A Bristly spine shifts along the bushes as Thistleback crawls out from the shadows of the camp edge, jaws flexing with the dull ache in his shoulders and hip bones. Age was unkind, and war whispers under the skin in which it paints for ages to come. A song in his skeleton of many winters lived, enough to tell the tale of hunger vividly. Though his limbs and chest were tethered with thick muscle, he could recall the way leafbare had lacerated deep like stroking a violin with a knife. The pain is distant, and newleaf sun baked into his thorny coat and made his aches much more tolerable.

His mood in the past six moons had been that of a quiet and brooding beasty, but not much had changed then had it? His children were grown, his surviving friends and clanmates were close. The loss of Blazestar well it had a way of rotting in his subconscious. Unlike most, grief for Thistleback while not quite as intense, was dealt with by marinating in the echos of memories, walking soft paws on shattered glass. Brewing in his mind was the regrets of things unsaid, if there was anything nearly as passionate as love it was hatred, and he felt it deeply for those who took away his beloved friends. Thistleback had a black heart for his enemies, and just as deep a love for his clanmates. He just showed it in peculiar ways, unspoken and unseen but irrevocably there. Though he wore a scowl as deep as the ravine, and had developed a tendency to work and walk alone. He would always be ready to take another set of claws or teeth to the flesh for his clan. Until the day something finally put him to rest.

He often wondered what laid out for him after this life, surely not Starclan. Perhaps nothing, a fade to darkness- an extinction of his soul, like a star shattering and turning to dust. The thought was quiet appealing, especially to a man with such loud a mind. A mind that was restless and not so much haunted as it was fevered with the past. However, do not think this man melancholy by any means, no, sadness was not his ballad. His truth, perhaps but he wore his happiness and sadness with the same weight. Perfecting the intricate veil he wore to conceal himself, treating his emotions like a tumor to grow unsuspecting.

Thistleback stalks across camp, the sun drowning beneath the grasping fingers of the pine tops and bathing the clearing with a slight orange. Gripped in his jaws, a quail dangling small but of shareable size by Thistleback’s stomach standards. He did not eat much, a full belly never felt right to him and never would. After a few bites he often felt like an engorged tick, it gave him the crawlies since he was a kit eating dumpster scraps.

he drops the bird toward his nearest clanmate, his voice is hoarse, the lack of use over a few days from nights spent hunting alone was a slight strain on the vocals. " are you hungry? I cannot finish this myself… usually I pick off the stale mice… doesn’t take much for me " he settles himself onto his ribs, tendons in his paws bulging as he rolled his wrists to crackle out some of the tension from his long walks. He doesn’t move to take a bite, metal hued eyes shifting to the skyline as a yawn splits his jaws.

  • — please forgive my rusty writing! It's been forever duihwf <3 I'm back besties, and so is this man and his 6-month long anti-social streak

  • MqZ0nzd.png

    forty-five mns. EVENT TRACKER | IMPORTANT INFO
    — Former Lead warrior of Skyclan 12.22.22 - 06.2023
    Devoted to Deersong 9.29.22
    Father of Coyotepaw, Eveningpaw, Briarpaw, Damsel, Sunflowerpaw, and Rosepaw.
    — mentoring none formerly Snowpath & Quillstrike
    — very muscular piebald black and white tom with spiky fur and cold silver-grey eyes.
    voice & accent
    OPEN for Dice battles | 🎲 stine#3004
  • bVBPWus.png

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The she-cat startles considerably when the corpse of the bird lands before her paws, nearly leaping backwards before the rumble of Thistleback's voice roots her in place instead. Ekat had been lost in a bit of her own introspection, and for all the grief her anxiety causes her — it at least granted her the mercy of a horribly stiff, visibly miserable disposition that discouraged most from approaching her. This is not the case this evening, however, as Ekat raises her fearful gaze to the tomcat that looms above her, watching him in stunned silence as he stretches and yawns around a maw full of too-sharp teeth in perfect leisure. For a brief, heart-pounding moment, the anxious she-cat wonders if he's going to kill her.

