camp SOLDIERS COME MARCHING HOME // journey announcement!

// If your character is approved for the journey and you are in the journey discord, please have them volunteer in this thread! Unless a character has a valid reason to be turned down by Howlingstar (DM me first), please do not have them volunteer for any reason.

By the time Howlingstar had returned from her late night meeting with the other leaders, everyone except for the night-guard had been asleep. She had gone to her nest, desperately needing the sleep despite not thinking she'd be able to drift off at all. However, as soon as her body hit the moss, she was out. The exhausted molly slept till late dawn, and by the time she had risen and slipped out of her private cave, all of the clan was awake.

She locks eyes with Flycatcher, and in her gaze she conveys the dark, worried urgency she had felt all night prior. But she has no time to speak with her deputy before her paws are already climbing to the top of the Highrock, her jaws already splitting to yowl, "All cats old enough to catch their own prey join here beneath the Highrock for a clan meeting!" Her tail is flicking anxiously against the ground as she waits for her clanmates to gather, her ears angled backwards. She is about to ask something incredibly difficult of her clanmates, something her aged bones and weary heart cannot handle. But the survival of ThunderClan depends on it, so with that in mind, she begins.

"StarClan has spoken with the medicine cats of all five clans. There is more lungwort, but it is far, far away, in the mountains beyond the horizon. I have met with the other leaders, and together we have decided we must send cats from all five clans on a grand journey to retrieve it."

She pauses, listening with pricked ears as her clanmates react to the news. She knows this is what no one has expected, and she can hear a mixture of fear, hope, shock, and joy in their voices below. "This journey will be dangerous. You will be far from home, and you will be relying on the other clans just as much as they will rely on you. It isn't something I should ask from any of you, but I have to if ThunderClan is to survive." She draws in a breath, eyes traveling over the cats. "I am asking for volunteers to go to the mountains and bring back the lungwort to save us all."
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Reactions: Flamestar
She had awaited Howlingstar's return from the unnatural leaders meeting alike the rest of her clanmates, but had been late at night. Early the next morning, she sees their leader padding from her den. She turns her gaze to Howlingstar, wondering if she will call for a council meeting. Instead, the black tabby leaps to the Highrock and calls for a meeting. Flamewhisker shoots a curious glance to the warrior beside her, before standing up and trotting over to join the rest of the clan to hear her words.

Starclan had sent the Medicine Cats signs. The clans were to work together to travel to the mountains to retrieve more Lungwort. Just as she had feared, Berryheart had run out of herbs shortly after finding the cure. Several of his patients had recovered, but there were still sick clanmates in his den…Cloudyfur being one of them. Her former apprentice, having only been a warrior for just a few moons, now laying in the Medicine Den. It was no secret what happened to those who went uncured. She felt sick just thinking about it. Without Lungwort, her clanmates would fall…one by one. It was only a matter of time before her family was in danger. Each day that they remained healthy was a blessing.

We must send cats to go to the mountains.

A journey to the mountains, to find herbs that their deceased ancestors claimed were there, with other cats from all of the clans. It seemed like an almost certain death wish. She had never been to the mountains, but she had heard stories of them from passing loners in her time before Thunderclan. They were tall, taller than any tree in the forest. Some had said that they even touched the clouds. Perhaps that was how Starclan knew the herbs were there…maybe they could see it. Fourtrees was the farthest she had ever been, much like most of her clanmates. This would be her fourth season staying in Thunderclan, the longest she had ever stayed somewhere. This was her home, this was her new family…she couldn't imagine ever leaving now.

But her home was in danger. Yellowcough had already claimed two lives, and it would have taken more if Berryheart hadn't discovered the cure. She couldn't stand to imagine what she would do if Flycatcher got sick, or their kits. No…she refused to lose any more of her loved ones. Starclan had already taken Lilykit and Butterflykit from them, they would not get Stormpaw or Falconpaw. Her eyes closed momentarily as she built up her courage. This trip would be one of the most dangerous things she had ever done. There were so many unknowns, so many variables that could go wrong. But she had to try. She lifts her chin, and turns to seek out Flycatcher's gaze. Once she met it, she would hold the stare for what seemed like forever.

