camp SOMEDAY OF MY LIFE - name brainstorming


Jul 10, 2023
As hard as it was for her to believe, Evergreenpaw had been told that she was likely to join some of her former peers in the warriors' den soon - should she do well on her assessment, of course. It was both a terrifying and happy feeling, though fears of it not being genuine still lingered within her.

Despite this, she had brought a nice squirrel to the nursery to feed the queens and kits, and then settled down to watch the little ones play, and maybe offer her own way of entertaining them, should they want it. Still, her thoughts lingered on that comment. Soon, it seemed that the paw would be erased from her name, and something more personal would take its place. She had no idea what it would be, however, so she didn't have time to prepare herself for the change, like she did when she was a kitten.

An idea popped in her head suddenly, and she turned to the closest kit or apprentice, albeit still a little shyly. "I've been... I've been thinking, since I might become a warrior soon... What... what do you think your warrior name will be? Or... what do you want it be? 'Cause, I have no idea what I'd want mine to be, or what it even should be."

// this is open to any kits or apprentices that want to guess what their own or others' future warrior names will be, as well as warriors who want to share what they thought their name would be in the past or offer name suggestions as well ^_^


Chickadeepaw had mulled over her own warrior name once or twice- as all little apprentices did. She had picked and choosed from the names she had available to her, playing with the syllables of fellow clanmates to suit her own needs. Chickadeewind felt too... derivative... of warriors like Redwind and Wolfwind. Chickadeeday sounded downright silly (and she would never want to be named after that warrior, not after what happened to Lichenpaw.) Chickadeeflutter was too soft...

There were lots of names that Howlingstar could choose from, she just hadn't thought of them all yet. "Maybe you could be... Evergreenleaf. Or.... Evergreenheart! Y'know, like Berryheart?"
Rainbowkit knows to say thank you whenever warriors bring them something good to eat. Rainbowkit also knew how to chew on mouse and squirrel without lots of it falling out of their mouth (a little bit does still, but they always eat it up so they don't make any mess). Rainbowkit mewls a thank you to the apprentice. Squirrels are one of their favorites because they're so fun and fluffy. They spend more time batting at the bushy tail than eating it.

Evergreenpaw– they think that's her name– a warrior soon. Rainbowkit's still not very sure how important that is or what it means, but it seems to make cats very happy. He's not sure why cat's like new names so much. He just learned his big siblings names and now he has to do it all over again... but if they like it, he likes it is the kit's conclusion. Through a mouth of fuzzy squirrel, Rainbowkit would interject. " Evergreenheart is very good. Heart is for very good cats, " they say. " Howlingstar um... likes to know what you're good at. Frecklepaw is Freckleflame n now cuz' she smokes when she talks! " Rainbowkit giggles to themself. They like laughing. " Do you smoke when you talk? "

  • OOC:
  • rainbowkit & [ raine ] [ bow ] : sunfreckle xx rabbitnose 2nd litter. littermate to sunshinekit & emberkit. younger brother to mousepaw, sparkpaw & frecklepaw.
    —— amab. they / he ; fine with gendered terms ( tom / boy / brother / etc . . . )
    —— currently 2 moons old.

    a typical size for their age. warm - faced and bright - eyed, rainbowkit sports boyish features and an easygoing smile. early signs of a thick ruff to come can be seen in plush cheeks and a thickening tail. sports long curling whickers and a dip of sun - red down the length of their neck.
  • this is for cute purposes begone.
⋆⍋ Names were interesting to think of in Basilwhisker's mind the same way he found Clan dynamics. For the most part they meant nothing unless there was cause to make it meaningful. Really, anyone could claim meaning to anything. His parents, absent as they were, had bothered to give him and his siblings names. Parker, meaning nothing but something to address a kit taking care of their younger siblings.

Basil, meaning nothing except he couldn't be Parker anymore. Basilwhisker, because Howlingstar valued his nature in tracking. Applying the meaning to a suffix, but who made that so?

