private Sold to the man with big ideas ⸙ Sootspot

Apr 8, 2024

Brackenpaw had found that they missed talking with Sootspot, he provided insight into their clanmates and he seemed not afraid to speak his mind. His attitude seemed fickle, a temperament mood prone to picking allies and enemies how he liked. There was an appeal to that, since he seemed to know what he wants at least and doesn't pretend about it. They've been annoyed since being assigned to Scorchstreak, a mild irritation that had burned in them. The fact that she isn't nearly as cruel as her young brain had made her out to be after talking with the tom had brought confusion. Now she wasn't sure if that placated her irritation or if that just made it worse, a confused mind adding fuel to a fire that didn't need more kindling.

She finds herself seeking him out, in one of those moments where he wasn't visiting his children at the nursery. Thrush in her maw as she appraoched him, truthfully she had considered picking out a rabbit of the moors but considering that the actual prey wasn't of interest to her here she thought to leave it. Someone else may find delight in being the one to pick it up from the pile instead, despite the fact the feathers tickled their maw unpleasantly they just decided to grin and bear it.

"Hey Sootspot, want to share this with me?" They ask as they approach him, taking the opportunity to sit down next to him and placing the thrush by his paws anyways. They were stubborn, not planning on taking no for an answer anyways. She thinks to ask how his kits are, truthfully they don't actually know them that well to ask about that. "So who do you want to mentor your kits?" They find themself asking, intending it to be an open invitation to mention who or rather who not.

  • ooc. @SOOTSPOT
  • Brackenpaw
    they/she, tunneler apprentice of Windclan, 11 moons (ages on the 22nd)
    a lithe and fragile looking calico that looks like they still need to grow into her ears
    Speech, thoughts, attacking
    NPC x NPC, mentored by Scorchstreak | Formally mentored by Bluefrost
    easy to befriend other kits, gradually harder to befriend every rank after that
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by Juice ↛ @/ouijeejuice on discord, feel free to dm for plots.
    All opinions are IC!! Bracken is a little hater
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Reactions: SOOTSPOT

Dark brows furrowed as the small bird was dropped close to him, a honeyed smile and a nod of his head offered to Brackenpaw as he immediately snapped out of his sulking. News of Scorchstorm's promotion still set his blood aflame with envy, explanations for being overlooked expanding a mile a minute, from simple nepotism to his position as a temporary Queen. All served to convince him that he was being treated unfairly, all served to convince him that he would have to take matters into his own paws to be recognised for the great things he did around the clan.

It had been a long time since he had spoken to Brackenpaw like this, a lifetime of misery having occurred in that gap (for himself at least, though, he supposed the clan did have to mourn two dead Leads and a dozen weakened by Yellowcough). "Of course," he mewed in a scarcely concealed rasp, leaving the thrush to go cold by his paws until the apprentice took the first bite. Their question caused his head to tilt curiously, but as if he'd thought about it too many times before, he answered quickly.

"Downyfur is capable and clever, I suspect she would do well with Nightkit's more analytical brain. Bramblekit is mature and protective, I suspect she will benefit from honing her skills by babysitting Pinkshine." He spoke with complete sincerity, if that Tunneler would be good for anything other than cannon fodder, it'd be teaching his children how not to behave. "And as for Heatherkit..." His favourite of the trio, the princess who could do no wrong, the one he saw the most of himself in. His whiskers twitched fondly. "You would have made a fine mentor for her I believe, you are far more capable and righteous than the others. Alas... Tunnelers are not made at twelve moons anymore. Perhaps I could mentor her instead." He paused to gauge the reaction from the other at his choices, wondering what patterns they would pick up on.


It's impressive, the speed of which Sootspot answers her question, of course he had thought about this before. He seems like the type of parent to have his expectations laid out for this kits as far as well into their warrior moons. Downyfur for Nightkit was a fair pairing, one born in anaylatics and critical mindsets. She can't say that she's truly interacted with any of the kits so their perceptions of them were trusted through the biased lense of their father. Pinkshine mentoring in any form was a surprise to hear, considering the rather scathing opinions the tunneler has for his clanmate when they last spoke. It makes sense that he would call it babysitting, considering his lack of faith for the bubbly tunneler. It earns a snrk of choked back laughter at the thought of it, trying to have some snappy 'mature' kit try to somehow hold the reigns over her mentor.