This would be the first time since she joined the clan that she would be away from him. He was her rock, her best friend, her everything. The thought of possibly never seeing him again made her nauseous…I have to do this…I have to protect our home, our family. She took a step forward. The Thunderclan cats that were leaving would need someone to be in charge. She had been a Lead Warrior the longest out of the rest of them. Raccoonstripe needed to stay, he was strong and healthy. Thunderclan needed him here. Sunfreckle was caring for kits in the nursery, he needed to be there for them. Wolfwind was a skilled hunter, the clan would need her here in case more fell ill. She could see Nightbird stirring nearby, it appeared as though she would be volunteering as well. They would lead together.

She met her mate's gaze one final time, her eyes rounding with a silent apology, before turning her attention to Howlingstar. She blinked, and now her eyes seemed to glow with fiery determination. Inside, she was terrified. The fear that they would not return was almost enough to make her stay quiet, but she had to try. She had to be brave, she had to be strong. Her clan needed her. If there was any chance at all that she could save her clan, she would not back down. "I will go." she says boldly. They would find the cure, failure was not an option.

When the meeting ends, she would need to say goodbye to Flycatcher and their kits. This could be the last time she gets to see them. She feels sick again, but she tries to push it away. If she were to die, it would be an honorable death. The clan could go on without her, if it meant that the rest of them would live.

  • Just an ooc note, she is suppressing her fear atm so it would not be obvious how she is feeling :)

  • flamegal.png

    LH red tabby with low white (masks black tabby, carries dilute, solid)
    — Lead Warrior of Thunderclan ; currently mentoring Acornpaw
    — she/her ; mated with Flycatcher
    — mother to Stormpaw & Falconpaw
    — 24 moons ; ages on the 20th
    — Smells like dirt, old leaves, tree sap, faint hint of flowers
    — will start a fight, will finish fights, will kill (case depending)
    "speech" ; thoughts ; attacks
    — penned by Icey ! ; link to tags
    — funny guy art by waluigipinball

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WE HAVE YET TO CRASH ✧°.☀ —————————————————————————————
Lightstrike had only just crawled out of his nest and was stretching his way out of the warrior's den when he spotted Howlingstar leap upon the Highrock from the corner of his eye. Immediately his mood was somewhat soured when he noted her grim expression. He hadn't seen her return from the meeting she'd left to attend before he'd slept the night prior. She must have gotten home exceptionally late.

He, joined the Clan as they filed over to their leader one by one, heads upturned, ears perked and waiting. Howlingstar wasted no time. Berryheart may be out of lungwort, but there was more far, far away, in a foreign place called the mountains. If ThunderClan was to survive, cats would need to go and retriever it. She wanted volunteers.

Brief silence fell following the tabby's words as the weight of them sank in. Lightstrike glanced over to the medicine cats' den, brows furrowing. Without lungwort, the sick would die. More cats would get sick, succumb to the same fate with nothing to save them. Imagining Cloudyfur dead... his friends falling ill... his jaw tightened.

He would be away from home for a long time. What if it was already too late by the time they came back? Would they return to a graveyard of sickness? Then we'll just have to be quick. The other Clans wouldn't slow him down.

Flamewhisker called out, startling him from his thoughts. She looked sorrowful, afraid. He wouldn't be scared, and he wouldn't hesitate. It wasn't an option. Lightstrike looked up to Howlingstar. "I'll go."

[penned by its_oliverr - ]

* ˚ Hailstorm approached upon Howlingstar's call and would nod to his clanmates in brief greeting, he sat down landing his attention to the black tabby that stood upon highrock before she began to speak mentioning that Starclan had sent a message to all of the medicine cats from all five clans. The cure was far from their home and within the mountains, his nose briefly wrinkles at the thought of several cats from different clans embarking on a journey with one another but it isn't a thought that he does not welcome. They would put aside their differences for the benefit and survival of their clans, the snowy warrior was never hostile with their neighbors but still it makes him just a bit uneasy. It would be dangerous and who knows what they may end up facing during their journey to get the cure.

