pafp so put your best face on, everybody | playing in snow

Patchpaw [in.]

i pray we meet again soon
Oct 4, 2022

Everything had been so awful, and Patchpaw hated it. After seeing how much of a wreck the entire family was after Morningpaw's death and the somber atmosphere descended over camp so much so that it felt as though she was suffocating, she's had just about enough of it. And so, with a sudden new determination that drove her to stand and put on her best face on, she heads out of the apprentice's den and into the chilly air of the camp.

She wasn't sure where this determination was coming from. It was horrible--it was devastating enough to sit around incredibly depressed and the solemn, melancholic days of leaf-bare bearing down upon them all. She could barely even comprehend it, and it was already bad enough on the heels of Morningpaw's vigil and whitecough seemingly spreading like wildfire. It was all so miserable and wretched, with every other cat moping around with their head drooping as low as their tail was. Of course, she couldn't blame them, they had perfectly justifiable reasons to be sad.

In fact, she hated it very much. She loathed seeing everyone so depressed, but she had no idea how to even tackle such a large issue; she was only one kitty. She had to cheer someone up at the very least, and as if by a stroke of pure luck, her eyes landed on Roepaw. She looks awfully bleak, like a fox had sucked all life from her. She has to help Roepaw at least.

So, with a surprising amount of confidence, Patchpaw struts right on over to her, nudging Roepaw's side with her nose. "Hey, Roepaw! I couldn't help but notice you looked down in the dumps, so I wanted to come by and ask if you wanted to join me! I'm gonna go play in the snow, anyone's welcome of course, but I thought it'd cheer you up! How about it?"