Citrine eyes narrow in a squint at Sootspot, trying to discern that he was actually serious about that. He actually considered them as some kind of mentor? They're not sure how to feel, honoured to have been considered? Bitter over the rule that tunnelers are no longer made at twelve moons (that's a given). Is she supposed to form humility? That wasn't something they liked to do, while they drag their heels over being told what to do they like to think they're steadily being honed into being a pretty good tunneler. "I- me? Thank you? I think even if I could mentor she might appreciate you as a mentor more." Heatherkit is seen chasing after her father, not so literally but it's clear from limited snippets of conversation and sightings while in the nursery to visit Bluefrost that the she-kit was eerily similar to her father in terms of language and disposition.

"Have they all shown traits of tunnelers?" It's not hard to miss that Sootspot didn't mention a singular moor-runner there. She finds it a little funny, how tunneler parents seem to have a preference for their profession, she wonders if the moor-runners are a little more relaxed about it or if they're just as prideful. "You were made a tunneler at twelve moons, what do you think of that new rule?" It's clear without even saying anything, through a roll of her eyes and a flick of her tail that she thinks the rule is ridiculous. Jaded by the fact that she has to wait longer to properly consider the benefits that this new law may provide.

  • ooc.
  • Brackenpaw
    they/she, tunneler apprentice of Windclan, 11 moons (ages on the 22nd)
    a lithe and fragile looking calico that looks like they still need to grow into her ears
    Speech, thoughts, attacking
    NPC x NPC, mentored by Scorchstreak | Formally mentored by Bluefrost
    easy to befriend other kits, gradually harder to befriend every rank after that
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by Juice ↛ @/ouijeejuice on discord, feel free to dm for plots.
    All opinions are IC!! Bracken is a little hater

"Most likely," he mewed at Brackenpaw's suggestion, his tail slowly swaying to the beat of his heart. The narrowed eyes, the stutter of words that didn't quite know what to say, Sootspot tilted his head, curious what suspicions they may have held about his words. Conversations moved like ash in the wind and a smirk formed as Brackenpaw recognised a small discrepancy, that he had not mentioned Moor Runners at all.

His whiskers curled upwards as he let out a barking laughter. "Oh, not at all," he admitted, a hint of sourness to his voice. Beneath the earth were where his eyes and ears worked best, where the young ones could be watched, and where their mentor's words could be eavesdropped upon to make sure no lies were spread. The moors were familiar to him, but uncomfortable, and Sootspot was certain any sound of dissent would be drowned out by the layers of soil between them. "It is merely wishful thinking, a hypothetical. I do not believe the current stock of Moor Runners are particularly competent. Most of them are young... treacherous... new or all three at once. The ones who are not any are..." He made a face like chewing a bitter herb. "Not my type."

In that they were living when he believed they should be dead or, at the very least, out of WindClan if they would not support him in the moons to come.

A roll of their eyes caused his own chartreuse ones to refocus. "I trained for nine moons, it is a waste of resources to presume our newest Tunnelers must train for ten." He pointed out. "It is SkyClan's code that has caused this farce, their blatant disregard for dignity and decorum. They decided on the code while we were absent, and, in doing so, completely disregarded the effects of it on WindClan warriors." There were plenty of tales spun within his spider's web, but there was a sincerity in this one, an undoubtful truth spoke so plainly it was hard for Sootspot to convince himself it was hyperbole in pursuit of a goal. "I believe Tunnelers should start their training at four moons, that way, they are only promoted a moon later than their rabbit-chasing counterparts. It feels remarkably unfair that you must wait so long when all your friends have their names already." Ears flattened in faux sympathy. "Do you agree?"


Conversations with Sootspot can be confusing, faux brows knit at his laughter and admittance. Looking past the tunneler and towards the further reaches of camp. Where the gorse and heather walls are built up high, picking apart the colours of purples and yellows as they try to make sense of what he was saying. Wishful thinking, she supposes she can understand that. Similar to Bluefrost she doesn't particularly care about where the kits end up in their paths so long as Sootspot is satisfied with it, though it doesn't seem like this will be the case. "Which ones are even left if you rule out young, treacherous or new?" They have to admit that they do talk to plenty of moor runners, it's hard to not when they make up the majority of camp. Curiosity ebbed at her, given a slight chance to hear more about what the tom's opinions were of the other set of warriors that made up WindClan.