He watches Flamewhisker and Lightstrike speak up to volunteer themselves for this dangerous quest, Hailstorm let's out a soft sigh before shaking his head already having made up his mind when Howlingstar mentioned bringing back lungwort to save them all. This was a service to his clan and to make sure that his clanmates would not fall ill and pass, the deaths that had occurred lingering in his mind and without fear in his voice, the large warrior would speak up with a tooth grin "Count me in. For Thunderclan!" He would do this for his clan and his clanmates, he didn't want anymore fallen clanmates. He'd risk himself if it meant that others could live.

something somber hangs in the air as howlingstar calls for a meeting. nightbird's tail flicks as she joins those already seated, her gaze remaining upwards despite the swiveling of her ears. speculation muttered about, the tension throughout camp did not go unnoticed.

the leader's voice quiets them, shares how starclan has contacted all of the clans. there was more lungwort, the only thing keeping them all from becoming a fleeting memory. but there was a catch. of course there was. it was far, situated amongst the mountains, and all five leaders were able to agree that they needed to get it. send able bodies to retrieve more for their sick clanmates. her ears twitched with uncertainty.

a trip had never sounded less enticing. rough terrain, surrounded by those from other clans. nobody could guess the unexpected dangers they may face. nightbird may have thought it reckless if the clans were in a different situation, but they weren't and every other option had been exhausted. there was no other choice for her or any of the others who volunteered. she was able, untouched by yellowcough's nasty claws. it would be a waste to have her sit around until the illness eventually claimed her too. both options were a death sentence, but going would mean that at the least some good may come out of it.

long moments pass before she stirs, her tail rhythmically taps on the ground behind her as she thinks. flamewhisker pops up first with a fear laced enlistment. lightstrike follows and she has to hold her gaze firmly forward to stop herself from sending him a glare. he had only just made it through apprenticeship and was second in line for the first chance to die. and then hailstorm follows, patriotic in his words, and seconds that feel like moons pass by where all is quiet. finally, she steps forward, expression stoic as she signs herself up for a certain demise. "i'll go."

  • NIGHTBIRD she/her, lead warrior of thunderclan, twenty-five moons
    nightbird is a small black smoke molly with pale silver eyes. a loner turned thunderclanner, her loyalty and drive to provide for her clan is unwavering. however, she is not known for harboring a bleeding heart, instead equipped with sarcastically fueled wit, brutal honesty, and a sharply edged tongue.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking ↛ see battle info here
    penned by vayle@vayl3 on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

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The Medicine Cats of all the clans had received visions from the stars it had seemed, visions telling them that there was salvation, if only they work together and embark on a dangerous journey they all may not make it back from. The idea terrified her, what if one of her family went and they did not return? She would never get to say goodbye, and would she even see them again in the stars if they had taken their final breaths in some strange place? It was a scary thought but at the same time her imagination swirls with visions of grandeur. Mountains as far as the eye could see, snow covered peaks and beautiful lush valleys. She had always wanted to explore, to see the world beyond the high stones. Knowing you are a part of something greater than yourself and experiencing it are two completely different things. It is not only her desire to explore that makes her step forward though, it is not even the desire to prove something to herself. No, before she makes her decision, she looks at her mother up on that rock. She looks at her children and her brothers and sisters. She would go not just for herself but for them too.

She comes to stand next to Hailstorm, black fur brushing against his snowy white pelt and if he were to look at her she would meet his gaze for a split second and she would offer him a small smile before she would turn her brilliant green eyes on Howlingstar. "I'll go too" her heart beats wildly in her chest when she says it but she does not lower her head or look away. This was something she had to do, shes certain.

