somebody that I used to know - settling in nursery

Flamewhisker I'll sleep when I'm dead

It was time. There was no slowing down the growth of their unborn kits, and after her recent run in with a fox, she was too afraid of risking their life. With heavy paws, she could clean up her nest in the Warrior's Den, and then head towards the nursery. There was still faint smells of Sunfreckle, Little Wolf, and their kits throughout the den. The den felt empty compared to the Warrior's Den. How will I sleep without Flycatcher? the thought made her stomach more uneasy than it already was. She still had nightmares fairly often...but waking up to the presence of him beside her was normally enough to ease them for the night.

She took a nervous step into the den, and started to make her new nest. Her paws were trembling...moving into here made it feel more real. In another month, their kits would be here, and she wouldn't feel as lonely. Her throat felt tight as she worked...before, she had used her warrior duties to distract herself. Now...all she could do was think in silence. She swallowed back tears that wished to form. It would be a lie if she said she wasn't afraid. She was terrified. The clan was almost starving...what if she couldn't feed them? What if the fox came back? What about when they became apprentices...if another clan ever laid claws on them she would shred them. What if they died? "Starclan protect them..." she whispered, hoping that Howling Wind was correct, and that Starclan was watching over her and the kits now.

Her nest was finished now, but she wasn't tired. The lead warrior padded out from the nursery, and sat just outside the entrance. Her belly was obviously rounder now, so there was no hiding the fact that she was indeed expecting. "Alright...I'm officially trapped here for a while." she would say, her whiskers twitching with amusement at the joke, but worry still glittered in her eyes.

It was a cage of her own doing he was afraid. He had watched the apprehensive approach to the den and preparation in silence, not wanting to upset his friend when she was obviously so distrassed and after the recent fox attack he was more than a little bothered that it took near death for her to actually settle down in here. He understood the wariness, the fear, the dislike of being locked up, but it was a task that needed doing and a rule in place for a purpose. He shuddered at the idea of running into a fox when you were too round to even put up a proper fight, delivering them a meal of yourself and several smaller portions. Sunfreckle sighed as he wandered over, making a note to keep his disapproval to himself. Flamewhisker already knew how foolish it was to have kits this time of the year, there was no point rubbing it in her face; this litter was coming whether anyone liked it or not and now the goal was to make sure they remained safe and taken cared of.
The red tabby dipped his head to step in, setting aside the sparrow he had brought for her to the side for now. It was a good thing he'd cleaned in here after all, not that he expected it to be used again so soon.
"Trapped? Well, in a way, but at least its warm. And you only have four moons once they're born. Imagine five." He didn't need to imagine five. He had lived five. You thought four was bad, imagine the feeling of knowing you could have left already. Tiresome.
"Doing alright though? I heard about the attack, it must have been scary...want to sit and discuss what names you're not allowed to use cause I've called dibs?" His voice pitched into a cheerful chirp at that, amused at his own joke, he had no plans of another litter anytime soon even if Rabbitnose was keen on the idea. Then his ass can carry it.


Little Wolf remembers her time in the nursery with both fondness and dread. She had loved her kits, really truly she had, but not being able to hunt, to practice her fighting moves or navigate through the oaks under a canopy of stars, feel the wind in her fur, she had missed it so much and she would soon miss it again. At least back then she had had company, Sunfreckle and his kits were there before she had moved in and the red tabby didn't move out till after either. It was nice to have company in those long days spent doing absolutely nothing.

She does not envy red and white queen, though she supposed she would not be alone for long. Once, Little Wolf would have judged her a bit for the foolishness of having kits in leaf-bare but now? Who was she to speak with her own little one's along the way, though the clan needn't know yet. She will hold her tongue until it becomes painfully obvious she was expecting which would, no doubt be soon, but not yet.

Her green eyes fall upon her friend as he makes his own way into the nursery and she follows, eyes landing on Flamewhiskers nervous face. "The time flies by, you'll be outta here and wishing you could go back to when they were babies in no time" she admonishes, thinking, of course, of her own kits. What she wouldn't give to turn back time, to stop the future from ever happening.

She settles down on the nursery floor next to Sunfreckle and awaits the answer to his next question, something she also wanted to know. How is she doing?

Adamant he would never have kittens, Berryheart grew more and more sure of his choice by the day. Seeing how stir-crazy Nifty had gotten, how much of a handful Shady's large litter had been... he'd committed to the fact that he was never going to have children of his own. Big Mama had enough grandchildren anyway.

Hearing the discussion, curiosity as always got the better of the speckled tom's attention, and toward the crowd did he draw. Lingering toward the back, but watchful nonetheless, a strange look that was intended to be a smile twisted itself upon his crooked maw. There was something vaguely amusing about the dichotomy between the judgements of the two ex-queens, one expressing exasperation that he'd been stuck in there so long and the other expressing a wish to go back. Amusement danced even in the dull lull of his half-lidded gaze.

He, too, was interested in how she was doing. Mainly because he had very little idea of how to care for someone carrying kittens, and much less how to aid in their delivery. Hopefully the hands of time would allow him preparation. Sunset was a kind soul, and one he did not want to fail- so eager to eavesdrop, he lingered.

