solaire's creature containment unit (census)


cosmic dread connoisseur
Sep 11, 2024










trying to keep to 6 characters or below at a time lol

update 09/16/2024 - separated out everyone's tags into separate threads
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general.--(--we're standing here by the abyss, and the world is in flames--)
--wolfgrin / no nicknames / no aliases
--35 moons old / ages one moon on the 3rd of each month
--trans male / he/him pronouns
--warrior of skyclan / former loner

appearance.--(--two star-crossed lovers reaching out to the beast with many names--)
--an incurably messy-furred chocolate smoke tortie with keen orange eyes / reference(s)
--long description
--( injuries )--an old injury to his right hind leg that flares up in bad weather, it can make hunting difficult but he can still fight.
--( inventory )--you can change this into accessories, important notes, genetics/inheritance, etc.

persona.--(--we're hiding here inside a dream--)
--warm, caring, anxious, debonair, witty, abrasive
- a smug annoying dirtbag on the surface but he's really actually very nice underneath all of that, he's grieving his mate so he's a little more distant than usual and questioning starclan somewhat, "why would they let such a kind cat die" etc etc, ummm he's very loyal to anyone who's broken past his abrasive exterior.
- he's a tenacious fighter, he'll only start fights if he's sufficiently provoked and he'll end them early if he thinks he's taught his opponent a lesson, otherwise he's more than happy to let them flee themselves.
- he's haunted by dreams of what he's convinced himself is his dead mate flamefeather's spirit, in reality it's just a facsimile of what it was like when it was alive. it died saving two kittypets from a house fire, and in his dreams it still burns, though it talks with him as if it isn't on fire. in his current state of grief, he needs the belief that it's flamefeather's spirit to get him through.
--( tropes )--list, tv, tropes, here, or, stuff, like, mbti

relationships.--(--and all our doubts are now destroyed--)
--NPC siblings / youngest of the litter
--gay, romance-positive aromantic. he has only ever been in romantic (sort of) love once and they died. he doesn't mind if his friends fall in romantic love with him as long as his presence in their life makes them happy. / single / [x] cats crushing on him / former mate: flamefeather
--considers __ friends / trusts __

interaction.--(--the guidance of the morning star--)
--physical health 98% / mental health 40%
--mentored by someone / mentoring someone / previously mentored someone
--will start fights / will end fights / will not flee / will show mercy
--attack in #C65836 / peaceful powerplay allowed

miscellaneous.--(--will lead the way into the void--)
--penned by solaire / last updated 09/12/2024
--playlist / heartchart

- wolfgrin was born to a kittypet and a barn cat and named teena. he quickly realized he didn't enjoy living as a molly, but didn't yet know that he could live as a tom instead. the kittens were given away to other twolegs at two moons old and brought to live in the twolegplace near skyclan's territory.

- after living with their twolegs for several moons, while perched on the fence of their garden, teena met a couple of starving strays and brought out as much kibble for them as he could carry. the encounter stuck with him, and he wondered why twolegs wouldn't just take them in and feed them.
6-12 MOONS
- at six moons old, he'd grown bold enough to start venturing past the fence of their twolegs' property, meeting other kittypets in the neighborhood. he discovered that he could choose to identify as a tom instead of a molly, and with the help of some of his neighbors, he chose the name turner.

- at eight months old, he got lost deeper into the twolegplace and was rescued by a sweet older molly. she was thin and starving, so instead of returning to his twolegs, turner found her something to eat and stayed to try and make her final days more comfortable. but his scavenging got him in trouble with a local gang of strays, and they sent cats to rough him and his beneficiary up for stealing. the old molly was murdered, and but turner was was rescued by a big tom named prescott and a molly named callalily,

his rescuers brought him to meet their own gang's charismatic young leader, micah, who was only a couple moons older than turner. many tired, hungry loners had rallied under his idealism, finding safety in numbers to protect them from violent groups of strays. he stayed with micah to rest and heal, and renamed himself 'turin' on the spot after meeting him in an attempt to make himself sound cooler.
- even as turin and micah grew together and became close, the constant hardship of stray life began to sour micah's idealism. turin started learning to fight as soon as he was healed so that he could protect micah's safe haven, becoming a fierce and tenacious attack dog of a cat never far from his master's heel. he was devoted to micah and the ideals he held, so much so that when prescott's ambitions to overthrow micah and turn their charges into a fighting force became known, he killed him without hesitation at micah's command.