The leader explains visions given to healers, and a meeting between leaders. And a journey, perilous but necessary to get the lungwort that all the clans need to survive. When Howlingstar asks for volunteers, Falconpaw remains pointedly silent, dual-toned eyes darting off to the side to avoid catching anyone else’s gaze. He has no interest in setting off for the mountains in search of a cure. Even if the cure could save his mentor—he can’t do it. His paws tremble at the thought of venturing out into the wide, open world past the safety of the forest, past the only home he’s ever known.

He makes his way to his mother’s side upon hearing her voice raise up to volunteer herself. No. "Mom," he murmurs, incredulous. Desperation shines clear in his eyes, but he can’t bring himself to say more. What if she goes on this journey and never comes back? What if he never gets to see his mother again? His immediate reaction is to protest, but then he considers the alternative. What if they need a strong lead warrior to go with them to the mountains? The frown remains settled on his face, but Falconpaw heaves a gentle sigh. "You have to come back."
[ find me way out there ]
His mother calls for a meeting and Cobwebtail approaches as he always does, seemingly free from any worries. It quickly morphs in to a tight-lipped grimace, his head tilting just slightly as Howlingstar speaks about Starclan, about the dwindling herbs that have ran out. And they need cats to volunteer to grab more, far, far away from here. He stands in silence as cats around him begin to speak up. No voices were from his family.

Everything would be fine, and Cobweb wouldn't be losing family as he relishes in the fact that none have volunteered to go. Until... I'll go too. Fear and horror paints his expression as his head slowly turns. It was unmistakably Little Wolf's voice, his older sister- he searches for her night colored pelt in the crowd of both dedicated and nervous cats, yet there she stands by Hailstorm, looking so determined that maybe if the situation were different, it'd spark something in him too. His heart twists and turns and so does his stomach, oh, he feels like he wants to hurl.

His eyes return to Howlingstar, practically begging, don't let her go, not her. His attempts are futile. Little Wolf does not back down. What would he do if she does not return? With Graystorm, at least they had a body to bury. He wants to rush forwards and press his nose in to his sisters cheek. And yet, he does not approach her, instead sits heavy on his haunches with pale blue eyes brimming with such fierce emotions that even he cannot comprehend it. Perhaps he should volunteer, perhaps he should call out and say he was going too but he had never been a hero. Today was not the day to start, and besides, he never had much ambition to explore outside of clan borders.

  • 9678AAC9-0303-455E-9B2B-F62ED4E60E7A.png
    -> cobweb, cobwebtail
    -> cis male ,, he/him ,, 39 months
    -> warrior of thunderclan ,, former marsh grouper
    -> spindly, dainty blue and white tabby tom with half-lidded blue eyes
    -> “speech, 827aab
    -> unknown sexuality ,, single
    -> smells like oak trees & an odd mixture of smoke
    -> image by gravecrypt

Flycatcher had known of Howlingstar leaving to speak with the other leaders. Whilst he kept an eye on things in camp, he waited eagerly for her return. He had been awake when she returned and half expected to speak with her, but had not begrudged her the rest she so obviously needed.

He is milling about in camp when Howlingstar slips out of her den in the morning. His eyes meet hers, and Flycatcher can see the worried urgency in her expression. Again, he half expects to be summoned for a private talk to discuss what had happened, but Howlingstar instead climbs to the top of the Highrock and calls the clan to gather. Flycatcher gathers and listens to what she has to say. It is apparent that StarClan has supposedly sent a sign to the medicine cats, sending them a sign that more lungwort could be found in the mountains. Flycatcher assumed that this meant that lungwort would be impossible or difficult to find in the territory. What Howlingstar mentioned next shocked him. The leaders had decided to send cats from each of their clans to help retrieve it. It was a decent plan even if the thought of making such a journey worried Flycatcher a little.

The deputy is still thinking things over, debating whether to volunteer himself, considering the potential risks that travelling to the mountains would entail. His gaze catches Flamewhisker's own and he watches as she is the first to volunteer. Rather selfishly, his first thought is to scream no and beg her not to leave. While he commends her for her bravery, the thought of her leaving and potentially not coming back drives him crazy. He can see a similar reaction stirring in his son and he also gives his mate a look that seems to beg for her to be safe and come home.

