
don’t you like to think of pretty things?
Sep 24, 2023
Under the watery and thin dawn light, still cold-boned from the night's chill, Fleabounce wishes she could banish her concern. She lays folded—paws beneath her body, and her short tail standing at miniscule attention behind her. The sunbeam she has chosen beckons her to sleep, and calls almost as loud to her as her rampant need to pry. It would be a better morning for her were she to allow herself to enjoy the burgeoning Newleaf warmth in self-complete silence.

Rather than make the mistake of a sensible decision, Fleabounce rises into a back-arching stretch and then step-step-hops her way to Trufflefern, unsubtle in her blatant curiosity. Dew-made mud shifts beneath her paws, but Fleabounce doesn't waver.

"You don't often speak," Fleabounce says, rather than a greeting. Her voice comes monotone and carefully plucked—it doesn't raise as if she is asking a question, and yet she means it as such. The gentleness of her is held only in her expression, "You'll need to forgive me for wondering what is on your mind—experience has taught me that the best insights come from those who listen rather than speak." It isn't true, not entirely—but Fleabounce offers a small, encouraging smile regardless.

The dark pine trees that encased the camp rustled overhead as the morning light peered through the thick branches and into the clearing. Trufflelfern sat beneath an elder pine, her tail flicking side to side as her gaze lingered on the dazzling lights made by the forest. Her peaceful moment was interrupted by a voice and she snapped her attention back to reality, blinking at the sight of Fleabounce her den mate. "Oh, Fleabounce, sorry I didn't notice you." She mewed, tucking her paws closer to her chest in embarrassment. "I'm just watching the sun is all," Trufflefern gestured forward with her muzzle. "It's quite pretty in the morning, don't you think?"


"I heard if you stare at the sun long enough... you get a glimpse into StarClan." Eavesdropping and ShadowClan went together like fish and scales, so when Ferndance overheard Fleabounce talking with Trufflefern, she'd trotted closer, reclining on her haunches once she was a taillength away. The tabby's eyes were wide with fascination at a fact made up mere seconds ago, a daring smile upon her maw as she silently insisted for someone to try it out. If not Trufflefern, then Fleabounce, if not Fleabounce, then perhaps another cat curious in the conversation. Just as soon as her excitement for the idea reached its peak, the blown-out pupils of the tabby mellowed into wide slits, the smile that had crept upon her muzzle in the meantime tepid from serenity. The signature 'just kidding' of the she-cat never came after her statement, perhaps a product of the time (dawn had an unsteady agreement with her), perhaps because she believed there to be a fraction of truth to the idea. "Perhaps that's why the sun is so pretty, because StarClan is the sun and the moon..." She blinked fervently, gawking blankly at the brown swirled tabby. "You understand, don't you?" Because Ferndance herself truly had no clue what she'd meant with her own statement.

Trufflefern's ears were tucked closer to her head as she flinched at the sudden movement. Realizing it was just her clanmate, Trufflefern let out a sigh, wrapping her tail closer to herself for comfort as she gave a nod of greeting to Ferndance. "Really," she mewed, her head tilting slightly with curiosity piqued. She had never heard of such a thing, "I was just watching the sun on the ground though. I can't bear to look at it directly. I just like the way it makes the shadows look." Trufflefern mumbled, averting her gaze and hoping the molly didn't take her words the wrong way. She gave a small nod towards the clearing once more before turning her honey-colored eyes to her paws as she kneaded the soft ground to calm her nerves.

@fleabounce @FERNDANCE
The sentiment is a lovely one, sitting and watching the shapes the sun makes with shadows. Fleabounce takes a moment to follow Trufflefern's eyes—tries to see what it is that captures Trufflefern's attention. Fleabounce doesn't share in the wonder of it, not as Trufflefern does, but her smile grows regardless. There can be something to be learned from this—Fleabounce just needs to find out what.

"It's beautiful," Fleabounce agrees—it is very easy to agree.

She closes her eyes and tilts her chin upwards, happier to bask in the scant heat on her fur than to watch the way the sun plays on the ground. When next her eyes open, Ferndance has joined her and Trufflefern.

"You have wonderful ideas," Fleabounce answers. She doesn't understand, not even slightly. The sun isn't like the moon, and it certainly isn't like Silverpelt, but Ferndance speaks with enough conviction that Fleabounce would feel strange contradicting her. Trufflefern bares more interest from Fleabounce—a scab that Fleabounce cannot help but bother.

"And you spend a lot of time watching the ground?" Fleabounce prompts.​

"Issat true, mom?" Gigglekit murmurs as she winds herself around Ferndance's leg, her blinking eyes looking up at the sun that everybody seems to be talking about. She doesn't know if she wants to see what StarClan's like, at least not yet, so she doesn't stare too long - just enough that when she blinks she sees strange wisps in the darkness. She purrs at the sights, and sits down beside Ferndance.

Maybe it isn't her right to get involved in a conversation between grown-ups, but they all seem to be relaxing, and Gigglekit likes relaxing, too, so she hoped she'll fit right in.

"It's fun lookin' at t'ground," she piped up, answering Fleabounce even though the older she-cat's question was directed at Trufflefern. "Sometimes, there's funny lookin' bugs down there. An' sometimes there's holes, an' stuff," she continues, pawing at the ground in question.

Just as the molly was about to respond to Fleabounce a small voice piped up about a tail length away from the group. Trufflefern sighed in relief that she wouldn't have to answer the question on her own. To her, it seemed like Fleabounce was about to accuse her of being lazy by staring at the ground all day. It wouldn't be the first time she'd heard it after all, but Gigglekit had stepped in. *Brave kit,* she thought to herself before smiling lightly. "See, Gigglekit gets it. It's nice to step back and enjoy the small things in nature, the insects are just as beautiful as a sunset if you know where to look." Trufflefern nervously shuffled her paws before beckoning over Gigglekit to sit and enjoy the view, she hesitantly gazed up at the kit's mother for approval of the invite.