The scarred tom remains put, though, and Ekat returns her wide-eyed gaze to the dead quail upon the ground. She's being silly, the midnight-furred warrior tries to tell herself, knowing it generally does no good to judge a cat's intentions by their — admittedly rather frightening outward appearances. The younger she-cat finds she fears most everything that moves, and even some things that don't, what with such a hair-trigger anxiety. But she should know better than to feel unsafe within SkyClan, right? "Oh, uh, thank you," Ekat finally stammers out, taking a cautious sniff at the fresh-kill before carefully taking a bite. It's the first bit of prey she's ever shared with a Clanmate, and maybe Thistleback snuck in some poison... Ekat shakes her head and takes another bite. Everything is completely fine, she scolds herself.​

Ekat and Eggshellbloom seemed to be on quite similar wavelengths when Thistleback emerged from the edge of camp, oozing out of the background like a specter still clinging to the ways of the living. The coward noticed the carcass-carrying figure before Ekat could, amber eyes not turned inward like the she-cat’s, but he still stayed silent as the phantom moved in for the kill.

Yolk-splashed features contract in a wince at sound of an impact, expecting death. Eggshell was somewhat correct as a body had hit the ground, but it wasn’t feline. The boy nearly slipped on buttery paws as he shuffled forwards, morbidly curious about the stranger who walked amongst them. The whelp had heard rumors; gossip about events from long before he’d joined Skyclan. Thistleback was a vicious cat according to some, a living tragedy according to others.

Eggshell pitied the slab of aged muscle standing before them, but that didn’t stop the boy from being afraid. Sitting down next to Ekat (shaking), Eggshellbloom watched with baited breath as she took a bite of the bird, as if the dead meat could pass Thistleback’s past onto her like a disease.​
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Thistleback, then . . . a cat vastly unfamiliar to her. Another warrior well - marred by claws and marked, it seems, for tragedy. The piebald has never seemed, in her scarce glimpses of him, given to socializing; in earlier moons that may have burned her, but since blood - dusk of a leaf - bare day, that suits her more than fine. She wonders, faintly, at why she's never sought the spire - spined tom out; Blazestar had, in life, spoken of his sprawling friendships with relative freedom, and Bobbie knows the ( if Clan rumors rung true ) beastly cat before her had been chief among them. Surely, behind that hook - toothed mask, he felt the ache of grief . . . but to ask would be to bare a portion of a bloodslick heart, however small, and that is not a risk the tabby is willing to take.

" Ekat, Eggshellbloom, " she greets in rasped tones with a twitched ear and a light tip of the head. Intimidation might stalk around her like a blue - brown spiked pelt, but she has never let either specter deter her from friendliness, nor does she permit it to now. Bobbie aims a sympathetic peridot eye at the twitchy - looking Ekat; the thrumming anxiety in her stammer is reminiscent of Bobbie herself, a full turn of the seasons ago, when she was as green as the leaves above or her remaining eye. A third tip of the head to their spike - furred companion; an unusual company they all make as she settles onto her haunches at a sizeable distance from the trio. Another husky greeting accompanies her soft oof as her aching muscles protest, " Thistleback. "

The tabby herself has to have food thrown at her the better half of the time, and expresses little interest in the bird, content to sit in relatively peaceable silence—or make conversation, if anyone else was inclined. The warrior's white - whorled forepaws brace and she stretches her sore shoulders slightly, eye cracking open as she murmurs, " Greenleaf treating you all well, I hope? "

OOC : Welcome back!!
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Nervousness was a jittery thing, it shifted in place and danced off the bones in a way that doesn’t escape his notice. Sharp metallic hues settle on the clanmate he approached, long coat of soot and light blue eyes one could mistake for grey. Those eyes wore almost a sadness, and her demeanor that of a cornered and kicked hound. Thistleback’s muzzle twitches as he softens his features the best he could. Lifting his paw to cross it across his other and sit with a certain poise. In gentleman fashion, he would wait for the other to take first bite. Her words are littered with anxiety, and her bite into the quail is tentative. He clicks his tongue and forces a faint smile on his angular maw. " of course, love " his barbed englishman tongue flicks with eloquence and politeness.