"I would have liked to have volunteered myself, but I recognise that the clan also needs me here," Flycatcher mews, sighing softly. Although there would have been risks involved, Flycatcher would have liked to go, but he also recognises he cannot leave Howlingstar to run the clan on her own. "I need to be here to watch over and protect the clan. If anything were to happen to Howlingstar, and StarClan willing it won't, I need to be here to help guide the clan."
Howlingstar had returned late last night. Exhausted- he was the night guard that evening. Green eyes blinked, watching her fall into her den practically. It had dwelled deep in his mind as he turned his vision back towards the forest, which had stilled in one way from the day and became something else during the night. That something else was alive with prey and the suffocating darkness that Shadowclan oft like to call their own. His ears wilted as thoughts tumbled through his mind, staring across the forest quietly. Nothing moved, except those returning late, or up far early. The sun began to crest the horizon, light casting into camp.

Howlingstar leapt onto Highrock.

Batwing pushed to his paws, body barely seeming swayed by the lack of sleep as he settled down into camp. He inhaled gently as her words came across his nerves, not calming them- not, it felt like the opposite. "...together we have decided we must send cats from all five clans on a grand journey to retrieve it." An inhale left him then. His heart pounded, ears felt as if cotton had been pushed into them.

On one hand, it was a perilous task, one that would be accompanied by his enemies, one that he would often find himself reviewing in the future as a problem. Or a solution. Or a heartache. Who knows? It was instinct that lead him to his paws. His maw parted, breath inhaled softly. "I'll go." Batwing stated, words firm, despite the wobbling he felt in his heart. Despite everything that he would be leaving behind. Green eyes turned, searching for Leopardtongue in the crowd. He needed to see her, he realized faintly. Before they left. ​
Stormywing sticks close to Flycatcher, her eyes shooting towards him as soon as Howlingstar appears on the Highrock. She searches his expression for any hint as to what this meeting is about; their leader looks apprehensive, and she can see the troubled look in her own uncle’s eyes. What is going on?

The plump tabby soon reveals it all. There is more lungwort, high up in a mountain somewhere. And cats of all the clans will go on an epic journey to bring it back and be heroes. She only doubts herself for a moment, refusing to let her hesitation grow. She wants to be that hero. A look is cast towards the medicine den, where Cloudyfur lays up in a nest, sickness radiating off of her. The tabby swallows hard, making up her mind before she, too, steps forward. “I’m going, too!” For her sister. And deep down, she knows she is also doing this for herself. The last of the kittypet snark would stop after she faces such perilous odds and returns a savior, ThunderClan’s savior! She is sure of it. With hardened resolve, she lifts her chin and tail proudly, determination lighting up her hazel eyes.
His mother had not had time to call her council together after her meeting with the leaders, and Raccoonstripe is burning with curiosity when he sees her finally emerge from her den. Had Sootstar and Chilledstar balked? Blazestar too-afraid, Cicadastar too-paranoid? He watches her ascend the Highrock, ears flicked forward with interest. He comes to stand beside Nightbird and Flamewhisker, his lead warrior companions waiting attentively. “I guess it went well,” he mutters to either of them, studying Howlingstar’s face.

Well is subjective, of course. The ThunderClan leader tells them StarClan and the five Clan leaders are all in agreement to send a pawful of cats from each of the five Clans to the mountains. Raccoonstripe’s smile fades. A dangerous mission, to be sure, and he doesn’t trust WindClan or RiverClan to be agreeable, much less friendly. To ask all five Clans to work together in such a way has to be a mistake, and he does not find himself putting much faith in this journey.

He’s surprised when Flamewhisker volunteers herself. He studies the ginger warrior, doubt flickering across his dark gaze. Lightstrike, Nightbird’s hotheaded former apprentice, declares he will go, too. He finds the pale tabby in the crowd, his misgivings growing, but it’s not until Nightbird volunteers that he looks genuinely surprised.

