no angst Somebody told me (you had a boyfriend) | mediation...? and crush talk


// Snakeblink is tasked with trying to mediate an argument between two clanmates but doesn't know who will win and thus doesn't know what side he wants to be on.

Riverclan has been tense for — moons, if not since its creation, but recent events have made tensions rise to the point of breaking. Anxiety over the latent conflict against Wind and Thunder runs like a dark undercurrent, threatening to sweep away any cat who dips their paw into its dark depths; the deaths and disappearances of multiple river cats over a relatively short amount of time brought a sense of dread that now looms over them all. Any new hit to their precarious stability threatens to send the whole thing toppling over: they cannot afford any conflict.

Knowing that, Snakeblink still can’t quite wrap his head around why exactly he has been assigned to mediating superficial disputes. Not because he doesn’t see the point to it: he knows very well how much damage gossip and bickering can do, how much real upset can be hidden under the silly conversation matters. But because out of the four lead warriors helping Cicadastar shoulder the burden of leadership… surely, he cannot be the one best suited to smoothing over tensions. Right?

”I simply don’t know what he sees in you,” Finleap sniffs, clearly miffed by the very notion of a tom seeing any other cat when they themselves are right there. ”Stoneskip is way out of your league.”

The usually gentle Hazelmist bristles at their words, ears flattening and pupils narrowing in a way that faintly reminds Snakeblink of Cindershade after his own… misguided…. Compliment. It’s actually a little troubling to see such a resemblance between two mollies who couldn’t be more different otherwise. He almost takes a step back from sheer instinct: mollies with that kind of look on their face never bode well for him. ”Oh like you’re any better! There’s a reason it didn’t work out between the two of you, you know, maybe you should think about that instead of sticking your nose in our business!”

Finleap lifts an offended paw up to their chest. ”Clearly that was a mistake on his part. I’m the prettiest cat in the clan: he won’t do better than me.” Despite their cocksure attitude, their tone is almost… hesitant. Snakeblink squints slightly at them, pondering the reason behind that uncharacteristic uncertainty. Could Finleap’s assurance be masking something else? Some real feelings perhaps?

His love of good gossip isn’t shared by Hazelmist, it seems, because the — usually very reasonable, very patient — molly surges forward, a savage snarl twisting her delicate features as she goes for the kill.

Snakeblink, who up until then had been standing awkwardly to the side and watching this conflict which he had no reason to be implicated in beyond his unfortunate position as the day’s mediator, braces for impact as he puts himself between the two arguing cats. Hazelmist draws short before hitting him, but only just. Her eyes flash with hellfire, promising eternal pain if he doesn’t let her maul her adversary very soon. Said adversary is waiting for her with an air of defiance: there will be blood if he doesn’t de-escalate this very soon.

”Please,” he simpers pleadingly, eyes swiveling from one to the other. ”No need to come to blows over such a— a trifle!”

”Oh so you agree with them, huh?”

”Of course he does! Everyone can see that you and Stoneskip are mismatched—”

”I’ll show you mismatched you harl—”

”Well, you see, the thing is…” Snakeblink, whose taste tends to run more on the ‘large and deep-voiced’ side and as such couldn’t judge on either cat’s physical qualities even if he wasn’t a whisker away from getting his pelt clawed off by two irate cats, stammers for a second. ”I mean— beauty is… is very subjective, isn’t it? In the eyes of the beholder? So in a way anyone may be the prettiest cat in the clan depending on who you ask—”

That is a slight exaggeration — he certainly doesn’t think he could claim that title for himself — but it’s that or judging one way or the other on that little debate. Seeing as he doesn’t think he could take either cat in a fight, he’s going to run with it.

Looking around frantically for inspiration, his wide eyes land on the nearest cat not involved in the argument. He immediately points at them with a huge, fake smile.

”What about you?” He asks them with affected cheeriness, hoping to defuse the tension by… ignoring it, mostly. ”Who do you think is the prettiest cat in Riverclan?”

——————————————————————————————————— so god damn lonely
  • ooc:

  • Snakeblink • he / him. 40 ☾, riverclan warrior
    — a sleek, skinny tabby with long ears and a scar over his right eye.
    — gay, not actually evil, penned by @Kangoo

Murkblossom doesn't make for a very good mediator, if only because successful compromise needs someone with charisma, or at the very least, a willingness to speak at length. He does not know if any quarrel has been resolved by simply nudging them to separate areas of camp; that is, at best, a temporary balm, and at worst the beginning of a physical confrontation, which he prefers to avoid. It's partly why he's given the arguing pair a wide berth, recognizing the scarcely-contained violence. He trusts Snakeblink is more equipped for the situation than he is.

Even so, the slim feline struggles to reconcile their differences. It is not such a surprise; matters of the heart are never painless, especially if jealousy is involved as he thinks there might be. Why else would they slander her, if not for envy? It is a sad affair, and he means to take his leave as quickly and quietly as possible, but Snakeblink is suddenly staring at him with a smile he does not know he should trust.