She supposes that there is a grudge held towards them and the apprentices, even if some of the moor runner apprentices are her friend. It's unfair that they get to graduate when she's supposed to. This coming month would have marked her fit for tunneling, she wouldn't have to be stuck with Scorchstreak anymore beyond the occasional patrol. "Seriously? WindClan wasn't even there for that code? How come we're stuck with it then" for peace, she supposes. Still, it's easy for them to cling to hate and spite, as such SkyClan is now stained to the tunneler apprentice. Currently the only clan within decent standing in her mind is ThunderClan though it only takes one code that she disagrees with to change that, so their good standing is realistically on borrowed time.

What he's saying makes sense but then again they're always inclined to believe Sootspot, he's smart and genuine enough that she trusts him. Sometimes it really feels like he's the only adult in the clan that doesn't suck, the only warrior worth talking to. "I agree, four moons sounds like a fine idea" not that they really understand how small and weak one can be at four moons. All she can do is think about how much it sucks for her to see her friends go and get their warrior names and experience freedoms that she won't have for longer. Even apprentices who start later than her get to run off and be warriors if they're moor runners, the envy runs hot.

"Do you think you would change this new rule if you were leader?" She hates the idea of anyone she actually enjoys spending time with becoming paragons of power but maybe it would be different with him. He's a tunneler unlike Sunstar so he'd at least know how annoying this is for tunnelers, well for her specifically.

  • ooc.
  • Brackenpaw
    they/she, tunneler apprentice of Windclan, 11 moons (ages on the 22nd)
    a lithe and fragile looking calico that looks like they still need to grow into her ears
    Speech, thoughts, attacking
    NPC x NPC, mentored by Scorchstar | Formally mentored by Bluefrost
    easy to befriend other kits, gradually harder to befriend every rank after that
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by Juice ↛ @/ouijeejuice on discord, feel free to dm for plots.
    All opinions are IC!! Bracken is a little hater

There was a little shimmy of his shoulders and he shrugged at Brackenpaw's question - truly, who was left out of his thin criteria? Dimmingsun, perhaps. They had recently shared a conversation about whether it was acceptable to wish for Thriftfeather's death. Dimmingsun was too good, too moral and righteous (the worst type of animal, one who did not realise their hypocrisy), but as a mentor... he was safe. His status was one that stopped Sootspot from singing a mockingbird's praise, he'd spent enough time gossiping around the apprentice to know she was critical of authority. It was the one time he would revel not being in it, the one time he could say all the things he did and did not believe and know it would settle within one who wanted to trust it. "Sunstar wishes to keep the peace with the other groups. He will steal from them one moment and grovel to them the next, ever playing 'possum. Though I do not know how much is an act and how much is the tom's fear of becoming my mother," he explained WindClan's adherence to the code with a sad shake of his head.

His nose twitched as she agreed with his proposal and twitched again as she mentioned leadership. Sootspot's tail swished in a serpentine shape, feeling an unintentional insult prick at his heart. 'If?' True, it seemed impossible in the current climate, but he was a cat that intended to live for a long time - one day, he would get what he wanted. 'When I become leader. What is this 'if' nonsense? You out of anyone should see I am the most capable cat in WindClan for the job.' He closed his eyes and revised his smile, choosing to believe she had simply misspoken. "There are many things I would change if I were leader. I see a council sick with rot and corruption, allowed to ruin the clan I love because no one else in authority wants to do anything about it. This codebreaking nonsense my sister and others think is acceptable... I would suffocate it before it even got a chance to breathe. No Lead Warrior should be above the expectations of regular warriors."

Who would be on his own council? There would be plenty of empty seats, for the first time in a while, he considered that the number of cats he trusted was far slimmer than the number of cats he didn't. All of WindClan seemed capable of treachery and deceit, all seemed capable of using their power against him should he become the clan's figurehead. That was what had killed the first Sootstar... would it kill him too? He tilted his head as he realised he would have much more to think about when his journey to Stardom began. "As for the six moons rule... is it truly a part of the warrior code if one clan could not approve or disprove of it? Or is it something made up... a suggestion instead of something worth enforcing?" His brows flashed as he looked towards Brackenpaw. She agreed the code was stupid, but what would she do about it?