The tabby stares at his friend, the stoic expression she wears even as she raises her white paw for something as mousebrained as this. “You’re not serious,” he murmurs to her in a low voice. But he’s never known Nightbird to be anything but serious, and just like that, other cats are pledging themselves to this madness. Hailstorm, his sister Little Wolf, Stormywing, Batwing. Raccoonstripe stares at them all, but slowly, some of his incredulity fades to wariness.

He turns back toward his mother, his tail lashing once. “How can we trust the other Clans not to turn on our cats when they are so far from home?” He can imagine Sootstar or Cicadastar using this opportunity for their own gain somehow—and who knows, maybe Chilledstar or Blazestar, depending on how desperate they are in their own territories.

  • raccoon . raccoonstripe
    — he/him ; lead warrior of thunderclan
    — heteroflexible ; single
    — long-haired black tabby with white and dark brown eyes
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — penned by Marquette
    — chibi by Rai

⋆✦⋆ It took no genius to realize the state of anxiety the camp had been in since the night prior. It chokes the air this morning as Howlingstar emerges and her takes place on the highrock. Dreampaw joins the crowd as she begins speaking.

In short, it was the news of the decision the leaders had made from the signs Starclan had given the medicine cats and their apprentices. It isn't great news, Dreampaw thought, but without the cure we're finished. If Berryheart had run out of lungwort then that meant all the cats still sick (or became sick) would only weaken. Their lives were practically on rapidly diminishing timers, ticking away without mercy 'til the inevitable end. And the horrors of the yellowcough illness was happening all over the clans.

Nausea touched his stomach and he closed his eyes to let the darkness take him. By the time he reopened them, Flamewhisker had volunteered.

His hazel eyes dart to her and he can't hide his surprise but he manages to form a toothy grin. She was amazing! Yeah, the Dark Warrior definitely approved of her bravery. But then other clanmates began to chime in. Lightstrike, Hailstorm, Nightbird, Little Wolf, Batwing, and Stormywing.

It was a hefty amount of volunteers and perhaps that showed Thunderclan was the clan of the bravest souls. Of all things, Dreampaw found their declarations to go on such a daring adventure positively exciting. He had to volunteer! The Dark Warrior was capable and powerful. He could join the cause to save them all and they wouldn't even need the help of the other clans.

He leaps to his paws and opens his mouth to speak but…stops. It's Flycatcher's words that are fresh in his mind. He could have volunteered himself, hell even his mate Flamewhisker was going and they could go together, and he was strong enough to go and would be a worthy asset but he didn't volunteer. And he did that for Thunderclan. So instead Dreampaw echoes the deputy's decision albeit in his own way. "The Dark Warrior has once travelled to the abyss and back so I know with certainty you all have what it takes to triumph a perilous journey," this he speaks with eyes flickering from each volunteer to the next, "I think my skills will be better put to use here. I'll help make sure there is a Thunderclan to come back to."

It hurt to think those that went on this journey may never return. Despite his confidence, he wasn't so sure what lay waiting in the mountains. It hurt to think Nightbird and Flamewhisker and Batwing wouldn't be around. Somehow the camp would feel empty without their familiar faces. Momentarily he thinks of poor Tigerpaw who'd been just recently made an apprentice and assigned to Batwing who would now have to study under another warrior. It was a rough start to apprenticeship but he was sure she'd manage. The Dark Warrior may be kind enough to give her some free pointers as a distraction in these troubling times...but that was definitely a maybe.

At last he wonders about Raccoonstripe's question as he seats himself again. How could they trust the other clans? Had all the leaders sworn a truce, and if so, could it be honored? Or would it be up to faith that the other clans would act civil? All of it, the journey and its dangers, the general uncertainty, the ever-present threat of the illness, it all seemed so heavy.

