pafp so you're new in town — saying hi

SUNFLOWER, CAN'T LET YOU GO ✿°.✦ ————————————
It seems that all she does these days, Bobbie reflects, is lay around camp. Unfortunately, her slowly growing stomach has put paid to the idea that she'll be able to do much besides that, anyways; and the camp usually provides a reasonable amount of entertainment regardless, even if it makes her feel rather lazy just loafing about all the time. Although apparently bearing kits for SkyClan in newleaf is a highly respected job anyways, based on the respectful manner of most cats towards her and a few half-scolding remarks from her ginger denmate when she's mentioned it. Bobbie supposes it's just that lingering fear that her current situation is just too good to be true; while she's been here for more than a few sunrises now, she still feels out of place most of the time. The queen has yet to fully understand the basics of Clan life that everyone around her had, up till now, been entirely accustomed to. The arrival of the seemingly endless stream of new faces from the shelter has given her the relief of no longer being the newest arrival, even if a whole new wave of names and faces to remember stresses her out more than a little.

Speaking of which—a slight stirring across camp catches Bobbie's alertly roving eyes, green gaze focusing on a pair of the new cats sitting close together, looking rather awkward. Bobbie can relate; she was certainly walking on eggshells her first few days here, still is, although the brown cat looks a bit intimidating. They both do, honestly, but ... Bobbie feels rather bad for them, recalling how the other queens had, in their sometimes flinty way, helped welcome her into the Clan, a virtue afforded her by her swollen belly. These cats have no such thing, and the queen shudders to imagine what it would've been like without the guidance of her denmates; it's true SkyClan is very accepting, something she's grateful for, but it can be hard to break into at times.

Before she can talk herself out of the newly-formed idea, triggered by her thoughts, Bobbie is up as gracefully as she can manage and crossing camp. Tentatively, she sits down in front of the pair—a curly-furred brown tabby and a freckled cream cat with rather striking pale blue eyes. The queen mews hesitantly, "Hi, I'm Bobbie ... You two are some of the new cats, right?" She feels exceedingly awkward, but continues, "I joined recently too, and I know it's a bit intimidating, so ... I just wanted to ask if you need any help, or, or anything?"
[penned by dejavu - ]
———————————— ✦.°✿ HOW DID YOU GET SO COLD?

// pls wait for @AVILIUS & @sarsaparilla ! <3
Too good to be true. Avilius knows the feeling. It hooks around his lungs and yanks him forward with every new conversation that springs forth. SkyClan. An odd name. No more odd than the life he had led before it, yet different enough to leave him uneasy. Standing on crumbling ground, his body tensed in preparation to fall. Had it been allowed of him, he might have left the second the cage opened. Instead, Sarsaparilla led him here. Not the clan cats. Not any other in the shelter. Sarsaparilla. There had been a point in time he thought himself the leader; thought that this adventure of theirs was within his control. Anything that was not his was terrifying. SkyClan is not his, this place is not his. He is taut and tense and here nonetheless. Because this is where Sarsaparilla thought it would be best.

The tense tom is partially curled around Sarsaparilla, a protective gesture he is unable to shake. Though the others avoided him at worst so far, old habits die hard. Bobbie is pinned down from a distance, dark eyes unblinking as he watches her draw ever closer. Queens held a particular place of pride within the Swarm. Still, they were beneath, lower. SkyClan is kinder than he has ever seen. That she approaches them at all speaks to that. Her figure is rounded, well-fed. Without muscle. What little work she must have was confined to the nursery, then. Some part of his pride recoils at the thought that she could help him. And so– "No," Avilius mutters, his voice a low, taut rasp. We're fine.

  • ooc: sass pls fix him
  • avilius ╱╱ he - him. warrior of skyclan.
    ──── a stoic, cold former loner / rogue with a storied past. very protective of sarsaparilla.
    ──── high endurance, high strength build. not built for speed, but able to tank anything.
    ──── former shelter cat, still adjusting to clan life. has difficulty speaking nicely to others.

    a sturdily built brown tabby with fur that tinges towards golden in thick, dense curls. though often messy, he carries himself with composure and certainty– it is obvious that this tom is accustomed to battle, and will not hesitate to put his skill to the test if need be.
  • "speech"
After his twolegs died, for a while he travelled with people not so dissimilar from SkyClan; they were nomadic rather than stationary, and their hierarchy was nearly nonexistent. They named themselves differently, and had no group title, but they were kind and cared for the elderly, the pregnant, the sick. Sass has missed them for months, and SkyClan's reminded him of how dearly.

It is uncomfortable for Avilius, he knows. The Swarm has very little in common with SkyClan, and Sass might be thankful for that, but's complicated, yet simultaneously simple.

His vigilance over Sass is as endearing as it is unnecessary, and he inhales deeply to prepare himself when he notices an approaching molly. She has the telltale roundness of pregnancy, and walking freely as she does is merely another reminder that SkyClan is safe. But Avilius, predictably, is not receptive to her friendliness, tentative as it is. "He says his name is Avilius and that's a kind offer," Sass interjects breezily. His own smile feels awkward, but he doesn't want the poor cat thinking they're both completely unfriendly. "I'm Sarsaparilla. Don't worry about us; we're hardier than we look. But I have to ask— do you like it here? Are you comfortable?"
  • sarsaparilla (sass) °●° cisgender male, he/him °●° skyclan warrior
    around 46 moons old °●° profoundly, catastrophically homosexual
    former kittypet and loner °●° head over ass over heels for avilius

    sass does not make for a very striking figure. he's rather plain in appearance, a cream and white tabby with clear, gray-blue eyes and freckled cheeks. he's taller than average, but doesn't tower, and lacks the muscle mass to be considered broad. he fades easily into the background and prefers it that way.

  • Haha
Reactions: AVILIUS

The lilac queen flinches at the brown cat's harsh, rasped mutter. Clearly, it had been a mistake to try to reach out; what was it some of the daylight warriors had mentioned being called? "Once a kittypet, always a kittypet"? She certainly feels it now; she wishes her tail was longer, able to be curled about her swollen stomach. To cover the sudden self-consciousness of her soft and unmuscled frame; so unlike her Clanborn denmates, who possessed hard muscle beneath the slight plumpness of pregnancy. It'll do her some good to work out somehow, once she's had her kits anyhow; right now she feels too .. big .. to move.

The cream cat interjects with a friendlier mew; Bobbie shifts on her paws, unsure of whether she should reply or get up and leave. On one paw, the sandy-colored cat seems to have a genuine question (She can actually be helpful for once!); on the other, the brown cat is staring at her with poisonous dark eyes. Bobbie sighs and tentatively offers, "It ... it's good here. They treated my wounds when I first got here, and now they'll let me and my kits stay," she mews, "They treat us queens ... very well. Bring us prey. Treat us with a lot of respect. It's good, even if I get a little stir-crazy in here," This last is uttered with a hesitant, shaky laugh; a half-attempt at a joke.

// ooc: omg, sorry for how late this reply is. this thread got lost in my mind somehow 💀