backwritten Some scrapes will be scars ✶ Pollenpaw


Make me a bird of prey
Feb 11, 2024

It had been two moons since her apprenticeship began, Owlpaw was freshly six moons old and quite happy with how she was going. Though, while she had been taking great strides in her abilities as a warrior she found that there was a hiccup in her development. She refused to climb beyond a certain point, she had a system in place ever since that fateful night she climbed three branches to have a safe viewing of that owl. Occasionally she would push it to four branches but otherwise Owlpaw refused to move beyond the third branch, no matter how much Dovescar tried to motivate her to move. Something had to give, not a lot of prey could be caught from so low and she feared the idea of her mentor requesting to be rid of her just because she was too stubborn to climb a few more measley branches.

Surprisingly enough it was Owlpaw’s suggestion to climb with Pollenpaw, somehow the cream tabby had struck up a friendship with her. She liked to think it was through their mutual devotion towards working hard to be Warriors. Sure there were other apprentices that had drive and dedication but something about Pollenpaw’s assertiveness, her courage, her charisma had gravitated Owlpaw towards her. She had led her to a rather tall looking tree, not as tall as the Tallpine by any means, she needed to work up the courage to attempt that feat. No, she was content with this tree, it was thick enough to uphold the two of them in their attempts to climb and was a little taller than the other trees around them. Yes, this would do fine for her attempt.

Climbing the trunk was easy enough, her inherited maine coon genetics gave her that edge regarding how high she could reach on her initial jump. Claws sunk deep into the life of the tree as she pushed herself up to the first branch. Taking a moment to catch her breath she looked up at the rest of the pine tree looming above her. The other two branches were of a similar method, her body moving on auto pilot as she pushed herself up. When she reached the third branch she looked up again, the foliage was thick, lush and full of life ,blocking a lot of the branches. The sun was eclipsed by it, it felt like looking into a void, where does this tree even end? Above Owlpaw loomed a hulking entanglement of long limbs, they looked a little thin right? It wouldn’t support her weight like the previous three have. The higher up she got the more likely it would be for her to fall and break something, her mind briefly painted a vivid picture of what she imagined she would look like when she fell.

Her claws burrowed into the bark of the branch she was standing on, in a weak attempt to ground herself. She turned to face Pollenpaw. Oh, brave and cool Pollenpaw, she was going to look like such a coward to her. She couldn’t do it though, she would rather look uncool and have all her limbs not broken then be foolish and try to get to that fourth branch. Which now that she looks at it looked at LEAST three full grown cats in distance away from where she was sitting, did the world normally spin like this? “I-I can’t go any higher- I’m happy to wait here for you” she offered weakly, right now she would be quite happy to climb back and wait for her friend on the ground but she had to keep up some dignity.