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general.--(--tu dis que tu es mon juge, mais je ne te crois pas--)
--goldie, silverkit, silverpaw silversun / nicknames / aliases
--28 moons old / ages one moon on the 2nd of every month
--nonbinary / she/they/he pronouns
--warrior of thunderclan / abandoned kittypet

appearance.--(--alors tu dis que je suis une sainte--)
--sunshine-silver siberian with pale yellow eyes / reference(s)
--long description
--( injuries )--everyday wear and tear
--( inventory )--you can change this into accessories, important notes, genetics/inheritance, etc.

persona.--(--mais ce n'est pas moi--)
--meddlesome, clever, warm, gentle, a bit arrogant, disciplined, dogmatic, stubborn, loyal, devout
- afraid of being abandoned again, silversun faithfully absorbed the expanding dogma of clan life and has done their best to shape themself into a model warrior of thunderclan. she follows the rules and has honed her self-discipline.
- she's warm and gentle-hearted, but afraid to let her walls down in fear of seeming soft and being written off as just another kittypet playing at being a warrior.
- knowing that clan cats see kittypets as weak pushovers has made them unwilling to seem weak, to the point of being mulishly stubborn.
- devout starclan believer, needs to believe that there was a higher purpose for his abandonment by his twolegs.
--( tropes )--list, tv, tropes, here, or, stuff, like, mbti

relationships.--(--j'entends des voix, mais ce n'est pas moi--)
--npc siblings / oldest of the litter
--nblm + nblnb, romance-positive aromantic / single / crushing on __
--considers __ friends / trusts __

interaction.--(--je ne suis pas jeanne d'arc!--)
--physical health 100% / mental health 80%
--mentored by someone / mentoring someone / previously mentored someone
--will start fights / will end fights / will not flee / will show mercy
--attack in #CCAE73 and tag / peaceful powerplay allowed

miscellaneous.--(--and if you shoot, you'd better hit your mark!--)
--penned by solaire / last updated 09/13/2024
--playlist / heartchart​
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general.--(--lyour broad shoulders, my wet tears--)
--deerkit deerpaw deercry / no nicknames / no aliases
--9 moons old / ages one moon on the 1st of each month
--cis male / he/him pronouns
--apprentice of windclan

appearance.--(--you're alive and i'm still here--)
--a very dapper longhaired chocolate spotted tabby tuxedo with big copper eyes. tall and gangly, comically pointy. / reference(s)
--long description
--( injuries )--everyday wear and tear
--( inventory )--you can change this into accessories, important notes, genetics/inheritance, etc.

persona.--(--as some half-human creature thing--)
--crafty, lonely, hurting, insecure, anxious, quiet, empathetic, polite
- follower til the day he dies, feels most secure when there's a strong male authority figure (father replacement) somewhere nearby
- he feels isolated and alienated from his peers
- he's clever with causing emotions, but he uses this to try and keep himself in everyone's good graces so they won't be mad at him and hopefully will like him
- thinks he has to be useful to be worth something, finds it hard to believe it when people actually like him without him being at all useful to them
--( tropes )--list, tv, tropes, here, or, stuff, like, mbti

relationships.--(--can you give life to anything?--)
--only surviving kit, mother and siblings died in childbirth / father was a helicopter parent as a result
--gay, polyamorous, difficult to romance / single / crushing on __
--considers __ friends / trusts __

interaction.--(--if you don't love me, don't tell me--)
--physical health 100% / mental health 55%
--mentored by someone / mentoring someone / previously mentored someone
--will not start fights / will end fights / will flee / will show mercy
--attack in #BD6565 and tag / peaceful powerplay allowed

miscellaneous.--(--i've never asked who and i'll never ask why--)
--penned by solaire / last updated 09/13/2024
--playlist / heartchart​
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