border SOMEBODY STOLE MY CAR RADIO [ ✦ ] windclan patrol

// this takes place the day the cats all returned to their camps!

Bluepool is tired beyond belief. Every single step aches and whenever she moves too fast she discovers wounds she had not known about prior to leaving. But she was more able-bodied than most and getting things back on track was one of their top priorities. She understands the haste in which Sunstride desires the borders to be re-marked, understands the need for it. She would not put it past the cats of ShadowClan to feel as if a debt was owed to them because they had helped them in their time of need, would not be surprised if they ventured over the border to take a scrap or two claiming that it is prey that is owed. Regardless, if she saw one of them over the border she would not hesitate to rip into them with the fury of the stars.

She looks back at the rest of her patrol. Her nephew and her sisters previous charge. Both were incredibly fierce warriors and she is glad to have them to accompany her, though they were both on the young side. It didn't matter, they had proven themselves capable more than once. Highstones had been easy, and now they were making their way to ShadowClan where she anticipates that they would either have a nice quiet time or, if luck was not on their side, they would run into a ShadowClan patrol and would be forced to exchange pleasantries that neither side wanted to engage in. False niceties in way of 'thanks for not leaving us to be shredded into mouse meat'. "Remember, we aren't here to start any fights, but if there is one paw over our border show them that we are more than capable of defending it" she says to the cats trailing behind her, a hint of pride in her voice. WindClan would remain strong even in the wake of disaster.

When they reach their destination, Bluepool stills for only a moment to observe the Thunderpath. A stinking reminder of a childhood she would much rather forget. Yellow eyes flicker with some brief hidden emotion before they raise to scan the foliage on the other side, scanning for ShadowClanners. "Lets be quick" she grumbles to the others, not wanting to linger here for long. She wanted to get back to camp, to see if her sister had returned from wherever the hell she had run off too so soon after the battle had commenced.

// @HARRIERSTRIPE @Azaleafrost

Flintpaw is extremely grateful that everyone has finally left. ShadowClan could hardly take care of itself at the best of times, and having every clan on their territory had been a complete nightmare. It's unfortunate that as soon as they'd left, they were right back on the border to mark their territory. Their ears flatten as they pick up the moorland scent, muddled thoroughly with ShadowClan's own bog all the same. Bi-colored eyes flick to Scalejaw and the rest of their border patrol, and then to the faction across the thunderpath. The tarmac scent is acrid, almost overpowering the other patrol. Too bad it didn't do the job completely.

Flintpaw is quiet as they pick over the ShadowClan side of the border, marking bushes as Scalejaw had shown him to before. "They're back fast," the apprentice murmurs, tail flicking.

/ mentor tag: @scalejaw

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    flintkit . flintpaw
    — he / they / she ; apprentice of shadowclan
    — short-haired solid blue tom with low white and blue/green heterochromatic eyes
    — "speech" ; thoughts
    — headshot by me
    — penned by meghan
Azaleafrost is glad they're back home. Living with all the clans cluttered around a dead tree was irritating and she hated the mud that clung to her fur. She hopes this never happens again. She can barely tolerate her own clanmates, let alone the other clans. Their territory still smells of rogues, but the smell will soon fade. She is here to make that happen. She follows Bluepool quietly.

She respects Bluepool. If not for her, Sootstar would have made them all fight to the death. The kits would have been killed, and she is relieved that they are all safe. Bluepool cared more about their survival than Sootstar, and Azaleafrost is thankful for it. It's something she will remember.

Harrierstripe on the other paw, is still a spoiled stuck up brat in her mind and Azaleafrost craves the opportunity to thrash and defeat both of Sootstar's awful sons. Just being near him grates her nerves, but she doesn't show it. She keeps walking with confidence and a muted expression, eyes focused ahead and on the border.

Bluepool says the usual lines of no fighting, but if they dare come over show them who's boss. She gives her a nod, and sets about rubbing her face on the trees that line their border.

Her eyes catch sight of the apprentice across the thunderpath. She studies him, taking note of his features. It's good to remember the faces of potential enemies. She also notes the similarity between him and Granitepelt, the warrior who had guided them to the burnt sycamore. A lead warrior's son, perhaps? She'll keep it in mind if she ever needs to make someone squirm.​
Granitepelt nudges a bit of greenery with the blunt edge of his cheekbone, dark green gaze locked onto the WindClan patrol opposite the Thunderpath. He hears Flintpaw’s comment, and his ear flicks with agreement. “Greetings,” he meows to the other cats, his voice cool but murky as stagnant water. He smears his teeth against a bit of bracken, tail flicking to beckon @APPLEPAW forward to help mark the border. Bluepool is Sootstar’s sister, but he knows nothing about her beyond that and her rank as a lead warrior. She seems to lack something the WindClan leader does, some bit of mettle that makes Sootstar so imposing. He wonders if she’s in on any of the blue smoke’s secrets, or if he’s just another face to her.

Be that as it may. “I do hope WindClan is settling in alright.” His eyes flick to the younger warriors on the patrol, his mouth twitching but never quite forming into a smile.

, ”
A hum of agreement would come in reply to Flintpaw's comment. It was strange, to see WindClan going from the bloodthirsty cats of the forest to small and scrawny around the burnt sycamore, only to scuttle back to their borders with a quickness. She understands it. Border patrols were a necessity to keep scent markers fresh, even if no one was looking for conflict nor particularly suspicious of neighbor's encroaching paws. For a clan that had been run out of their home so easily, they would have every right to be wary.

That being said, she sincerely hopes the patrol had no delusions of ShadowClan wanting their scraps. ( Even if, come leaf - bare, they very well may. ) Were she leader, she would at least seize territory in much the way Howlingstar had, with claws against claws, rather than the petty thievery Pitchstar had once stopped to.

She was not leader, though, and the cold season was only just beginning. There was no need for any hostility just yet. Applepaw could be quietly satisfied, knowing that ShadowClan would surely win if they were to drive WIndClan out right this moment. As her mentor exchanges greetings with WindClan's own lead warrior, Applepaw only offers a courteous nod before going about her business.

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  • ( CAUSE I FEEL LIKE I'M THE WORST, SO I ALWAYS ACT LIKE I'M THE BEST ) APPLEPAW. apprentice of shadowclan. eldest sister to swanpaw, ashenpaw, and garlicpaw. ( + birdkit, halfkit & tanglekit )
    —— she / her; confused by the use of others.
    —— currently 7 moons old as of 10.22.23. ages every 17th.

    longhaired blue torbie with a white chest, paws, and underbelly. A young cat you would describe as " bossy, " Applekit is quick to take charge of any situation she sees herself as the probable head of. A rule - follower to a T, and thinks herself better than the majority of her clan for this. Not ignorant enough to think herself above a warrior, but seeks to gain that status as quickly as possible. Intensely self - motivated to be the best in a mixture of blind, childish desire, and never wanting to be afraid of anything ever again.