Feb 23, 2024
Before hadn't been like this.

Bilberrykit is as flat and still as an undisturbed puddle. Beaded moisture collects on his nose and inbetween his padded toes. Before hadn't been like this—Bilberrykit is certain the sun had been nicer. Now, it shines down with an intensity that Bilberrykit doesn't recognize. He stays beneath it, waiting for the moment that it decides to go back to the pleasant warmth of Newleaf. That's how the sun is supposed to always feel, isn't it?

"It's too hot," Bilberrykit whines. He rolls over, as if basking on his other side might make the sun more agreeable. Basking had always made Bilberrykit want to nap, before. Now, he thinks maybe he just wants to get something to drink, "It's too hot!" Louder this time—surely whoever was about who could so something about this just hadn't heard him, "Someone let the sky know that it went too hot!"​
windclan kit | black and white harlequin | four moons | tags

Firefang had defended the right for these kits to stay, though she still wished to know their true story it was just a curiosity and it never needed to be answered. Rather she like Periwinklebreeze or not Windclan needed kits needed new strong paws to keep them lively and strong, they may be more mouths to feed but that should just motivate them more. However she still avoided the nursery when she could and it's inhabitants, she'd been pulled into plenty of games already throughout the moons begrudgingly, it wasn't like she hated kits as loud, messy and sometimes stinky as they were she just didn't know how to handle them. The nursery itself as well brought back memories she was happy to leave behind her. Still she couldn't run like a frightened rabbit from a bunch of kittens, she may not seek them out but she wouldn't ignore them either.

Her ears prick as she listens to Bilberrykit's whining, she understood his plight but was disciplined enough to stay silent about it he should be glad that his entire pelt wasn't black. She snorts half-amused her head shakes as she turns to pad over to the pathetic puddle of fur. "Get used to it kit, the heats not goin' away anytime soon" her words are blunt but not mean, he'd have no choice but to adjust to it. The moors didn't have shade to protect them, even less so now with so much of the territory still recovering from the fire. It would be a rough greenleaf but nothing she couldn't handle. "Why don't you go visit the elders. Their den is nice and shaded and they'd love to listen to your complaining" she suggests, a smirk perking on her muzzle.

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    Firefang She/Her, Warrior of Windclan, 24 moons
    Black tabby she-cat with amber eyes. former-loyalist of Sootstar, Moorunner.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by Kedamono@legmeatt on discord, feel free to dm for plots. ​
speaking color is #BBE8EF

𖤓 ✟—- much unlike billberrykit, kitepaw loved the feeling of the warm sun beating down on his back... although this would be his first time ever experiencing green-leaf and was not prepared for just how hot it would get. compared to the biting winds and snow of leaf-bare, he couldn't find himself complaining yet. it was a comfortable heat.... unlike the heat from the bite of the flames. he takes a moment of thought as he approaches the two other cats, listening to firefang's suggestion before offering one of his own. "a mossball soaked in water may cool you down too, bilberrykit," kitepaw suggests in a more compassionate tone than the warrior would offer the child. just because he needed to get used to it didn't mean that he couldn't be made a little more comfortable without being subjected to the elders... even if kitepaw didn't mid their grouchy tongues and flea-bitten pelts, he knew that most cats did not feel the same way... and knowing bilberrykit, he'd pounce on the wrong elder's tail. too hot and swatted ears... he'd have even more to complain about. "i can help you gather some if you'd like," he adds, offering the child a friendly smile. maybe wolfsong or cottonpaw could spare some moss so they didn't have to leave camp... or perhaps they could find an undisturbed spot nearby? that was if bilberrykit was even a fan of the idea in the first place.

  • KITEPAW he/him, moor-runner apprentice of windclan, 8 moons old
    average sized tomcat with light cream tabby markings. he has a white chest and half face. his fur is a medium length and he has large whiskers. his eyes are a light blue.
    ⭃ highly religious, stubborn and hard-working, kindhearted and charismatic, honest, diligent, foolish and impulsive when frustrated, will speak out when something feels unjust.
    open to minor and minor powerplay / / underline and tag when attacking ⇌ see his bio here
    penned by @DOFFERZ!doffloppa on discord, feel free to dm for plots. template credit to vayle.



Sootspot recalled a time where his rank had been a source of mockery, but, never before had he heard a tunneler complain about the heat. They could avoid it best on WindClan's barren moors, a blessing in disguise for a cat with fur as thick as sheep's wool. The rise and fall of his chest was quicker at the crux of the sun's height, obstinate pride being the only thing that kept him from flopping over to let the heatwave pass. The chimera moved close to Firefang, his whiskers twitching with a muted drollness at her words towards the kitten. She was right, in actuality, he was certain the heat would get worse, the idea sending a shudder down his spine. He had spent more time aboveground as of late, finding those he wished to see could not fit so easily within the narrow tunnels, but isolation almost seemed worthwhile if it meant not being the first WindClanner to die because of greenleaf. His serpentine gaze found Kitepaw as he volunteered to help the young kitten, head craned to the side like a curious bird. Silently, Sootspot retracted his attention so he could talk to Bilberrykit.

"A compromise, perhaps. All four of us could deliver mossy water to the elder's den, you, Bilberrykit, may have one to yourself." With a mossball in his mouth, Bilberrykit would hardly have the chance to complain to the elders, and Sootspot's reputation with the generation he'd once opted to kick out from WindClan would be improved.... probably.
There are a countless number of suggestions that come Bilberrykit's way. He visibly considers each one as they come. head tipped in thought and a frown that only grows more severe the longer the older cats talk. None of them get it. Bilberrykit doesn't want it to get hotter, he doesn't want to go to the elder's den—maybe he wants the moss soaked in water, a little bit—and he doesn't want to move. What he wants to do is bask, but things need to be a little cooler for that to be enjoyable.

"I never go to the elder's den this time of day," Bilberrykit counters, and doesn't move from his sprawl, "I lay here and I nap and it's too hot to do that." Surely, this is only a matter of those helpful clanmates not understanding Bilberrykit's specific plight—otherwise they would have offered up a solution that Bilberrykit likes. "So instead of being and getting hotter it should get cooler. And you all would like it too because that would be better than if it did get hotter."​
windclan kit | black and white harlequin | four moons | tags