
Mar 14, 2024

Earlier that day, Meadowkit had overheard two adults talking. They were discussing things that she didn't really well and truly understand like "Back in the marsh colony..." but it was something else that had caught her attention. "Where is your brother now? Did he join one of the other clans?" one cat had asked "No" said the other sadly, shaking their head "He's in StarClan now rest his soul" and once Meadowkit had heard that she couldn't get it out of her mind for the rest of the day. Why would the other cat say that their brother had not joined a clan if he was in StarClan? It made absolutely no sense to her.

She had heard about StarClan once before, of course. It is likely her mother has told her about it, or that she's heard the name in passing before, but being a kit is so much WORK and there's always so much to remember all of the time... So, with a need to find answers to her questions she seeks out someone who could provide answers. Unfortunately for Fallowpaw, she just so happens to be the first face Meadowkit sees after deciding the embark upon this quest for knowledge. "Where is StarClan?" she blurts out, getting straight to the point in a way only a kit was capable of doing. "I heard two cats talking earlier and one said their brother moved to StarClan! Is it far?"

// please wait for @FALLOWPAW

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  • 79402766_SDCTSiSnicLgq5m.png
    A large fluffy red tabby kitten with a white chest, stomach, tail, muzzle and stripe running along her back. Her eyes are a deep, forest, green and in her pelt one can usually find flowers woven
    easy in battle + no formal training

ˏˋ*⁀➷ There's too many kits running around the camp. Getting all underfoot, yelling so loud it feels like her ears are going to start bleeding. She was nice and unobtrusive as a kit, why can't these little pests do the same? Fallowpaw flattens her ears as one of them approaches her, attempting to walk faster and being unable to outpace the eager stride of the little beast. It seems she has been cursed to be constantly plagued by over-curious young cats.

Her question, though, catches it off guard. "Um." Fallowpaw blinks down at the kit, face scrunching up in confusion. Why is she asking her of all cats? She doesn't know the first thing about StarClan. Doesn't regard them with any particular fondness and is certain they feel the same about her, no matter what Bravepaw may say. In fact, she would rather not think about them at all, about any plans they may have for her. They can leave her well enough alone.

But she does need to give the kit an answer, or she'll probably pester her even more. After a long moment, Fallowpaw says, "...I dunno, I've never been." Mouse-brain. How is she supposed to explain death to a kid? If she did it wrong, she knows she'd get a scolding from... whoever this kit's parents are. She doesn't particularly care. "Shouldn't you - There's gotta be someone better to ask..." Fallowpaw whips her head around desperately, something pleading in her eyes as she searches for someone who actually knows what they're talking about.

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  • FALLOWPAW ⁀➷ she / it, apprentice of thunderclan, seven moons.
    a scarred, pointed brown and white molly with shaggy fur and golden eyes.
    standoffish and solitary, always seems to have a dark cloud hanging over its head.
    baying hound xx npc, littermate to antlerpaw, doepaw, fawnpaw, & elkpaw.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by SATURNID ↛ saturnids on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

StarClan have mercy, Fallowpaw was in trouble.

It was usually in Bigfang’s nature to let cats sort out their predicaments themselves, but a rare surge of sympathy flows through him for Fallowpaw. Perhaps he has been victim to the curious questions of kits before, with his blunt tongue it’s likely resulted in him getting slapped by a queen too.

”There is.” Bigfang meows, slowly approaching the apprentice and the kit. ”Why don’t you go ask your mother? It’d save us all an ear shredding…” His final remark likely confusing to the kit, but he was sure any ThunderClan cat would agree if you could avoid the wrath of Moonwhisper, you should.
  • » HankBigfang
    » ThunderClan Warrior
    » Former Kittypet
    » He/him
    » A large, beaten-up ginger tabby tom with green eyes.
    » "Speech"thoughtsattack
  • » A heavy-hitting foe who makes his hits count
    » Excels in heavy, powerful move.
    » Fights to protect and maintain honor
    » Though strong, he is a slow mover. A fleet-footed cat would both easily frustrate and land hits on him.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing

A frown crosses her features when her questions go unanswered. Fallowpaw stumbles over a poor explanation that only leaves Meadowkit with more questions. "Well, do you know someone who has been?" she asks, tail flicking behind her impatiently as she burns a hole in the apprentices pelt with her eyes. She did at least answer one of her questions, StarClan seemed to be a place that one could come back from and that fact only deepens her frown "Wait okay soooooo it's far but cats can visit? How long does it take them to get there and back? Like, a day?" A day was suuuuper long for her, after all.

The flame-furred warrior suggests that she go and find her mother to ask and Meadowkit cannot help but think this a little rude "You guys can just say you don't know it's okay, I don't know a lotta things that's why I ask a lotta questions!" because she wanted to know. But what hope did she have in finding out the answers to what she was asking if even these two didn't know?

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  • 79402766_SDCTSiSnicLgq5m.png
    A large fluffy red tabby kitten with a white chest, stomach, tail, muzzle and stripe running along her back. Her eyes are a deep, forest, green and in her pelt one can usually find flowers woven
    easy in battle + no formal training
A ghost of a smile appears on the chocolate sepia's maw as the fluffy she-kit takes a stab at trying to summarize how StarClan worked. She was not entirely wrong. "I can try to explain, but... StarClan is difficult to understand, even for me." The concept of the afterlife was one that was not straightforward nor easy to grasp. If it was tricky for an adult to put into words, then it surely must be difficult for a young kit to understand. However, Wavemoon was not willing to dismiss Meadowkit's curiosities and simply send her off to her parents. He finds himself slightly amused by Bigfang's brutal honesty, and while Wavemoon could understand the slightly older tom's impatience, he himself does not find anything wrong with trying to explain StarClan to Meadowkit.

"When it is a cat's time to leave the world of the living, their spirits join StarClan. They stay there, watching the clans from the stars. It is not somewhere a cat like you or I could visit. " Wavemoon explains, attempting to keep his explanation simple so as not to further confuse the youth. A cat may only travel to StarClan once, as far as Wavemoon knew — when they died. The tom's feelings about the starry ancestors are complicated — there is no doubt in his mind that StarClan truly exists, though he had been raised to worship a different god. His ancestors did not walk among StarClan. He held no personal ties to them, save for the countless clanmates that ThunderClan had lost over the seasons. When it was Wavemoon's time to depart the living realm, where would his destination be?

To further clarify, the warrior added, "Only leaders and medicine cats are known to speak with StarClan. They travel to a special place called the Moonstone. There, StarClan cats can walk in their dreams." Wavemoon himself had always wondered what that experience was like. His own mother had been the religious leader of his birth colony, but she had only communicated with their god in the form of visions and messages. Only through legends and stories did they assume what He really looked like.


Softpaw couldn't help an amused smile at how Meadowkit asked about StarClan, and then Fallowpaw's obvious reluctance to answer the question at paw. there had been a time when she was young, just a kit, and had also had her own suspicions and inquiries about StarClan, the mysterious place that existed in the far-off plane of Silverpelt. In fact, she remembered one occasion where she'd been curious enough to say that she wanted to see StarClan - though she couldn't say the thought still wasn't appealing, in the sense that she'd rather not die but still be able to see StarClan with her own eyes.

"That might be a good question for Gentlestorm, or Howlingstar." Softpaw chipped in as she approached the small group that was forming, and she nodded in time with Wavemoon's words. It was true that only a select few could commune with StarClan, and Softpaw was not one of those few. It was highly unlikely that she'd ever be contacted by StarClan, but childishly, and something that she kept to herself, Softpaw sometimes liked to imagine what it would be like if her dreams were sent by their warrior ancestors.