so we have arrived already / i listen that way || siltpaw


die young or get old trying
Oct 4, 2022

Often it felt as if trying to recall memories from a time before ShadowClan was a bit like trying to remember a dream from a quarter moon ago. There is an idea of it, that she has a mother, and she has brothers, but the details are slim. A scent, a sound, will bring it to the forefront of Loam's mind, but trying to grasp it, to well and truly remember, was about as easy as pouncing on the shadows cast by her ears. In both cases, bafflingly, holding her head to different angles doesn't help.

She remembers musty dens, sometimes.

Loam doesn't think she had any friends, before.

Camp bustles with the same activity as an anthill-- cats moving about, carrying prey or moss from one place to another, or they sit close and gossip in such a tone that leaves Loam with the knowledge that they will fall silent were she to pass too closely, only to resume again with the same intensity once she was beyond ear-reach. Even still, some cats sit by themselves, faces dour or brooding or pensive. ShadowClan is impossibly both nothing like Loam has ever known and the foundation for every stable memory she has.

Loam likes to think she has a good impression of the whole of ShadowClan. There is someone she doesn't know well, or even at all.

"You're quiet," Loam says as she sidles next to Siltpaw. She looks unassuming, skinny and earthy, with a spidercrawl of white on her face, "Did y-yuh-you know that w-wuh-we are both na-named after earth-stuff? Pretty co-coooooooooo-ool right?"

Then, without preamble, Loam adds, "Are y-you actua-ackt-a-uh... really siblings with Granitepaw?"


tags ∘ shadowclan apprentice ∘ solid black with hazel eyes ∘ curled front foot ∘ 5 moons​
siltpaw | 06 months | female | she/her | physically easy | mentally easy | attack in bold #ddadaf

When the other joins her, she expects a rude comment about her hunting skills, her appearance, or even the latest's trouble her brother has stirred up. What silt does not expect is a friendly greeting. It takes a moment for the situation to catch up to her brain - a slow blink of dull green eyes as she takes in the feline before her. The heavy scent of earth is as familiar as it is not. "mhm..." she murmurs, noncommittally. Granitepaw is named after 'earth-stuff' to she knows. And she thinks her father was to - Flint, she recalls. The shecat takes a moment to steal another glance at the other before her gaze averts once more, focusing on her paws. ".... yeah," she supposes the confusion is understandable. Where granite is fierce and bold and brash, she is... not. She's quiet and cautious and not much of anything at all. They hardly even look alike anymore, with her spindly limbs and small stature, weak and frail and lifeless. With a quiet crack of her stiffening limbs, she stretches' her neck for a moment - uncertain of how else to respond. "....has he done something bad again?' she questions quietly, words spoken slow and careful - she doesn't know why else the molly would choose to approach her.


Siltpaw isn't particularly excited about being named after earth-stuff with Loam, and only offers up a confirmation and a meek question of her own when asked about Granitepaw. No matter, Loam has worked with less before.

"Heh-he was bossing the n-neh-new guy around, I-eee-uh think?" Loam recalls with a certain air of uncertainty in her voice. She'd left too soon to see anything truly exciting, "And th-thuh-that brother of yours eh-is such a stickler f-fuh-for pro-duct-ductivity! S-suh-so-sooo serious!"

Loam winks to Siltpaw and then shifts into a decidedly less friendly expression, "Maybe you should sp-spenh-spend your t-tuh-ti-time doing something useful," Her voice drops considerably for the impression, only to brighten again when she continues, "That w-wuh-was good, wasn't it? D-duh-did you ever b-buh-bite him when yuh-you were both keh-kits? I-eee-uh have t-tuh-two brothers, but 'oh-only bit one oh-of them."

tags ∘ shadowclan apprentice ∘ solid black with hazel eyes ∘ curled front foot ∘ 5 moons​