He freezes, dual-toned gaze flicking over to either of the bickering cats. He swallows, ears twisting and a furrow in the space above his nose. His weight shifts between his front paws. "Most? Eto samoye..."¹ His silence lingers before his eyes suddenly brighten. "Mother is most pretty, of course. Mottleleaf."

1. Equivalent of "um/you know/well"
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LAKEMOON — me and the devil, walking side by side.
Truthfully, Lakemoon didn’t have to put in any effort to overhear the conversation nearby- especially as it began to get a little too heated for comfort.
Perched only a tail length away from the commotion, simply by happenstance, Lakemoon listens with a roll of her eyes. Snakeblink is right- beauty is subjective, and everyone had their own preferences.
Lakemoon knew better than to ignore her own beauty, faux-humility was fish-brained in her opinion. Her appearance was held in high regard, but as she had grown she shifted out of the typical standard, her beauty was fierce- and intimidating, too many times had she seen a tom pine on her heel, only to falter when they found they could never be better than her.
That was fine, she preferred brindled fur and voices of song birds anyhow.
When Snakeblink turns to Murkblossom, his tone practically booming “last-resort,” Lakemoon finally turns, taking a seat beside Snakeblink. "Snakeblink." She greets with a small dip of her head before her attention would turn to the two bickering warriors, her chin tilting downwards to make eye contact, "Finpaw, Hazelpaw." She’d greet then, her tone smooth like stone. "Ah, my mistake. I suppose the bickering almost made me forget I was talking to warriors." She corrects herself then with a subtle flick of her tail. She’d pay them no more of her time before turning back to Snakeblink and Murkblossom. "Besides, Lilybloom is by far the prettiest." She muses with a small quirk of her maw. Her opinion could be biased, but was it? Lakemoon highly doubted her feelings were the first to be captured by the gentle warrior, how could one not fall in love with her?
  • Haha
Reactions: Rai
He doesn’t keep up with the relationships of others within the clan much anymore, too hurt himself to care much for their romantic affiliations. In fact, it’s gotten a bit tiring, watching two cats arguing over a third cat who isn’t even here to look at them. Normally, the tom would turn and wander away, maybe go curl up in his nest for a while, but today he’s drawn in by Snakeblink’s question.

The other tom asks who the prettiest cat in the clan is, and Clayfur has to take a deep breath, to think for a moment. He swallows with an audible click, ears drooping to flatten against his head. The prettiest RiverClanner had the softest blue-striped fur and bright sunspot eyes. The prettiest RiverClanner is gone now. He glances around at the other cats in the vicinity, hoping to find an answer—if he answers no one he’s just asking to be grilled further on the subject.

He certainly doesn’t think that Snakeblink is pretty, although he does have nice eyes. Murk is certainly someone to look at, as well, but perhaps pretty is the wrong word. He’s more ruggedly handsome, not what comes to mind when Clay thinks of pretty things. And Lakemoon, she’s definitely pretty, but given her recent actions and attitude toward ThunderClan, she’s lost her charm. The brown and white tom isn’t even interested in she-cats, anyway, for the most part.

The bulky tom’s suggestion is an interesting one, though—he says that his own mother is the prettiest in the clan. It makes sense, and Clay can recall that he had once considered his own mother the prettiest cat in the world. "Yeah, Mottleleaf might be the prettiest," he agrees with a shrug. There is a certain beauty that comes with age, and Mottleleaf is a safe choice. It’s better than giving a real answer, although he’s sure the others can guess his true feelings on the matter.

He looks between Finleap and Hazelmist, and finds himself agreeing with Lake. They’re both acting like apprentices with their childlike arguing. Why is their beauty a question, anyway, when their personalities are obviously the aspect that’s lacking? He opts to ignore them, instead returning his focus to the other brown and white warrior. "Why’s anybody arguing over looks, anyway? Being nice matters way more than looking nice."
"WRONG!" silverkit yells, tumbling onto the scene with all the confidence of a kitten who's never left camp and has no idea what's going on. "you are ALL wrong." she shouts so that her kitten-squeak is audible, stomping her little silver foot in the sand. "the prettiest cat in riverclan is CICADASTAR and that's why they made him the LEADER. don't you know the rules about that?!"

grown-ups can be so weird and dumb!! they're supposed to know all about this stuff. and sure, silverkit had a feeling that they don't actually know what they're doing as much as they say they do .... but she had no idea the situation was this dire! silverkit thinks that finleap might even get exiled 'cause of saying she's prettiest. won't that be a show. maybe even lakemoon and murkblossom too! wow, they will run out of warriors.

she frowns at clayfur's comment. "no, being pretty is most important," she says. "it's in the warrior code. 'member?"