The closest experience she had staying in the nursery was when she first discovered Littlepaw and Sandpaw. When she had found those kits all alone in the forest and brought them back to Thunderclan camp. NPC had been kind enough to nurse them till they could eat prey. Hollow Tree had visited them everyday, bringing prey to the queen. Even spending a couple of nights in the nursery when she wasn’t really supposed to. But the bond she felt with her adopted kits almost felt like fate. She truly believed Starclan gave them to her. Even if some of her kin didn’t see them as hers. Not really.

Approaching the nursery, she picks to stay closer to Berryheart than the rest. He reminded her of herself sometimes. Staying in the background but still paying attention. Sometimes she really forgot that Berry was adopted. She could see Howling Wind and Gray Wolf in him. Maybe that’s just the result of growing up with Gray, Jackdaw, and Raccoon. Or maybe there was something more to it. She likes to think there's more to it.

Hollow Tree was happy that new one had gotten too hurt from that fox. Her yellow eyes watched the others and wondered how everyone was feeling. This leaf-bare had been very hard. Adding newborns to the mix was going to make things harder. Hollow Tree was determined to help in any way she could. Pondering if Berryheart was nervous as a medicine cat. Did he have any doubt? Her mind drifts off in thought. Silently thanking the stars it was only Flamewhisker that was expecting. Flamewhisker is a strong cat and Flycatcher was brave. With Thunderclan backing them, she was sure these kits would see new-leaf. What will their names be?
[ you fall through the trees . tags ]

Flamewhisker I'll sleep when I'm dead

As Sunfreckle joined her, she felt relieved. Part of her wished that he would stay and keep her company, but she knew that was too selfish of a thing to ask. There was no doubt that he was enjoying his nest in the warrior's den next to Rabbitnose again, he wouldn't give that up to sleep in the nursery again. He tries to lighten the mood, and it works for a moment. A smile forms on her maw, and she decides to try to see the light of the matter. "I suppose I won't miss the dawn patrols.." the queen says with a small chuckle. "And if they do something to have to stay in the nursery a moon longer, they'll be in trouble with more than just Emberstar!" she couldn't imagine having to stay in here any longer than she had to. She was already antsy, and she had only just made her nest!

He speaks next about the encounter with the fox. Her fur prickles defensively, but she quickly forces it back down. She was just trying to contribute to feeding the's not like she had meant to ring the dinner bell for the fox. "I actually don't have a scratch on me...I owe that to your brave son. Sparkpaw distracted it until a nearby patrol heard us." Even though she had been mortified when the young apprentice came to her rescue, she still felt grateful. But if something had happened to him...she pushed the thought away, she would not have let anything happen to him.

Next to join her in the den was Little Wolf. She acknowledges the former queen with a smile and a nod. "I'm sure it will....I can't wait to teach them how to throw snowballs...Flycatcher will be outnumbered." she would joke, casting a wishful glance out into the camp.

A flash of movement catches her eye, and she flicks with her tail to motion at Hollow Tree and Berryheart to joint hem if they wished. "We've been talking about names for a little while...I think we are naming them after the forest. We've talked about bird related, plants...I really want to name one Lilykit, after my mother." she paused, taking a moment to glance at each of them. "Want to guess how many there will be?"
War weighin' on my heart but I can't fall
Family was a tender topic for the oriental mix. Not because he was estranged from them, but because he could no longer look upon their faces and spend precious time with them. Survivor's guilt often weighed heavy on his heart. At the mentioning of kittens Silver stops at the mouth of the nursery whilst in the midst of passing by. Grey eyes eventually find the mother to be, quietly listening to the giddy chatter being exchanged from cat to cat. He was still adjusting to just how expressive everyone was in the clan, for it was nothing like his own home. Regardless, he still felt a tingling sensation of warmth budding within his chest despite his face still looking as deadpan as ever. Flamewhisker invites them to guess how many kits there might be and at this Silverlightening decides to speak out. "My guess is four." He rumbles, haunches lowering to take a seat upon the snow laden ground. "And, congratulations."
Seekin' shelter from the storm on this blank road

Beckon of the tail, ember-flicker; he moved closer at the sight, cautious padding bringing him to the den's threshold. Within he would not enter; he wished not to disturb the immaculate construction of the nests in the interior, optimised for the warmest comfort. That was something a queen would need in leaf bare. If it helped to ward off any illness set on by frigid air, he would offer his own nest on top of many others to keep her warm. Preventative measures were best to take when he was so unsure of how to relieve ailments...

A game, to take his mind off of the building possibilities. How foolish that he let his mind run away from him in this way- trot beyond the boundaries of logic and topple into the land of what if. Olive eyes flickered briefly to Smoky before falling back into place, settling upon Sunset, trace of a smile sitting comfortable upon his maw. "Three," leapt from his maw a quiet guess. Perhaps some may subscribe to his word, believing he may have superior knowledge... in truth it was nothing but a guess. Where that folly might amuse some, it did not amuse Berryheart. To not know was a pang, poisonous, insistent.