soft spoken — fainting

it's not my fault i have my father's eyes .
A small muffled oomph escaped the young warrior, stomach rolling in waves as the hunting patrol grew fainter and fainter ( or that’s what he assumed — was his vision getting darker? ). Deciding not to question that, the freckled warrior stumbled, limbs growing heavier with a muffled squeak, flank pressed against the rough bark drawing in deep, shuttered breaths hoping to quell his churning stomach.

It didn’t work.

A full-body shudder went through the small warrior, legs buckling beneath him with a thump, heart palpitating against ivory bone, maw clamping shut on his tongue, teeth pin pricking the tender muscle and drawing beads of blood. Littlemoon swallowed, bitterness coating his tongue and drawing an awkward grimace to the freckled warrior’s features. Right. He never did like the taste of blood.

For all that it was worth, Littlemoon had expected to pass out sooner, starlight growing fainter as the days passed into weeks. It wasn’t if he wanted to, but with the lack of self-care and self-preservation, Littlemoon just stopped caring about useless things when he could push what little energy he had left in his warrior duties.

It was then that icy ocean pools fluttered shut, falling lax against the tree trunk ungracefully, mind blissfully blank.
thought speech

The inclusion of Littlemoon on this hunting patrol had been a surprise to Howlfire. Not that he was a bad tom by any means, but he had been looking worse for wear as of late and looked as though one strong gust might have blown him over.

Regardless, his presence would still be needed if they wanted to bring a good haul of prey back, especially with it becoming increasingly harder to focus on hunting with the warming weather. Howlfire had pulled ahead a little bit, urging her apprentices to go on without her and see what they could catch. Both were nearly ready to become warriors and no longer needed her hovering over them like a hawk. After successfully catching a lazy vole, Howlfire had looped around on herself, intending on arriving back at the clearing where the patrol had gone their separate ways. Her joyful mood was depleted when she saw Littlemoon lying on the floor, slumped against a nearby tree trunk. After recent losses in the clan, Howlfire expects the worst, but is pleasantly relieved to see the rise and fall of his chest. Having left her vole to one side, she gently prods Littlemoon with a paw, trying to stir him awake. "Littlemoon? Littlemoon!" She called out to him. "Are you alright?"
Ekat's thoughts are elsewhere when the hunting patrol picks its way through the humid forest, the greenleaf heat bearing down relentlessly even through the verdant branches arching high overhead. The midnight-furred warrior searches the undergrowth and sprawling tree roots for any signs of prey, eager to collect enough to warrant returning to the shade of camp. Even when Littlemoon stumbles a few fox-lengths somewhere behind her — Ekat is scanning their surroundings for prey-scent with her usual miserable expression and not paying much mind to the other members of the patrol.

It's only when Howlfire's words reach her ears, gentle but tinged with a concern that makes Ekat's anxious heart skip a beat does she turn around and find Littlemoon collapsed against a tree, Howlfire beside him. Was it the heat? Or was the tomcat sick? Ekat approaches cautiously, pausing near the two younger warriors and searching Littlemoon's face for signs of consciousness. She doesn't seem to find any, and her frown grows deeper, but she's no medicine cat. "Sh-Should I get Dawnglare? Fireflyglow?" the she-cat stammers out uncertainly. Uselessly.​
Being dragged on a hunting patrol with cats he didn't know all too well, really didn't bother Oddgleam all that much. He was thrilled to stretch his legs... but not so thrilled hunting in a humid forest. If he could swim, he would be throwing himself into the nearest water source. With the sunbeams peeking through the stretching branches overhead, he lets himself search for nearby prey. He had split off from the group to hunt, with a flick of his tail. After catching a squirrel with a hum, gripping it between his teeth he turns around to meet up at the clearing everyone split up from.

Moving towards the clearing, a mismatched ear perks toward Howlfire's words reaching his ears that were laced with concern. The pale - patched calico tilted his head to the side in confusion. Littlemoon? A frown develops upon his face as he hurries towards the clearing, pushing past the undergrowth with a huff. Oddgleam makes it to the clearing, shaking his patched coat from the random debris slightly before he looks over at Littlemoon slumped against a tree trunk. He roams over towards Howlfire and Ekat, the latter stammering out if she could get both of the medicine cats. Dropping his caught prey to the side. Tilting his patched figure to face Ekat with a twitch of his whip-like tail. "I'll join you in getting both Dawnglare and Fireflyglow." With a nod, and a curl of a smile reaching his maw.

  • 1a1e4325bc0a9b8c18aa8a0378a5e293e5cfb5cb.pnj
  • ( bad attitude, actin real goofy ) ˖⁺‧₊˚♡˚₊‧⁺˖ ODDGLEAM. ╱ skyclan warrior.
    non-binary ; HE / THEY, fine with gendered terms. ; 15 MOONS & AGES EVERY 7TH.
    bi-pan / polyamorous / padding after crowsight & owlheart
    pretty, long-legged medium furred sliver-cream calico with copper eyes.
    battle notesthoughts ; "Speech, ac7d88" ; attacks only
    may powerplay minor harm ╱ peaceful and healing powerplay permitted
    smells like caramel frappe & chilled stone
    — all opinions are ic

    biography / @ on discord for plots
    — penned by calzone
An apprentice calls to him immediately, large charcoal paws pushing himself upwards as he carries a leaf full of herbs in his jaws. His tail touches each tree he passes, head swerving expertly around obstacles as he makes his way to the scene eagerly. "I'm here." Fireflyglow calls out softly, his deep voice barely carrying on the wind as he kneels beside Littlemoon's collapsed form. He presses his ear to his chest, tail twitching and flicking with every heartbeat.

"How long has Littlemoon been patrolling? Does anyone know the last time he's slept or eaten?" Fireflyglow asks patiently, feeling his paws and nose to test his temperature. It was normal, a little warmer than usual- but nothing worrisome. If he'd have to guess, this felt like exhaustion. Vaguely familiar, he'd done the same to himself many moons ago. "I'll need your help, lift him up together and carry him to my den, please?" He looks towards his clanmates with a frown.​

Other cats quickly flock to Littlemoon's side, the same concern that shone in Howlfire's face mirrored on their own. Ekat and Oddgleam offer to find one of the medicine cats, but are beaten to the post by an apprentice, who runs off in search of a medicine cat, returning with Fireflyglow.

Howlfire steps aside to let him inspect Littlemoon, eyeing him curiously to try and discern what he thought was wrong. "Littlemoon has been with us since we started," Howlfire answered her brother's question. She could not say when the last time was he slept or ate, but his disheveled appearance seemed to imply it wasn't recent. At Fireflyglow's request, Howlfire nodded at the other cats, standing to the left of Littlemoon's body ready for him to be lifted upwards. "Ekat, Oddgleam, if one of you get his right side we may be able to lift him safely."