorm had already gotten up for the day to undoubtedly tend to his new responsibilities. Roeflame reaches a forepaw out in a reluctant stretch, almost wishing her friend had woken her up with him. She had been up late last night, even resorting to practically pushing her nest up against his as a desperate attempt for some sort of solace, whether he minded or not she did not ask, she didn’t want to know.
There is a routine she has gotten adapted to, and the silver kissed warrior is already running late on it. Rigidly, she is up, a frown on her maw. Why was it that grief never came isolated? Why did one death reopen the old wounds of the many before that? She’s forever have to think of Dewfrost has her hero, and the molly never even got to forgive the queen. She never would, not to her face anyways.
Cream-coated paws had hardly stepped out of the warriors den before she is offered to share a meal from someone.
Squinting against sudden sunlight, Roeflame shakes her head before even registering who it was. "Im not hungry." Is her mumbled response, she just wants to be told where to go and what to do, not wanting to think.
  • Crying
Reactions: Thorny
I'm not hungry. Roeflame had said it so softly Leopardtongue almost didn't catch it, though in response her head shook. "Even if it's one bite I want you to have some, it's not a question." Warmth-filled words from the female as she pushed prey forward. She had no authority over the other, but everyone needed to eat when they could in times like this, hungry or not. Standing up from her spot, Leopard moved forward and offered a comforting look before prey moved in front of Roeflame instead of simply forward.

"You need the energy, please." She didn't want to push Roeflame too much, but the other didn't look the best right now whether it be from grief, the lack of food throughout the territory now, or both, and Leopardtongue was going to do all she could to try and help make it better, even if it was just forcing her clanmate to eat a single bite of food.

  • "speaking" // thinking // action
    Leopardtongue - 35 moons - she/her - Queen of ThunderClan
    heterosexual - taken by Batwing
    penned by tikki
  • Love
Reactions: Noor ♡

He had not been there when Roeflame's mother had died. Though he finds himself wishing he had. Perhaps, if he had been there, it wouldn't've even happened. He would be able to save the day like he always did or he would die trying. Roeflame would be saddened by his death, no doubt, but at least she would not have been left motherless. He cannot imagine. Little Wolf had been a constant presence in his life since his birth, a peaceful guardian who he could rely upon for support and comfort whenever he had needed it. Life without her in the clan felt strange but hopefully soon she would return from the journey and everything would return back to normal.

Sometime in the night, Roeflame had moved their nests closer. He had felt her fur press against his and for a moment, he had held his breath uncertain if he was dreaming or awake. Afraid that if he said anything she would move away he had instead chosen to keep his mouth shut and pretend to be asleep, though a small part of him wanted nothing more than to curl himself around her and tell her everything would be okay. Would that be overstepping a boundary though?

When he wakes she is still sleeping so carefully he had removed himself from the nest and left. It hurt, leaving her when he knows how much grief she probably held in her heart. He had lost a sister, after all, an uncle. Loss is not an unfamiliar concept to him. He knows it would be best to let her sleep though so he had left.

He returns now, his bounty of a single mouse clutched in his jaws. It is not much but it is what he had been able to find. The rest of his patrol was seeing to the elders and the queens now so he approaches Roeflame with it. He watches for a moment as Leopardtongue tries to coax her into eating and he gives the molly an appreciative glance before he places the mouse in front of his friend. "Here, for you. Eat. Later we can go hunting and you can catch me something" he plops himself down by her side, close enough that his body pressed against hers. It was slowly becoming less and less awkward of a gesture since the first time they had shared such a close proximity.

  • ooc : — ​

  • he / him
    thunderclan lead warrior
    single ; crushing on roeflame

    - - Burnstorm is a hot headed tom who, above all, loves his clan and his family. He cares deeply and passionately for those closest to him and is one of the most loyal friends a cat could have. Because of his half-kitttypet heritage, Burnstorm is always hard at work, believing that he has to put in twice the amount of effort a normal cat does in order to prove himself as a worthy clan member
    ISTJ-T 'the logistican'

    - - a large, black furred tom with golden eyes
    toyhouse [ ]

    skilled fighter and decent hunter
    LITTLE WOLF X BLAZESTAR ; sibling to Fireflypaw, Howlfire, Morningpaw, Moonwhisper, Duskpaw and Skypaw

  • Love
Reactions: Noor ♡

ROEFLAME — break the air to feel the fall.
It’s not a question. The persistent Queen remarks, pushing the prey towards Roeflame. The tabby begins to grumble something in reply, a shuffle away already beginning its awkward motion. Ready to ramble on about how the Queens and Elders needed it more, that she wasn’t interested.
Any further attempts to refuse when suddenly, Burnstorms shadow is cast over her, adamantly placing a mouse between her paws before sitting himself down beside her, his close proximity giving the tabby no opportunity to leave.
Reluctantly, she sits down herself, tipping a freckled head backwards while she glances at her friend with petulance in her gaze.
Now, she had two pieces of prey staring blankly at her, and her muzzle scrunches with dying resistance. "Fine. You guys have to share with me, though." She gives in, gingerly taking a bite of Burnstorms mouse before passing the meal towards him, simultaneously passing the reasonability of the squirrel to Leopardtongue. "Eat up." Comes the grumble.