so thankful ☆ turkey

They had been tracking these odd prints for some time and he was beginning to wonder if this wasn't an elaborate prank by someone. They were too big to be a normal bird, but looked eerily similar to something akin to a sparrow though sized up considerably. Was this even worth the venture out? Would they find the source or was this a waste of his and his apprentice' time?
Skunktail was quickly proven incorrect in this assumption when they crept along and spotted the great round beast of a bird shuffling about the marshland and making a hideous gobbling sound, he can't help but give a short chuckle in amusement at how ridiculous this creature looked like. It hears him and turns with jerking and awkward movements, its beady black eyes hone in on him and his laugh catches in his throat.

It begins to charge.

"Briarpaw run!"
A shoulder check sends his apprentice into a nearby bush, but thankfully the big round bird only has eyes for him - or unthankfully, honestly he was just glad it wasn't targetting the younger molly and he rushes away from it in a quick backwards dance. The turkey is deceptively fast, wings raised and beating a heavy staccato over him with enough force to leave him winded and battered onto the ground in his surprise.
"Oh STARS ABOVE!" He hits the loamy earth with a roll, scrambles back upright to his feet and goes sprinting for the nearest tree as fast as he can with the shrieking and chortling bird hot on his tail. Skunktail, for his part, is not the worst climber thankfully and he manages to get up far enough to avoid any of his sensitive, soft parts being pecked or scratched at by that beak. He did not, however, escape entirely unphased and it latches onto the end of his tail viciously and rips several chunks of fur out as he yowls and continues scaling upward.

  • Apprentice Tag - @Briarpaw.

  • 62602478_UrpK9NsUJpgnTSw.png
    —⊰⋅ Warrior of ShadowClan
    —⊰⋅ He/Him
    —⊰⋅ SH Black & white tom w/spearmint green eyes

He has faced this beast once, the ugliest bird in the world that had attacked him and Granitepelt that one fateful evening. He had underestimated the bird then, and knows better now. He will not be bested by this awful creature. But when this awful creature attacks his clanmates, thats a different story. Hearing Skunktail yowl pulls him from his hunt, his head shooting up and ears pointed. He dashes in the direction he last heard Skunktail, and he hears the awful gobbles of the turkey. He needs to think quick, he doesn't know if he can defeat this giant bird, but he has to do something.

So when he arrives at the scene of what he hopes isnt a murder, he launches with a ferocious yowl onto the turkey from behind and digs his claws in, biting at its long neck. At least this way it will be hellbent on him now, and not his clanmates.

He's just not sure what to do now. He didn't plan this far ahead.

"ARE YOU ALRIGHT, SKUNKTAIL?" He calls as he is tossed around, claws digging deeper and deeper to keep grip on the bird. It cant get him if hes on it like this, right??​

BRIARPAW — hello, my old heart.
In all honesty, Briarpaw had convinced herself that this little excursion would lead them to nowhere, a lost trail.
Yet, her mentor seemed determined to find the strange prints source, and so she was dutifully on his heels.
After many pawsteps, however, they find it.
"What is that?" The young apprentice cannot contain her gasp of both disgust and wonder, so distracted by its sheer ugliness she doesn’t register how its beady eyes seem to zero in on Skunktail.
Not until-
Briarpaw run!
A melody of strange chirps erupt from the thing as it begins to charge.
Barely turned on her heels before she is promptly shoved into a bush, Briarpaw goes cooperatively tumbling into the thicket, rolling to her forepaws with a slitted gaze as she watched the thing chase her poor mentor up a tree.
When Frostbite appears out of seemingly nowhere and fastens himself onto the strange bird, Briarpaw knows she can’t just sit there.
So, she pounces forward, untrained paws swiping sloppily at the creatures plump side, a poor attempt to give Frostbite a little wiggle room to get a better advantage.
A grotesque beak comes flying for her, and she narrowly dodges, adrenaline beginning to race through her veins as she slashes at its craned head.
This was kind of fun.

The shrieking and trilling from the feathered beast alone had Lilacfur rushing to investigate. It shouldn't surprise her that said beast was making a victim out of her older brother, wincing as a sharp beak caught and ripped the fur from his tail. Ouch. She felt an echo of the sensation on her own tail and shuddered before readying to join Frostbite in distracting the bird and letting Skunktail flee.

"@GHOSTPAW. ! Keep your eyes on its beak and feet, don't let yourself get in the way of them." She warned before throwing herself into the pile of feathers. It was hard to get a good hold as it was already trying to thrash the Lead off of it, warbling angrily as Briarpaw joined in. Lilacfur huffed in frustration as she struggled to follow its dance, wide tail feathers blocking her view. She's turned the attention away from Briarpaw, keenly dodging beaks and lunges to give the others an opening.
[ sad hello's and mad high low's ]
TO BE NORMAL IN A WAY I COULDN'T BE — The last thing Nightswarm expected was to see an ugly excuse of a bird chasing after Skunktail, one part of them amused by it and the other already running forward to assist their sibling. "You just love getting into trouble don't you?" Its lighthearted mutter under their breath before their claws unsheathe quickly and they jump into the fray to help their younger littermate, Frostbite, and Briarpaw. If they could just manage to kill the bird then maybe Shadowclan would eat well but as of right now, Nightswarm was primarily focused on dodging angry pecks while the beast of a bird warbled angrily now being overwhelmed by several cats. What did this thing survive off of? The trash from the Carrionplace? The thought distracts the warrior enough to get pecked on the shoulder and they draw back with a pained hiss, ears laying flat against their skull. Their hackles lifting as well as the fur along their spine and with outstretched paws would swipe at the massive avian.

A part of him hoping that the amount of cats present would be enough to overwhelm it and that it would fly away then that way they could check if everyone was alright especially their littermate.

  • your_word.png
    longhaired black feline with fiery amber eyes
    afab; goes by he/they pronouns
    34 moons old; ages the 1st every month
    asexual demiromantic ; not interested in anyone
    child of briarstar and amber
    sibling to to chittertongue, pitchstar, skunktail, lilacfur, and starlingheart
    currently mentoring nettlepaw
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed