camp solemn expressions ❀ staring/rta


[princess ❀]
May 14, 2023
Valeriankit was a bit odd, compared to her littermates. Always a silent child, who rarely played despite her siblings' attempts to drag her into games. She was what most considered shy, with her reclusive nature seeming to be more notable after the bear attack. Currently, the young kit was sitting near the entrance of the nursery, eyes tracking clanmates as she watched different cats. Her ear twitched, and she glanced over to where other kits were playing, an almost bored expression on her delicate face before she focused back on staring at older clanmates going about their day. The young torbie seemed quite focused on her presumably self-assigned task, especially since it was a break from her usual routine of being at her parents' tails.
[sweet like honey]

If she knew the other at all, Wheatpaw would say she and Valeriankit were somewhat alike, at least in the broad strokes. For one, the wanderer’s siblings had grated on her practically before she’d opened her eyes. Always running or fighting or playing, the autumn-hued cat remembered having to seclude herself in the wedge of two rocks just to get some peace and quiet. Would they all be just as raucous when she returned? To say she envied seeing them again would be a lie, but they were family.

Wheatpaw was lost in that dream-like state, imagining her family or the route back to them, when a keen loner’s sense told her she was being watched. For a moment the unwilling apprentice wondered if it was Chilledstar, coming to chide her for breaking yet another silly and superfluous rule, but a silent sigh of relief met her when amber eyes locked with that of a kit.

Whether she preferred the company of kits or adults was a subject Wheatpaw flip-flopped on quite regularly. On one hand, kits were quite simple, direct, (and, though she would never admit it aloud, adorable). On the other, they could be quite loud and temperamental things. Seeing that this particular specimen wasn’t wailing or whining put the elegant cat at ease, though, and she returned the other’s gaze.

“Am I that stunning to behold?” Wheatpaw wondered aloud, padding forwards to be within earshot of Valeriankit, permanently smug smile affixed to her face.​

"Good morning, miss Valeriankit." Lilacfur greeted the torbie kit with a warm smile. She had been off to delivery a bit of prey for the queens residing in the nursery, but wouldn't ignore the kitten stationed outside. She was familiar with the potential trap she and her denmates had planned as kittens. A lookout in case an adult would pass by and ruin the fun they weren't supposed to have.

She glanced to Wheatpaw in a bit of amusement, the apprentice reminding her a bit of Dustnose. "And good morning to you, Wheatpaw. You've groomed your fur in a lovely manner this morning." The apprentices confidence was admirable to see, hopefully it would help improve the russet cats skilled in training as well. "Have you been adjusting well to ShadowClan?"
[ sad hello's and mad high low's ]

He felt an odd prickle on his fur, like someone was watching him- and swivelled to meet the prying eyes he thought he'd just been imagining. Surprise blinked ephemeral in his gaze for a moment, before it was soon extinguished- smothered, and replaced with the smile that had become so comfortable upon his face. It became easier and easier every time he did it- and, pulled away from the game by a new curiosity, he glanced up to the apprentice and warrior splitting off into conversation nearby. "Good day," he said, words lilted with his smile. Just as he'd been told... the proper way to greet. He didn't think on those senior too long, though... jay-blues flitted fixedly upon the patchwork, spaced she-kit.

"Frog for your thoughts?" He had no such frog, but he'd gladly fetch her one if she demanded it. Hopefully, though... she'd know it was just an expression. One Nettlekit was rather proud to have shown off his knowledge of.
penned by pin ♡
It didn't take long for her staring to gain notice, though she wasn't exactly anticipating such a thing. Looking over at the red-furred apprentice, the torbie blinked slowly as if slowly registering she was being spoken to. "You are." Came the young femme's quiet response, flicking an ear. "Mama's prettier though." She added a moment, after considering for a few moments. Though it was easy to brush it off as simple kitten bias. Valeriankit was very clearly attached to her parents, with her often remaining at her mother's side if not following her father's heels. She blinked again, turning towards Lilacfur and nodding in greeting. "Good morning." She responded in an attempt to be polite but said nothing more. Since the warrior proceeded to converse with Wheatpaw. An Ivory face came into her vision, causing the smaller but older kit to turn toward one of the medicine cat's sons. She shrugged slightly, flicking an ash-hued ear. "The camp is full of weird cats, it's interesting to watch them." She admitted a moment later. "Was the game you were playing fun?" She asked lightly, tilting her head.
[sweet like honey]

Having fathered four of his own, Smogmaw can now say with utmost certainty that kits are among the most fascinating of creatures. They absorb every droplet of understanding and knowledge presented to them, like a mossball tumbling across dew-touched grass. Environmental influences mingle with their inherent nature to wholly determine their growth, their development, and the entirety of their being.

Whilst not one of his offspring share a physical semblance with the dark-smirched deputy, they each carry profound manifestations of his lineage in the realm of their mannerisms. In this sense, he feels it is Valeriankit who holds the strongest likeness to him, even if she was a near-picture-perfect reflection of her mother. Little Valeriankit. The calm, cool, and collected runt of an otherwise wild bunch. Prone to people-watching, one could oft find her on the outskirts of play as she conducted her casual surveillance. Was it tedium or genuine curiosity that guided her along? The answer eluded him. Smogmaw found himself asking the same question when he similarily kept tabs on his clanmates.

In his peripheral, he would glimpse a multitude of cats closing in on his daughter. Brief excerpts from their exchange reach his ears, one of them being a passing remark on Halfshade's beauty. He lets out a low, singular chuckle, and following a tail-flick and a brief stretch, Smogmaw moseys in the nursery's direction.

"You'll grow up to be just as pretty, Valeriankit," the tom says on his approach, settling a fair stretch away from Wheatpaw's side, while keeping a weathered eye on Granitepelt's spawn. "Maybe... you'll grow up to be double as pretty. You've got my rugged charm going for you too, you know." The utter lifelessness in his gaze betrays his attempt at humour, which hangs in the air quite awkwardly as his focus shifts towards the others in his vicinity. "If ShadowClan's full of weird cats," he then says, "then none of 'em are nearby. All of us here in this li'l group, we're rather normal, I'd say."


Nettlekit was not well-versed in the nuances of conversation, but even he could tell there was something off about Smogmaw's boasting regarding his own looks. He spoke of likeness, and Nettlekit glanced between them critically. He supposed... well, it was almost as if part of Smogmaw had been implanted right onto Valeriankit's body. "She has your stripes," he murmured, a soft and thoughtful hum.

The other kit took his offer, though... an exchange he didn't intend on following up. Whether she knew that, or intended on chasing him up on it... he supposed he could just as easily ask his father to fetch a frog. Or another warrior, if he couldn't find Granitepelt. A grin lit like firefly-glow upon his features, a settling and soft warmth. "Blunt... I can see why that's interesting, though," he commented, blue eyes drifting over to where she had been looking. "It was alright." No further details were given- and he swiftly moved on. "Who are the weird cats, then?"
penned by pin ♡