camp so slimey | slug




Early he has risen, having crept out of the nursery. There is a fog about the camp but also a thing, a thing he has been staring at as the cold wind slips along his body. His eyes have not left the thick looking wormy thing. The child's head is tilted and his paw has once smacked it but it hardly does anything. Save for the little stalks somehow shortening. As he keeps watch he sees the weird shiny trail that it leaves behind and he sniffs at it. Not smelling much he wonders and ponders on one very important question. Can he eat it? The idea seems fixed in his skull and well, it takes him a very little time to sudden strike out and the slug is in his mouth. Hut the taste! The taste is awful and it's so gooey! He makes a harrowing noise and he lifts up onto two legs, trying to swipe the slug from his jaws. It doesn't want to dislodge and he has to smack it again before it plops on the ground, curling up. "Eww, eww, ewww! Nasty! Stinky!" He squeaks out as he tries to wipe his mouth.

He has never tasted anything more revolting, and he hasn't tasted much. So bitter, so goopy, so not nice. He spits a little and then glares at the slug. Small anger for a small toddler he huffs and pokes at the slug. "You nasty. Horrible food. Not gonna eat again." And he will remember this, the taste still lingering on his tongue.

Sloepaw was sunning himself in whatever light he could find, dark fur burnished to a leathery brown. The apprentice's peeping eye roved the camp as he quietly sought something to watch in his time of relaxation. He liked to gather scraps of information, clan-wide opinions, to stay in the loop.

An eggshell kit wobbling over an oily slug certainly fit the bill. He had written it off as simply amusing, rather than informative, but the instant Falconkit's nose met the slug's back Sloepaw was so surprised he concluded he must have learnt something from the display.

"I can't believe you tried to eat in the first place... Kits are so weird." The tom's voice was warm, if a little shaky in disbelief, and he kept the last part quiet. He gave a bewildered look to any older cats around, ears still broad. His whiskers grew itchy- he had been a kit once. "I'm sort'f glad none of the clan knew me when I was that young." Only his twolegs had been there to see him lick things off the floor.
Stormkit had noticed Falconkit leave rather early, but she only expressed mild interest by a twitch of her ear. It was foggy and cold out, and she had already played much the day before. She had dreams of chasing Pebblepaw in laps around the camp again. Stormkit curled up on herself and giggled. Suddenly, the loud squeals coming from outside made her bolt up and peer out.

The tricolor kitten tottered out on wobbly, half-sleepy paws. Her fur was pricked with alarm as she glanced briefly at Sloepaw and then at the strange creature at Falconkit's paws. "What is it?" She wondered.​

"If only we've gotten to see you licking up strange things as a kit, Sloepaw! I'm sure you made just as funny a face~" It was a light, teasing tone that accompanied the tom's approach and he paused to regard the kittens fretting and pondering over the slug with a soft laugh before looking in the apprentice's direction with a mischievous smile, "Some cats don't grow out of the silly desire to put things in their mouths they ought not to. Have you met my mate? Absolute fool he is." Loved him dearly, wanted to strangle him sometimes but it was hard when he only had the one forepaw. Sunfreckle turned his attention back to the kits, hobbled over on his three limbs and settled down low to observe the inching and slimy little creature alongside them.
"This is a slug. There's another thing called a snail which is what this looks like but with a shell on its back. You can eat them in emergencies, but..."
Well, they weren't that starving yet and the kits certainly wouldn't be forced to above anyone else. He'd feed this to Rabbitnose first and then get a mouse for these two. Sunfreckle made a face, stuck out his tongue, "Real rough going down." The texture was the problem, he couldn't stand the slimy skin on these things but a starving cat couldn't be too picky.

Alike in Sloepaw's activity of choice, Berryheart lay lit by the pale rays of leaf-bare sun. Black fur rusted in the light, and the flecks of red along his form lit up like the tiniest embers, shaken from a blown-out splint. Olivine eyes lay half lidded, the lazy left eye drifting so close to being shut that the world blurred together almost, a teary mist of an expanse before him. Only when Snoopy spoke did his hooded eyes raise to attention ever-so-slightly, and from the conversation that ensued between Nifty and Little Blue he managed to surmise that the spluttering kit had been attempting to ingest the slug that laid at his paws.

Humour, though a subtle light or peridot, glinted like gem-surface in his eyes. "I find squirrel more palatable," he suggested from where he lay, half-joke and half-education, baritone a low buzz. Intended to be education, anyway... opinion was of course an unpredictable thing, though he was unsure of how one could think the unfulfilling flesh of mouse was superior to the gamey succulence of squirrel. Either way it trumped slug meat, at the very least...
Eww, eww, ewww! Nasty! Stinky!

Her eyes would rip open, pushing the slumber away with such ease it was almost impressive. Her kits, they were not beside her. The flame hued tabby would burst from the nursery, scanning the camp like a hawk. This was the heaviest she had slept since they were kitted...serves her right for trying to catch up on lost sleep.

She spots them quickly, but she is relieved to see several other clanmates with them. What a great mother you look like...can't even keep track of your kits. she would curse herself before padding over to join them.

A rough tongue would attempt to rake each of their heads. Her nose would wrinkle as she spotted the slug that now laid on the ground in front of Falconkit. "Lets...not eat that dear." she would say, trying her best to surprise a chuckle. Not once had she seen a slug and wanted to eat it..."If you were hungry, you could've woken me up...I can fetch you and your sister a mouse."
Stormkit wrinkled her nose at Sunfreckle's explanation of the peculiar creature. One thing was for certain, she would never pick up one of these in her life. The kitten reached out to tentatively swat at it with an unsheathed paw, the fur along her spine bristling. They were right, it was slimy and disgusting. She perked her ears up at Berryheart's amused comment.

"It looks gross." She gagged. She wouldn't eat snail meat if she was starving. Being a kit came with special privileges, one being one of the first to eat. It was rare her stomach panged with hunger for too long.

"Falconkit's silly." Stormkit purred, feeling much more at ease when her mother arrived. She stuck her tongue out playfully toward her brother.