somebody to die for | p, echolight


Sep 23, 2022

Elmbreeze had finally decided that he had feelings for Echolight.

It wasn't really much of a surprise in truth. The two had been close since their first random encounter and he had been partially enamoured with her from the get go. Granted, he hadn't considered it love or even a crush at that point, he just enjoyed her company and was endlessly fascinated by the pretty she-cat from the moors. His feelings for her had steadily grown for her in the weeks since they had met and Elmbreeze had only recently had a reckoning with them. Not too long ago, he had spoken of crushes in his clan, subtly referencing Echolight in his game. They had met some time since then but on none of these occasions had he spoken of his crush or mentioned the game to Echolight. Despite his feelings for her, he was wary of confessing them to her, fretting over the potential complications of what their relationship would entail. Surprisingly, he did not care for the fact they were in two different clans, rather it was Echolight herself he worried for. In his mind, he felt she would receive more persecution for their romance than he would, both from her own clan and RiverClan too. And he did not want to put that on her.

Things changed a few days ago, however, when an NPC warrior approached him in RiverClan, asking if he had been referring to her when he spoke of her crush. Elmbreeze had nervously deflected, managing to use his charm to get out of the situation. The she-cat had backed off afterwards but it give Elmbreeze some time to reflect on matters and his blossoming feelings for Echolight. And after much deliberation, he decided she had to know.

And so, the lanky tom found himself waiting for his WindClan companion on a cool, dark night. It was their usual spot, a space on neutral ground between their two territories. Usually, he would wait patiently, but he was full of nervous energy for what he wanted to say tonight and found himself pacing back and forth. When he heard rustling nearby he flinched, having a far stronger reaction than he anticipated due to being a bit on edge. Elmbreeze relaxed slightly when the familiar form of Echolight emerged. "Good evening," He greeted warmly, ceasing his walking for the moment. "I take it you managed to get here okay?"

@Echolight .

Echolight had realized her feelings much earlier on than Elmbreeze- even having her own dramatic moment in the moonlight to process it.
Still- foolishly, she’d admit- she did not put any distance between her and the Riverclanner, instead she kept on seeing him, desperate for the breathe of air he often gave her, and the fact that the longing for his company was almost unbearable.
Tonight, as Echolight slipped from the undergrowth and made her presence known, her heart sparked with a cocktail of nerves and excitement. She had been able to contain herself from blurting out her inner thoughts, just barely. Yet, especially recently, the ball that nagged at the back of her throat had begun to grow almost overwhelming.
Seeing the warm smile that grows from his maw to his eyes and Echolight lets herself ease slightly, returning with her own smile and a flick of her feathered tail.
"Just fine! Though I did catch the faint scent of fox towards the edge of the moors… so make sure you’re being extra careful" she hummed, eagerly closing the gap between them to lightly touch Elmbreeze’s cheek, an affectionate greeting the calico had taken on after their first few visits.
She slides past him then, looking for a comfortable place to sit. "Is everything alright?" She then hummed casually, the toms fidgety behavior catching the warriors attention. Echolight was happy her face was pointed in the other direction to hide the concern that furrowed at her brow bone.

He nods when she informs him that she made it here without any trouble. The mention of the fox makes a ripple of concern wash over him, but it quickly goes away with the gentle touch against his cheek. Well, he was sure it would be fine. He hadn't scented a fox on this side of the border but with Echolight's warning, he would keep a lookout.

She slid past him and sat down on the ground, almost immediately asking him if something was wrong. "That obvious?" Elmbreeze chuckles. It is meant to be a smooth, confident laugh but his bundle of nerves makes it come out all wrong. After a moment, Elmbreeze also sits down, sitting opposite Echolight and looking directly at her. "Nothing's wrong per se," He begins, looking at his feet briefly. "It's just...I've had time to reflect on things as of late and I've come to a bit of a realisation." Elmbreeze was well aware of how over the top and serious this all sounded, but he could not stop himself now. "Echo, these past few weeks have been some of the best of my life since I joined RiverClan. I cannot tell you how much I have loved getting to know you, your past, your family, and the stories you have of your clan. I hope this doesn't seem too forward but I...I...I have come to care about you a great deal. I can't stop thinking about you and wanting the night to come sooner so that we could meet here. I've never felt like this about anyone before."

Despite the somewhat awkward chuckle that Elmbreeze delivers, it’s enough to make Echolight’s features relax a tad bit- that is until he is sitting directly in front of her, his aqua optics almost burning into her. Any attempts to hide her worry would be for nothing due to the sudden alarm that would narrow her singular eye, and her maw slightly parting to protest.
He wants to stop seeing me, doesn’t he?
Yet, he keeps on, his use of her loner name bringing her some comfort oddly enough, and she lets him continue, dread and hope tangling into an ugly knot in her chest.
Hope eventually wins over, accompanied by an overwhelming amount of relief- after a moment of processing however, she is simply shocked.
I can’t stop thinking about you.
The words replay in her head, and she doesn’t want the loop to stop.
"Elmbreeze…" she breathes. She knew the line she was about to cross, the fury that would reign down on her if a certain ashy leader were to ever find out, she knew the risks.
I know, I know, I-
"I feel the same way, you… you haven’t left my mind in quite some time." The confession felt weird on her tongue. Those words were meant to keep locked away forever, after all.
She feels a familiar flush burn under her cheeks, but she keeps her gaze steady.
I can’t stop thinking about you.
The replay begins once again, and she is smiling once more.

He waits with bated breath to see how she may respond. Elmbreeze knows they are friends but he cannot work out how deep her feelings go. He doesn't know if she will reciprocate those feelings, or whether he has made a grievous mistake. Fortunately for him, she does reciprocate his feelings.

"Y-You do?" Elmbreeze stammers out, disbelief evident on his features. Oh, the elation he feels in that moment! It's enough to make him want to jump up and down in childish excitement, but he keeps himself grounded, not wanting to ruin the moment between them. "That's great to hear it really is. I can't tell you how much of a relief it is to hear you feel the same way," He confessed, feeling his cheeks warm in embarrassment. "I was scared to tell you tonight. Not so much because I was worried you might not feel the same but rather if you did what it would mean for us, for you. We're from two different clans, clans that aren't exactly on the best of terms either. There is nothing against this I know but it feels a little scandalous, doesn't it. Dangerous even." Elmbreeze hesitates for a moment. "Are you sure you feel the same way?" He suddenly asks. "I'm sure I know the answer, and even if I am wrong it won't change how I feel about you, but is it worth the possible burden we will have to carry?"

He begins to ramble, the words spilling out from his maw faster than Echolight can truly process, but to hear his own relief in her reciprocation caused her features to soften. How could one not love him? He was charismatic, handsome, charming…
Her wandering thoughts are cut to an abrupt halt as he brings to light the risks, the scandal.
She pauses then, is love truly worth her entire life?
Heavy Snow would say no, her mother would say yes, Mallowlark would tell her to follow her heart (she liked to think.)
Yet, she wasn’t them. She was Echolight- and only Echolight.
Gingerly, she steps forward, hesitating a moment before pressing her nose to his affectionately.
"You’re worth it all, Elmbreeze." Her reply was simple but carried a certain weight- one she was certain she could carry.
She was in love.