  • • npc x npc kitten • 1.5 moons old • silver tabby & blue tabby chimera with a dusting of white freckles • meticulous, observant, opinionated • stuck in her own head a lot of the time • peaceful powerplay welcome • wants to make friends! •


He had never felt happier to be single as he did now, Dogteeth is blinking dumbly between the hurtful words spat at eachother over looks and who’s out of whos league. What? " that’s mean.." he murmurs to himself, ears flattened on either side of a mane of tangled blonde like a lamb as he looks between them all.

Snakeblink steps into the warzone, two she-cats about to tear each other up. Dogteeth winces as he interjects, closes his eyes and opens them in an uneven cringe.

Big ocean blues widen and peer to Murkblossom with pure adoring awe as they suggest their mother. Propping his forelimb between his elbow on the ground and his cheek on the pad of his paw. He purrs contentedly where he lays listening, smiling wider as Lakemoon suggests Lilybloom.

Silverkit bursts from the sidelines, squeaking out- declaring Cicadastar the prettiest. It’s too adorable, Dogteeth’s eyes blink out of sync watching with the purest awe. What a chaotic and wholesome moment. " All of you are pretty " he speaks, soft and hoarse as he rolls onto his other side and curls in a tight ball to fall into a nice little nap.

  • — out // passed out heh

  • — Dogteeth PINTEREST
    — twenty-eight moons
    — warrior of Riverclan
    — gay | crushing on n/a
    — small curly-furred blonde and tan tom with blue eyes.
    — very gentle voice and laugh
    — deals a nasty bite
    BIOGRAPHY——— ✧
  • 0yQlsKL.png

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Beauty is a subjective thing. The definition seemed to change with the weather, differing from cat to cat. Does Tallwave herself think one of these cats more beautiful than the other? No. But does she think either of them are the most drop dead gorgeous creature she had ever seen? Also no. The sound of idle chatter is what had drawn her in but when she hears what the subject matter of discussion is a frown graces her usually cheery features. "Hmm I dont remember that part of the warrior code being established yet. Perhaps Cicadastar should bring that up at the next gathering" she chides in response to Silverkit a good-natured attempt to lighten the mood of the conversation. Most cats stick with safe answers, or answers based on own personal biases. Clayfur, Lakemoon, Dogteeth even Murkblossom. Their answers are all careful or quick to remind the gossiping warriors that such topics were mean-spirited. Everyone was pretty in their own way and Tallwave couldn't agree more. "It's whats on the inside that counts" she says thoughtfully, nodding her head.

"But just so we're clear I am the prettiest cat here. We all know it, no need to argue case closed!" her tone is light-hearted, teasing even and she winks at whoever happens to make eye contact with her first.


Bless Murkblossom’s gentle heart: his sincere and instinctive appreciation for his mother’s beauty throws the two feuding cats off enough that it seems unlikely they’ll claw Snakeblink’s face off. He throws the gentle giant a look of pure thankfulness and folds the tiniest bit, slowly curling back into his habitual slouch. It’s as relaxed as he ever gets, these days. ”Mottleleaf, sure! Why not!”

Lakemoon’s cold rebuttal has him wincing slightly in sympathetic embarrassment. He hopes to never be on the wrong end of her harsh judgment. As it stands, it takes all the wind out of Finleap and Stoneskip’s wings: they deflate as one, sharing an ashamed look that borders on commiserating. The two slink off in opposite directions without another word, tails hanging low and ears pinned back. Expecting true reconciliation from these two might be hoping for too much, but if he’s lucky this outburst will have broken the tension, and they’ll go back to coldly ignoring one another.

His face falls suddenly, the painful-looking air of good cheer disappearing as his resting scheming face settles back into place. Slit eyes focus on Clayfur and he grimaces, nearly apologizing for the subject matter. ”What you look like is important. It says a lot about what you’re trying to communicate to others,” he says instead, thoughtfully glancing around camp. His slinking gait and slouched posture are a deliberate effort to project harmless and unimportant, a defense mechanism, but most affects are not quite so calculated. ”Like it or not, many base their opinions solely on it.”

Moving his paw out of the way of Silverkit’s tumble, he tilts his head to be at eye-level with the kit. ”Cicadastar is very pretty,” he agrees easily. ”Going by these rules, I suppose the deputy should be the second prettiest cat in the clan then. We should hold a contest. Your confidence might win you a higher rank,” he tells Tallwave.

At Dogteeth’s interjection, he ducks his head and adds, ”Ah. It seems you’ll have stiff competition. Although my bet remains on Mottleleaf, I’m afraid. Or—” he shakes his head, dismissive. If he starts listing his own opinions, they will be here all day. He’d be hard-pressed to find a cat he doesn’t find pleasing to the eyes in River: their clan seems to have an overabundance of beautiful toms. And the rest of them are attractive too, of course; he just doesn’t notice it as much, for some reason.

——————————————————————————————————— so god damn lonely

  • Snakeblink • he / him. 40 ☾, riverclan warrior
    — a sleek, skinny tabby with long ears and a scar over his right eye.
    — gay, not actually evil, penned by @Kangoo

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