"Has anyone ever chosen their own name?" His thought found a voice to no one in particular here, but he was curious. Could he choose his name, after all that? Apply meaning to himself, from himself.
Names. That wasn't something that Batwing had ever chosen for himself. It was always gifted by other cats. His birth name- Bat- was given by his mother. His full name given by Thunderclan. His eyes shifted to the skies in brief thought. He wondered if his family was doing well up there. A brief sigh left him, and he glanced towards the cats speaking on their names. Another instance flashes into his head, recent as it was. Tigerkit's naming, though it hadn't been him that picked the name. No, that had been her mother as well, a faint memory gifting one last thing to the child.

A huff settled out of him again, and he spoke up. "By chance, it's probably happened. But normally? No." Batwing padded over, his ears twitching. "I was just 'Bat' before the clans really formed, but Batwing was my name given by the clan." The warrior said, sitting down near the small grouping of cars. Green optics blinked gently at Evergreenpaw. "We trying to guess what you're name is going to be?" He questioned, a tiny grin settling on his muzzle. ​
"Oh, Evergreenleaf and Evergreenheart... those are good..." She murmured softly, though she wondered if she was truly worthy of such wonderful names. She closed her eyes, trying to think of some names to offer for Chikadeepaw, letting out a small hum of contemplation. "Maybe Chikadeefeather or Chikadeewing? Oh, or Chikadeecloud..."

Rainbowkit joined them soon after, and they sang praise to Evergreenheart - though they said some things about Freckleflame that Evergreenpaw didn't quite understand. She tilted her head, pondering what this meant. "...She doesn't actually smoke when she talks, right? I've never... I've never seen it. But maybe... you've got a keen eye for seeing it, so your name could be Rainbowsight."

Basilwhisker and Batwing ended up joining the conversation too, though the former had likely just been musing to himself. She shook her head at Batwing, a tiny laugh escaping her. "No, not just mine... it'd feel... awkward if it was just my name. It'd be like I'm the center of attention... Though... have either of you ever had thoguhts about what your name could have been? Or have you ever thought of names for others...?"



sleekpaw & 07 moons & genderfluid & he/she/they & thunderclan apprentice

Sleekpaw is not the most social of cats, instead throwing himself into his training and duties and hardly sparing a moment for anything else. But the topic of conversation catches her interest, paws stopping her in place where she'd been walking by, as she really thinks. A warrior name - their warrior name. Suggestions are thrown about, little tidbits like why such names might be given, and what is good, and yet the boy simply stands there, a thoughtful frown on pale features. He knows why his name is sleekpaw, because his parents had been proud of his beautiful coat, which he gets from them. But... she's tired of sharing things with them, of people only thinking she's good at things because she takes after them - because it's in her blood. "I wouldn't want my name to be like anyone else's," is all they says at last, head tipping to the side. Not even cats like berryheart or killdeercry. No - sleekpaw wants his name to be something unique, something so wholly him that nobody else can have it. That nobody can take it from them.

  • Actions && "Speech," && ' Thoughts/Quotes '

    ooc: —
    tw/cw: —
  • a small and effeminate apprentice with pale pinkish cream fur and baby blue eyes. sleekpaw comes across as quiet and aloof towards most, though he shows a softer side around the nursery queens and his mentor. she seems to care little for anything outside of training, apprentice duties, and her appearance. they seem strangely silent on the topic of borders however, and even shiftier about anything concerning cross clan relationships.

    physically medium && mentally hard
    non-violent powerplay allowed && healing powerplay allowed && minor injury powerplay allowed
    please attack using [b][color=mistyrose]action here[/color][/b] and tag account

Batwing's ears twitched, and he glanced sidelong at Evergreenpaw. Her questioned echoed in his ears, and his fur ruffled a bit. My name? Different? He thought to himself. Green eyes lifted away from the group, cast towards the sky. Towards where the stars hid away at day- if only it was moonlit instead of sunlit, perhaps the question's answer would be more obvious, but it took him a few heartbeats before he answered. He finally spoke in a murmur, his voice soft. "Something closer to my family, maybe." Well, that was new. Batwing didn't speak on his family- not to just anyone. Not since they died in the Battle.

He cleared his throat, looking towards the grouping of cats. A small glance shared with Basilwhisker- some kind of 'well, shit' communication- but he tilted his head towards Sleekpaw. "I think Sleekpaw has the right of it. Unique is good- helps you stand out." His head was nodding, his tone a bit more normal for him, trying to escape the cloud that has started to fog up his mind. The cloud of past grief.​