Starlingheart is older now, old enough that if she had stayed on her original path, she would've received her warrior name. It has been a long time since she has had enough time to look at herself in a reflection, to stand over a pool of water and see herself gazing up at her. When she sees herself she is surprised. Her paw raises to touch a face she barely recognizes as her own. She looks older now, her form filling out. Their is something missing from her face that the last time she had looked at herself she had had but she cant quite put a paw on it. When she looks at herself she sees an adult, she sees her mother. The memory of her image is becoming distorted with time but Starlingheart is almost certain her features are hers. Well, nearly all of them. It makes her wonder about her father, what he had looked like what he was like. Briarstar had told her, once, a long time ago. But that was back when she was a kit, back when all she cared about was when the next game of moss ball would be. She wishes she had payed more attention.

She is determined now, to find one of her older siblings, to ask them about their father and so when she returns to camp it is with a purpose. She spots a familiar sandy colored pelt and makes a beeline. "Ch-Chittertongue!" she calls out as she draws nearer, snow tipped tail waving in a polite greeting. "Can I- can I ask you about some-something?" she asks, voice quieter now that she was close. She wonders how much he remembers, how much he knows.

જ➶ He just can't seem to get that itch, his leg cocked up and trying to stretch further to get a spot just behind his ear. Yet he can barely reach it and he grunts with the agitation of it before he suddenly turns upside down and starts squirming. At the current moment he is not due for a hunting or border patrol so he has some time for himself. He hasn't really been thinking about much these days, struggling with his own many emotions and debating on a few others. Sometimes he does wonder what it would be like if he could view the world through wide open eyes. It must be nice. A lot of things might be nice and he pauses in his squirming as he suddenly hears his name being called. Jerking up slightly his dual eyes fixate on his medical sister before he rolls over onto his paws. "Well, well, well, hello little wasp. Day been going well?" He asks with humor in his eyes and that ever present grin on his muzzle.

Though he tilts his head in question curious of what she means to ask. "Well ask away. I'll try to answer as much as I can for you." The tom then sits upright, giving his little sister his full attention.

She is glad that he takes her request seriously, is glad he doesn't just wave her away with a flick of a tail and an 'Im busy' it had been a fear of hers, if she's honest. She knows some cats don't take her seriously because of her age, her broken speech, but this was important to her, too important to be turned away.

She lets out a sigh of relief, but the tension doesn't leave her shoulders as she absentmindedly plays with a pine needle at her feet, rolling it between her paw and the ground. "Well I just - I" she speaks quietly, hesitantly "I was thinking and I- What was dad like?" she wouldn't know anything about him, he had died before the great battle and she had been a kit when her mother had told her about him. Back then, she hadn't payed nearly enough attention. She thought she would have time to later, but Briarstar was gone now too. PItchstar as well, leaving Chittertongue as the next in line in order of siblings she was willing to approach. She raises her gaze from the ground to look at him, waiting.

જ➶ Why does her question come as a surprise to him? Family. They were supposed to stick together, to continue understanding their ancestry and who they were. But this is the first time any of his siblings from the youngest litter asked about their father. A smile seems to waver, pain creasing his brow as he remembers the death of Amber. That Skyclanner murdered him in cold blood in front of their mother during a war that should have gone smoothly. But soon his face becomes placid and happy once more. "Oh yes! We don't talk much about him do we." The question is more a statement as he beckons his little sister to his side. It is always good to be comfortable when talking about family. The lilac tom looks the most like their father. Soft and light fur. No smudges of black. It makes him often wonder about if it was due to fate. "Amber...I sometimes wonder what his name would have been if he had lived. All this new legacy and new rules stuff." Probably heart or sun.

"He was a good father, a good cat. Had a warm heart, open. Never saw the worst in any cat he met. He was always willing to out a helping paw forward and befriend another. Haha, did you know that he used to be a kittypet? Ma didn't talk about that but he was...joined cause he fell in love with Ma." Before kittypets were looked down on or maybe Hare Whiskers fell for that friendly charm that Amber had. Or maybe the guts he had to leave his home and be with the cat he loved.
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