somebody's watching me - "hunting"

In that moment, Howlkit was not just one of ThunderClan's kits, but a great hunter about to make her kill. Crouched in the clearing, bundled up in a poor imitation of a hunter's crouch, thinking she was well hidden when in fact she was not. She was still a moon shy of becoming an apprentice but she already had aspirations in mind, spurred on by the talented cats in her family.

Her prey shifted slightly, a small twitch, but movement nevertheless. Maybe it was catching on to her presence? She would have to leap now or else her prey would get away! "I've got you now mouse!" She called out defiantly, before leaping onto her prey. Her "prey" in this situation was a fellow ThunderClan cat's tail, which was moments away from having kitten teeth biting down upon it.
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Morningkit watches her sister, in awe of what she perceives to be a mighty hunter's crouch. Howlkit is focused, eyes intense, sharp on their target -- a twitching tail belonging to another cat.

She puts a paw over her mouth, worried she'll make a noise. Part of her wants to cry out and warn this poor cat who's about to feel Howlkit's needling teeth in their tail, but the stronger, winning part tells her not to ruin her sister's fun. She only watches, hoping the cat turns around and catches Howlkit before it's too late for them.

- ,,
Tybalt was well aware of Howlkit stalking him. His ears had swiveled back towards her as she gave a determined yowl, his tail flicking ever so slightly as she leapt. Her teeth sank into his curly-furred tail—luckily his fur was so thick that fur was about all that her teeth caught onto.

But still, not wanting to hurt her feelings, the warrior made a big show of his tail being captured. He let out an exaggerated screech, as he sprang to his paws.

“I’m hit!” he screamed, before dramatically falling onto his back. “It’s the end for me!” He fake gagged for several seconds before flopping his head back and letting his tongue loll out the side of his jaws.

He lay that way with his eyes shut for a few seconds before opening a single amber optic and fixing Howlkit with a lopsided toothy grin before poking his tongue out at her.

It was an unusual display for the young warrior, for however nice he normally was to ThunderClan’s youth, he often times was unsure how to interact with them. He hadn’t had much time to play when he was young, but pounding on his father’s tail was one thing he remembered well.

Success! Her prey was down! Her mouse was a little more hairier than she anticipated but no matter she had succeeded in her hunt and that was the most important thing. For his part, Tybalt is a good sport in her little game, playing the role of injured prey convincingly. So convincingly in fact that Howlkit, young and naive as she is, has to take a step back when he flops to the floor to ensure she hasn't really hurt him. She relaxes considerably when he gives her a toothy grin and stuck his tongue out at her.

She giggles merrily before rushing back over to him and clambering on top of him, not giving much thought nor seeming to care where she stuck her feet. Howlkit proudly stands on his side and calls out to the clan to bask in her victory. Her eyes land on Morningkit in particular and flicks her tail for her sister to join her. "Morningkitttttttttt," She calls out. "Come play with me!"

"Uhm whoa, you showed him. How're you ever gonna recover, Tybalt?" Jaypaw snickers out lightly, having watched the scene unfold from a small stump perch he was trying to sharpen his claws on. It's not a graceful process since he was always scolded back with the twolegs for trying to claw the furniture and so his technique is bumpy. Always getting one or two lodged in and struggling to will them back out. He gnaws some bark from his paw before hopping their way, slowly but surely becoming more comfortable in the clan. He's been trying to iron out his awkward out but that's still a big work in progress to put it kindly.

Watching Howlkit launch herself at her sister with that whiny tone, his first instinct is the tweeny attitude of 'kids are so dumb' but really, he's kind of wishing that were him. If he had siblings, he'd have some automatic friends, he thinks. He wouldn't have to do scary things like socialize with the possibility of rejection or have that incessant need to fill dead air. Speaking of, "Uh.. Come on, say something useful! "I'm learning to hunt too. Maybe I can help you out." Why, why did he say that. He doesn't know anything about hunting, he's only just started practicing with Flamewhisker. He's only ever caught a sickly rat and a rolling plastic bag of scraps. Hoping she didn't hear him and that Morningkit will keep her occupied, Jay steps back some to try to ease away.
"Awww! That's not fair, I wanna play too!" Fireflykit whines from a distance, head sticking out of the nursery to squint at the blurry figure of his siblings. Wherever they went, Firefly wasn't too far behind. He shuffles out of the nursery, leaves and ivy sticking out of his fur at odd angles, making him look much more unhinged despite his pouting face.

Jaypaw offers to help them learn how to hunt, and Firefly tilts his head- but didn't he say he was learning, too? What use would he be to them? He kept his opinion to himself, however, watching as Tybalt rolled over and grinned at Howlkit. It wasn't fair for him to have all the fun after all! Firefly runs forward then, launching himself onto Tybalt's back to dig sharp little claws into curly fur- which was surprisingly thick! "Grah! The beast is down! Down, beast!"