SOLD OUT GALLOWS ☾✩ thunderclan patrol

being sent out for another patrol was expected, but it felt different without lightpaw in tow. luckily they had not faced any windclanners on their border. she didn’t know if biting her tongue would be successful. nightbird moved quickly through the grounded snow, thankful for a small break in it’s downfall. although the twisted gray skies threatened more, the warrior was hopeful they would hold off until the thunderclanners were back at camp.

the group was approaching the marshland border quickly, a gaze into the shadowed territory would prove they were alone for now. however with the sun just breaking darkness, there was little faith they would miss the other clan’s dawn patrol. still, nightbird moved fluidly over banks and bushes, remarking her clan’s scent on anything that broke through the crisp blanket.

// set before the snow-in
tags: @KINDLEHEART @Stormchaser
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Oh, shes really grateful for her long coat. During her excursion out of camp besides her brother, trying to go out to hunt at all especially since dawn proved to be a better time to hunt, the winds had picked up. Iris had complained, truly, about the snow but there had been a smile on her face. Silly little annoyance of her sibling, especially since he had been all she had left after their parents passing. Sometimes she looks to the stars and wonder if they're watching or frown at the fact that it truly feels like Starclan had abandoned Shadowclan.

So many things happened lately and they were all bad. Just, terrible things.

Pastel blue eyes blink in surprise as she spots a cat across the border, the one she recognizes as Thunderclan. "Hello, Thunderclan!" she exclaims with a smile, shaking her pelt to rid the building snow dusted up from the wind. "How are you guys?"
// @Wolf_Morgue
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The wind howled past the tree line, the Thunderpath laid under brown slush and fluff whiteness and the trees were barren. Their branches reaching up to the cloudy grey sky like claws of the damned had risen from the ground. The blizzard was a raging one and it took no pity on the clan cats of the forest, and things had already been tough as it where. Now this leaf-bare seemed so impossible it was frightening and it was like they were grasping at straws with finding food. The carrionplace made the twolegplace trash cans seemed appitizing at this point, hell even kittypet food would do in desperate times.

"Oh Thuuunderclan!" A voice purred over the winds as a figure slithered its way up besides that of Irispool and a smirk danced across a blue stained muzzle. A fluffy blue tail flicked back and forth behind the figure and the tomcat gave the chimera she-cat a nudge with his shoulder, "Live and in the flesh, even in this weather," Bluewish grinned widely as he stood in the treeline beside the Thunderpath, striking blue gaze locked onto the patrol.


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Paws glided through powdered snow, his calloused pads stinging from the cold as if thousands of needles stabbed at him. Though, at this point, the Oriental had become desensitized to it. The sun barely peaked over the horizon, it's rays shrouded in thick tendrils of clouds clasped together with a steel grip, not showing signs of letting go anytime soon. Stormchaser hadn't seen the sun or stars in what felt like moons but, it had only been a few days.
He followed behind Nightbird in silence with a slight lowered head, weaving through frozen undergrowth and over fallen trees. It had been a quiet morning; especially for him. Usually, he'd be talking the smoke molly's ears off—more in so to annoy her than anything. He loved getting a reaction out of her. But alas, this morning he knew better than to flap his gums. Nightbird had a steely aura to her, more than normal; especially when they patrolled through WindClan's border. The blue tom couldn't blame her after seeing what had happened to her apprentice, Lightpaw. Stormchaser was just as enraged. Though it wasn't his apprentice, Lightpaw was still a clan mate.
"Alright, Nightbird—you got me. I fucking hate the snow now. It's one thing for it to snow, but it's another to be damn near suffocated by it." The warrior finally blurted out, not able to take much of the silence any longer. He glanced towards his apprentice in tow, aiming to flick his tail along the tips of their ears. "You good, Littlepaw?" He murmurs, a light patch of worry twisting at his prominent features. Littlepaw was young still, and with weather like this, it could be more harmful than good for a feline their age. It'll make them a stronger warrior later on, at least.