/ this is all over the place but thank god for flycatcher being so cool so I could have a fitting ic reason to shut dreampaw up abt volunteering

  • name ▹ Dreampaw
    gender ▹ trans ftm + he/him
    age ▹ 9 moons
    ages real-time on the 1st of every month.
    sexuality ▹ pansexual

    clan ▹ Thunderclan
    rank ▹ apprentice

    created on ▹ September 1st
    penned by ▹ yamitisane

  • short description ▹ lithe, short tortoiseshell tom with hazel eyes.

    physique ▹ delicate, smaller than average height, stature lends easily to agile feats
    notable features ▹ a strong menacing gaze
    eye details ▹ hazel eyes

  • traits ▹ confident, creative, genius, delusional, impulsive, prankster, dramatic, mischievous, prideful, antagonistic, sadistic, awkward, likes to play the villain, adorably the chuunibyou archetype (evil eye variant), seems egotistical but it's mostly for show because he doesn't mind putting his friends and clanmates first, speaks in third-person person often, likes to eat

    personality ▹

    The self-proclaimed 'Dark Warrior,' Dreampaw is mischievous and proud of his power. He appreciates a good prank or joke and has earned himself disapproval from his peers for his fondness of causing trouble. He's easily excited and makes decisions on a whim, often driven forward by his impulsive nature. Although he hates losing, he sees every defeat as 'preparation for victory,' and waits patiently for opportunities to present themselves.

    Despite the title he gives himself, Dreampaw isn't as sinister as he claims to be. Rather, he's simply an eccentric and somewhat socially awkward youth with a taste for theatrics. Even so, he knows how to portray an intimidating persona that, combined with his impressive natural skills and thirst for power, help make him live up to his self-appointed title.

  • generation ▹ gen 1
    status ▹ single / crushing on: gingerpaw

    parents ▹ npc x npc
    offspring ▹ n/a

    mentor ▹ Asterflame (npc, red and high white tabby tom with van markings; focused, tolerant and worried in regards to dreampaw)
    apprentice(s) ▹ n/a

    friends ▹ gingerpaw
    enemies▹ n/a

  • interaction notes ▹ willing fighter / shows no mercy / not always the most calculated but has a strong spirit and is fully confident he can succeed in nearly any encounter even when all the odds say otherwise / daring but also plays smart when he has prior knowledge on a certain opponent or challenge / persistent / strikes to kill or disable in real battles with a cold-blooded lack of hesitation / has no issue fighting dirty, inflicting fear upon opponents, being cruel, killing, or interfering with others' battles

    adept at ▹ quick on feet but only for short distances, very agile in his moves, can climb well, not often discouraged and not often does he break his personal facade
    inept at ▹ staying focused, keeping track of time, skills that require brute strength such as carrying many things at once or heavy objects etc, expressing thanks

    stats ▹
    strength ◆◆◇◇◇​
    stamina ◆◆◇◇◇◇​
    speed ◆◆◆◆◇​
    charisma ◆◆◆◇◇​
    intellect ◆◆◇◇◇​

    hunting ◆◆◇◇◇​
    swimming ◆◇◇◇◇​
    climbing ◆◆◆◆◇​
    fighting ◆◆◆◆◇​

  • ▹ Clanborn and raised in Thunderclan. Sometime before his apprentice ceremony, he developed his 'Dark Warrior' persona along with his true gender identity and considers this self-defining moment one that he is both proud and fond of.

    WIP as events occur in roleplay!

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Reactions: Flycatcher
She is baffled, of course, and not sure what to think. Although the Clans were meant to exist alongside each other, she could have never dreamed of them being forced to actually work with the other Clans on such a dangerous journey. But she knew that the yellowcough was spreading, even catching her mentor in its sickly grasp. The old tabby's wheezing breaths had caused Stormpaw's heart to swell. Up until now she had been utterly useless to help him and by extension, the rest of the ill. Now was her moment—this was not a medicine cat's task—it was a warrior's task.

And she was no warrior.

Stormpaw listened as several of her greatest role models spoke up to step to the plate. Her mother, fierce as ever, Little Wolf—her somewhat foster mother in the nursery—and Nightbird and Lightstrike, one of the fiercest warriors. She felt tears well up in her eyes and it was Stormywing's volunteer that made Stormpaw burst out.

