private So, won't you please spare me indignity? ♡ Badgerstrike

Mar 30, 2024
*+:。.。 One of the benefits of being one of Skyclaw's followers is that he can leave camp as much as he wishes without the need for supervision.

Wrath-Howl takes the opportunity, trudging quietly through a dimly lit forest. It's late, cats are curling up in their nests, preparing for another busy day tomorrow, helpless to the merciless march of time. The leaf litter kicked from time's endless trudge slowly but steadily buries the lost, and those who hang back in their grief are threatened with the same. Cats still openly grieve for Howlingstar, but onwards they too must slough, forced to continue their lives where their beloved leader cannot. Wrath-howl curses each step he, too, takes in his former leader's stead.
There's no point in regretting it all now.

Still, the wolf with cream tabby stripes makes his way quietly in the dusk to join the dead. His paws feel heavy, made sticky by the prevailing illusion of blood, but unburdened by the freeze of death. He isn't sure what he should do. Not here, among the honorable dead, nor back in camp among the righteous living. He helped sculpt the clan he'd wanted, hadn't he? A thunderclan without kitty pets and a senile leader was what he'd vowed to help create...and yet, he felt no kinship with any of the cats sleeping comfortably in their nests. He was no warrior, and yet he could hide behind the rank of apprentice no longer.

"Howlingstar" he whispers to the mound of dirt he stands beside, his memory filled with the sound of cracking bones and dimming green eyes, wide with shock and betrayal, yet never glittering with hatred, not even at the very end. I'm sorry, he wishes to say if I could trade places...but it sounds so hollow. Instead, the killer would sit lamely upon the cold dirt and hang his head.
""What..." he begins, but can't scrounge up enough audacity to finish the question.

    DMAB— He/Him
    10 moons — Ages 1 moon every month real-time
    Brother to Lovelight, Joywing, Laughblossom || Pridepaw, Merrypaw
    Thunderclan — apprentice
    Mentored by Wildheart

    Physically mediocre | mentally very easy
    Attack in bold #4a59ff
    injuries: None currently , mentally unwell
Badgerstrike wasn't one to linger by graves. She does not like the emptiness they bring, the reminder that someone who had taken a spot in her life no matter how big was gone. The silence that lets thoughts wander, lets them spiral into the deepest pits of negative emotion. Strong as she was, strong as she touted herself to be, Badgerstrike did not cope with loss well. She did not cope with negative experiences well. She pushed them aside, forced herself to look forward and never looked back until the waves consumed her from behind.

It was a moment of weakness that lead her here tonight. She did not speak tot he dead, saw no point in it. What was the point of talking to someone who couldn't talk to her? Perhaps she never spoke to them for fear of the choking feeling of grief in her throat. The fear of letting tears fall. But she came here, drawn by a tug in her heart.

To see that she wasn't alone isn't a surprise....But to see Wrath-howl here at Howlingstar's grave.... How easy it is to replace complicated feelings with anger.

"Well, well, I didn't expect to see one of Skyclaw's dogs here... Much less you. Come to spit on Howlingstar one last time?" She hisses. She doesn't have her characteristic crooked grin, tonight. Instead, there is a frown and a disapproving glare. It would be disrespectful to let trash sully Howlingstar's grave, and the thought repeatedly crosses her mind to take it out. She moves to stand beside Wrath-howl. "Howlingstar was a great leader. To be killed by cats she should have been able to trust... By her own kin.... Dreadful, don't you think? To love a clan so strongly, to die for it several times...Only for an ungrateful, narrowminded bunch to steal her last life and turn the clan she loved so much into a prison for those loyal to her." She continues.

She wasn't known for sublety. It was her nature to let those she doesn't like know she doesn't like them. To be her enemy is to court death, and the only thing saving any of Skyclaw's minions from the beasts jaws was the knowledge that it wasn't the right time to kill them yet, and that this was not only her battle. It wasn't the right time, no... But it was always the perfect time to play with prey.​