The border between ThunderClan and ShadowClan came into view now, the Thunderpath barely covered with snow. It was quiet, luckily. The acrid smell of monsters was faint. Maybe they hibernated during weather like this. He halted as he watched Nightbird start remarking their border, then turned towards his apprentice. "Alright, Littlepaw. Can you tell me where we are? Also, do you know what this large pathway is called?" He began to question the kit, golden irises slightly narrowed at them as he waited. Though, before he could barely get his questions out, two voices were heard from the opposite side of the Thunderpath. The blue smoke shifted his gaze to see two silhouettes blended with the darkness, cat-calling over to them with widened grins. Stormchaser waved a plumed tail over towards the pair in greeting, taking a step into the shallow ditch to see them more clearly. He barely made the features out of Irispool and Bluewish. "Yep, we sure are! I see ShadowClan hasn't turned into frail skin and bones, yet! That's good to see." The tom gave a cheeky grin, his lips pulling back to reveal a bright ivory smile.

apprentice tag <3
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He makes a stern effort to flick the snow from his paws after every step. It clings to his fur like swamp sludge, getting all up in between his digits and freezing the nerves under his skin. Lurching the powder from his body comes as an attempt to prevent numbing in his feet. The last time he lost feeling in his lower quarters, something sharp had punctured through his tissue and he walked on without becoming aware of it. Thank StarClan he hadn't gotten himself infected from that. Well, that's what he hopes.

The tom trails after Bluewish, gaze dull and dreary as it skims over the territory's outer reaches. When he spots a smattering of small outlines along the opposite end of the thunderpath, he curses with bated breath. Even from this distance, he can see fuller stomachs and healthier bodies. Curse them, and curse this damned hellscape he'd chosen to reside in.

Fatigue, animosity, and misery all mark his expression once he turns up at the border. Rotten eyes trickle onto the drab ThunderClan warrior in light of his comments about frailty. How little he knew. Geckoscreech was - for all intents and purposes - dead on her feet, a moon away from keeling over and croaking. "We're the lucky ones," discloses Smogmaw, a frown marking his words. "I hope you're all nice 'n comfy with your squirrel-filled bellies," he drawls on, "we've had to eat our own friends, family, just to stay alive."

A lie, of course. But as far as he's concerned, the ashen tabby stands on his side of the territory, and thereby he can say whatever he so pleases.


"aw, i'm sorry. next time i'll make sure the weather better suits your tastes," she responded to stormchaser's outburst with a sarcastic draw paired with a dramatic bow of her head. he wasn't wrong, the snow was awful. burying her small frame with a disrespectful ease. the warrior couldn't do anything about it though, so complaining was useless.

the arrival of two shadowclanners across the border drew her attention, turning a dark head to their arrival. they seemed awful chipper despite the circumstances. the second one shot a sing-song purr across the thunderpath, one that threatened to make her ears bleed. nightbird's jaw ticked involuntarily, but she remained quiet as her blue clanmate responded amicably with a grin.

another marsh cat had approached, bearing a tale of eating his own clanmates. nightbird didn't make an attempt to hide her eye roll. "how devastating. on the bright side, maybe you'll get eaten next, be taken out of your misery," nightbird said with a bored expression despite his wild claims. she didn't care if his words were false, shadowclan and their wellbeing was none of her concern.
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———————————Thunderclan | they/them | 5 months——————————
Stubby legs picked their way through mounds of snow and pale blue eyes narrowed against the cold as the sound of voices belonging to some of his clanmates and Shadowclanners difted around. Littlepaw came up beside that of their mentor, Stormchaser, and lifted his head with a new found curiosity, "Woah Shadowclan!" They gasped softly in awe at the sight. They looked good for nearly half starving, but that seemed to be the theme for most of witner lately. Everyone looking alright compared to the worse option possible.

Stormchaser then looked to Littlepaw, a tail going over their tails making them chuckle and shake their head, and then was questioned by their mentor. The little cream tabby lifted their head up with confidence and their tail stuck out straight behind them in their excitement, "We are at the Shadowclan border! That is," The small cat seemed to falter on his words and furrowed their brow slightly.

Littlepaws' gaze went wide with their forgetting the name of this path, "The..boom path," Their words sounded meek and they looked down at the snow-covered ground with their ears ticked back slightly.


[penned by wolf].