another quiet young warrior joins them, this one with blotched yellow patterns and folded ears- obvious testament to the name. Thistleback’s eyes train upon the other,

" there’s no need to tread so quietly around me. I neither bark nor bite " he begins, eyes flicking between the pair. They looked more ready to run than they were to eat, " I live in the quiet too often lately. It’s starting to make my ears ring. " he offers, and moves his gaze away from the pair to perhaps take the weight of it off.

" although, when my kits were young- … I prayed for the quiet at times " he aims to lighten the tension, mention of his children sometimes did the trick. He had no wish to be a Skyclan Bogeyman but the day he slaughtered Kuiper before the eyes of all, those many moons ago, well, that would never bathe from history.

Bobbie’s approach is equally a welcomed one, Blazestar’s widow. Thistleback felt an ache on the small molly's behalf, for he knew the loss of his own mate would’ve driven him into a darkness. The only thing to sooth the limp of grief, was children. In truth. " Bobbie " he returns, watching the tabby settle with a glimpse of the familiar tune of ache. He blinks fondly, that was something the older warriors shared wordlessly " I think your bones and mine alike, know the answer to that question " he jests. Finally shifting forward to take a bite, turning his next few words to the young warriors.

" either of you a kittypet? " he speaks the word kindly, unlike the way it is often spat out like a curse. No, his only prejudice was awarded to Windclanners.

  • — thank ye kindly !

  • MqZ0nzd.png

    forty-eight mns. EVENT TRACKER | IMPORTANT INFO
    — Former Lead warrior of Skyclan 12.22.22 - 06.2023
    Devoted to Deersong 9.29.22
    Father of Coyotecrest, Eveningpaw, Briarpaw, Damsel, Sunflowerpaw, and Rosepaw.
    — mentoring none formerly Snowpath & Quillstrike
    — very muscular piebald black and white tom with spiky fur and cold silver-grey eyes.
    voice & accent
    OPEN for Dice battles | 🎲 stine#3004
  • bVBPWus.png



"there’s no need to tread so quietly around me. I neither bark nor bite "

Quillstrike scoffed lightly at the words. "He'll just dump you out of your nest at the asscrack of dawn." remarked the large chimera tomcat, though the narrowed gaze that was shot in his old mentors direction wasn't necessarily spiteful.

He was self-aware enough to know he’d had a pretty shitty attitude about things, though. His view of adults hadn’t exactly been healthy at the time, and his coping skills even less so. While he was still very likely to settle his disputes with claws instead of words, these days he liked to think he wasn’t as quick to try and tear a clanmates throat out over saying the wrong thing to him. Growing up had also lessened some of his animosity toward older cats, no doubt in part due to the sheer amount of time he spent cracking ticks off the elders and making sure the queens were comfortable. The fact that Thistle had proven to be not just a competent mentor, but a competent cat in general probably hadn’t hurt things either.

In short, the odd-eyed tom had more to be grateful for than bitter- even if those abrupt wakeup calls still made his fur want to bristle in annoyance.

Of course, these days it was very unlikely that anyone would be up early enough to actually tip him out of bed. Getting up early was practically ingrained into him now, and the few moons he'd been forced to sit out from his shoulder injury had left the tom ill tempered and eager to return to the routine he'd built up. Luckily the light duty bullshit would be done with in a few days time, and he was pretty certain he was going to spend the entire day out in the forest hunting and training.

skyclan - male - 29 months (Feb 17th) - mated to Twitchbolt - a very tall, dark chimera tomcat with mismatched eyes and several scars. has bluejay feathers woven like spikes along his spine and neck.

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