"I want to go!"

She froze at her words, as if she realized she had spoken them outlaid. Eyes would inevitably turn to her, she needed to stick to it. She rose her head. "Owlear is sick...I want to be one of those who brings back the cure for him. For ThunderClan. And I won't be alone. I will listen to the warriors and help them out the best I can. I really want to help. And I can. Please." Would Howlingstar even accept?

  • Crying
Reactions: revelations

ROEFLAME — break the air to feel the fall.
Howlingstar calls on Thunderclan, and Roeflame is once again able to be one of the faces that look up to her, this is not a normal meeting though, the leaders anxious tail twitching gives that away almost immediately.
Intently, Roeflame listens, eyes glazing over in thought.
Quickly, she is snapped back when the voices of several clanmates are already.
I’ll go Flamewhisker says, then Lightstrike, Little Wolf, and Stormywing.
Instinctively, Roeflame’s eyes look to Flycatcher.
The clan needs me. He says, and Roeflame feels a shameful twitch of relief in her chest.
Next, her eyes look around for Burnstorm. Her clanmates that volunteered displayed courage that she could do nothing but admire, aspire from- but the small tabby knew her lungs posed too great of a risk to make such a journey.
Raccoonstripes words flip on a new switch in her mind, and her train of thought shifts. "If Starclan is sending them on this journey, we’d have to hope the other clans still have some of their wits. I’d like to think the plague has shaken them just as much as us." She muses out loud. These were times of desperation… though Windclan was always a topic of concern being they weren’t exactly team-players.
Roeflame prays to the stars they are desperate enough to learn to be.
For only mere seconds, Howlingstar feels doubt. Will anyone step up? What she is asking of them is unthinkable, a journey some of them may never return from. But one voice douses her worry, a flame-colored pelt moving into view as her lead warrior is the first to volunteer. Bittersweet pride fills the tabby's gaze as she looks at her, feeling both somber knowing the danger she is putting her in, and relief that Flamewhisker will be going. Others step forward and volunteer afterwards, from young warriors to experienced mentors. Her daughter is among them, and though Howlingstar feels her heart pound with fear for her child, she knows she cannot keep her from going. She trusts Little Wolf.

"Thank you all," She voices earnestly, ears falling back as pride for her clanmates overwhelms her. She is about to continue, content with the group of determined volunteers, when young Stormpaw pipes up wishing to go as well. She looks at the apprentice, a mixture of surprise and sadness in her eyes. Her mentor, Owlear, sleeps fitfully in the medicine den, fever engulfing him. She can't possibly send an apprentice on this journey...especially without her teacher. "Stormpaw...I can't let you go-" But the young she-cat is persistent. She pleads with Howlingstar, round blue eyes staring back up at her. The tabby hesitates, brow furrowed in contemplation, before she gives in with a sigh. "Alright...but you will stay with the warriors the entire time. Listen to everything they tell you," She orders, and though she won't say it, she is impressed by her willingness to do this for her clan.

And that is it. ThunderClan has its champions.

Flamewhisker the courageous.
Nightbird the steadfast.
Little Wolf the dependable.
Batwing the kindly.
Hailstorm the patient.
Lightstrike the witty.
Stormywing the daring.
Stormpaw the bold.

"May StarClan light your path."

After Flycatcher says his part, there are a few more cats who speak up. Like himself, Dreampaw and Roeflame opt to stay behind. And more cats volunteer - Batwing, Stormywing, and even his own daughter. "Stormpaw!" Flycatcher yells out in shock. Like Flamewhisker, he feels that same selfish desire to say no and beg Stormpaw to say. In fact, being his daughter, he feels it even more so. He knows the potential risks of going on the journey and the thought of losing another child seems unbearable. Even Howlingstar seems to falter on letting her go before eventually conceding. Flycatcher lets out a soft sigh before meeting mate's gaze in the crowd.

"StarClan be with you all," Flycatcher mewed, adding his well wished to Howlingstars.