It was refreshing to lead a patrol after her incident. Despite aching muscles from the war, it felt as if she were stretching her legs. Punishment had been within the confines of camp, it made her antsy, it made her feel useless. Now.. she got to bring use and more justice if an ambush was to be expected. Petalnose picked what she could be served, many of their clanmates were war torn. The lucky escaped with minor injures and the more lucky escaped with none such as her. Victory was still a breath of fresh air despite the many that were battered. Victory was of rarity within their clans history, especially of something so big. It certainly brought a newfound energy into the patched feline, striding powerfully with lifted tail for visibility of her patrol. It felt good to win. Now the rouge would be kept at bay for now, atleast, that was what they hoped to expect. That was the reason of the patrol, to check if they had truly given up. Besides, It seemed too good to be true. They weren't used to their clan getting the turn of pride.

Petalnose searched the willows above to the reeds below, parting her mouth to take in fresh scents. But all that remained seemed to be mixed blood fading from the war, hopefully her nose wasn't decieving her. She turned over her shoulder, "Does anyone smell, hear or see anything? We need to keep our head on a swivel and our nose and ears alert. I hope they left that easily, but the rats seemed to be stubborn, therefore faith is little." Her head bowed at a bloodied tuff of fur, lightly lashing her tail, "Even if they're injured, we must show no mercy. We must not let any remain in our lands, understood?"

// @Nightfish @Mosspool @FERNGILL @salmonshade @PIKESPLASH
If anyone else replied in the return thread to follow Petalnose, they may join as well. But remember, this is a flavor text thread so no rouges are left behind. :)


The buzz of victory had faded, the itch for revenge had ebbed; Ferngill's focus had faded level in his eye as he trailed behind Petalnose, attention as sharp as he could make it. From that bumbling, balding apprenice he had grown- his tracking was a lot better now, and he couldn't allow any doubt to seep in, silently repeating that assurance in his head. "Understood," he confirmed, head low to the ground. There was nothing here, though... he was pretty sure. Stale cat-scent mixed with blood, but all of it old and from the battle.

Ferngill's ears swivelled at a noise the rustling of leaves. Not a cat, though- the frantic flap of a fleeping bird had rustled some reeds, and that bird was now a speckled blur swiftly shrinking into the distance. A hollow chuckle rasped through his throat, but he shrugged it off. "Just a bird," he mused, avoiding a riped-out clump of fur on the ground as if it would shoot spines at him.
penned by pin
Petalnose had been leading them and while they had won the war, there was much to do. For one, was making sure any rogues were gone. While he doubted it, one can never be too sure. Everyone came back with some wounds... Pikesplash himself could smell along with Ferngill the stale cat-scent mixed with blood. I'm sure she can smell this too, so it's better not to mention it. Now's not the time to be joking around or annoying her. We have a job to do. His nose practically kisses the ground as he travels with the group to find anything that would suggest a rogue was nearby. Nothing of interest turned up. This is a good thing.

Likewise, he finds his head swiveling towards the noise of rustling leaves. He's about to inspect it but Ferngill oh how he has grown informs them that it was just a bird. "How long should we search for?" The inquiry is a bit left field, however he isn't sure to what ends Petalnose wishes for them to search. As if sensing her possibly displeasure, he mews, "All I can smell is stale blood."
  • — pikesplash / riverclan warrior / masculine pronouns / 50 moons
    — bisexual / polygamist / open to flirting and crushes
    — short haired silver mackerel tabby with green eyes
    — may powerplay minor harm / can powerplay healing
    biography / @ on discord for plots
    — penned by velou
𓆝 . ° ✦ The battle left Nightfish more restless than before, not less. He had only gotten to square up with one of the rogues before the ice started cracking and the rats skittered away and the adrenalin is still thrumming in his veins, antsiness with nowhere to go. He’s glad it went well, he really is; a single death (and a temporary one at that) is getting off lightly considering how nasty and stubborn the rogues had been. Still— he can’t help but kind of hope they’ll stumble on a few stragglers. His teeth kind of ache with the desire to gnaw on something that’ll fight back.

Glancing up at the bird that exploded out of the underbrush as it flies away — come to think of it, he could use a meal after all that exercise — he slaps his brushy tail against Pikesplash’s side when the other asks his question, companionably enough. “Maybe they’re lying in wait ready to pounce on us again,” he suggests lightly. Then, a little wishfully: “Want me to find the freshest bloodstain around? We can follow the trail to them, make sure they’re really not coming back…”
 ° .  . ° 
  • ooc:
  • Cjwugm2.png
    a large black and lilac chimera with high white and blue-yellow heterochromia and an expressionless face.