camp someone to you — kit intro

to be reborn , you have to die first .
It was a struggle to get out of the well-worn nest in need of moss that Spiderlily couldn’t be bothered to care, rich with the scent of milk and herbs, the ghostly tom weakly nudged his two remaining kits towards the entrance. He had hoped he would have been better before their birth, wrought with fever and terror that his children would fall ill to the point he had nearly begged for another queen to take them, but even his own half-delirious mind couldn’t bear to part with them.

They were his soul as much as Whitelion had become so intertwined that it would be impossible to separate them. The ghostly tom leaned forward to rasp a sandpaper tongue, soothing the fur on their helms. “Come, let us go outside.” He rasped, tiredness making itself known in drooping shoulders if it weren’t for Whitelion keeping him upright, he would have crumbled like bones.

He rested just at the mouth of the den, expression soft, riddled with signs of fever, but he would be damned if he missed out on this, even if he felt a step closer to death’s embrace. Spiderlily was nothing, but stubborn. “Do not leave my sight.” He rumbled, wracked with shivers, staring down at his children with pinkish hues.
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Sniffing tentatively at the ground, Softkit followed Spiderlily, a small frown of determination plastered across her face. She'd gotten used to Spiderlily and Whitelion, as well as Vixenkit, but it would be her first meeting with anyone outside of her immediate family today.
As Spiderlily sat at the mouth of the den, Softkit blinked at him, once, twice, before taking that first step out of the den that she had gotten so accustomed to. Stay in sight, was what Spiderlily had said, and Softkit knew that it was in her own best interest to stay true to those words. Even the relative safety of ThunderClan was new and foreign to Softkit, and if her dad insisted that she take care, then she would.
Her small, pink gaze seemed to look further than just her surroundings. "Papa, Dad," she asked, voice akin to her namesake, as she looked up at Whitelion, "what else is out there?"

The scent of milk and herbs was familiar to the white kitten, silvery black peeling through spots on her pelt. A slightly chunky kitten, with a waddled walk and dark blue eyes that never went away from birth.

It was their first time leaving into camp, and she didn't want to. She wanted to stay here with papa and dad. she wanted to stay comfortable, curled up against their pelts. even if Papa was sick.

her lips puckered, frowned a little. she would go, only because softkit was going. she didn't want to be left out just because she wanted to stay comfortable. her underlayed spotting fur would push out of the den before standing beside softkit.

there was a lot of room, a clearing, with cats sharing tongues, eating, or leaving the barrier of walls. cats of all colours, but it just looked... dirty.

"everything is out here," she responded as if softkit spoke to her. her voice was squeaky but loud, announcing their presence almost.

make peace with your broken pieces .
Whitelion rumbled quietly, letting his sick mate rest against his side, helm resting just slightly on top of Spiderlily’s head to peer down at his kits with unfeathered warmth. “Rest now.” He murmured to Spiderlily’s slumped form, offering a gentle rub of his cheek until Softkit’s voice called out with questioning hues.

She had eyes just like Spiderlily, soft and naïve and he hoped they would never lose that, but it was wishful thinking. “Lots of things, little one.” He pulled away from his mate just slightly to brush his nose against her helm, golden optic crinkled. He laughed at Vixenkit’s response, nodding. “Indeed!”

For there were many things his little ones could get into, but for now, he would follow them if they ventured further. “Shall we let your papa rest?” He rumbled, the word feeling foreign but welcoming. “I don’t think he’ll mind if we sneak away to see the rest of camp. Perhaps you’ll like to get on my shoulders, mhm?” He questioned, staring down at his daughters with a soft smile.

Even as they grow bigger, Whitelion would never deny them a piggyback ride with their father.
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Tybalt had been on his way towards the nursery, a few small feathers dangling from his jaws. Too small, no good for lining nest, but a good size for the games of rambunctious kittens. Spiderlily and Whitelion stood near the entrance with their new litter of kits. Spiderlily looked as though he could sleep for a moon or two.

A small chuckle left the usually grumpy warrior’s lips as he overheard the kits exclaiming how big the camp was. He supposed it must be pretty overwhelming the first time you saw it, especially when you were so small. “Hello Spiderlily, Whitelion,” he greeted, voice muffled through the feathers in his teeth. He offered the kits a small smile as he set down the feathers. “Hi,” he said. “First time out of the nursery?”
Pearlykit watches the other kits with jealousy in his eyes. He wishes he had his parents here with him. He isn't angry at these thunderclan kits, he knows that nothing that happened to him is their fault... But it stings, seeing a happy family, a reminder of what he once had. He doesn't think he has it in him to be nice... The wound is still fresh. In fact, seeing all these happy families still intact no matter which clan they're from feels like thorns in the wound.

These kits are so little, too. not that he's much older, but these one's are having their very first outting, it seems. Even though he wants to scream and cry and throw a tantrum about his circumstances, he finds it in him to shove it down and bounce over to the kits.

"There's a lot of stuff out here!! Like these crunchy leaves!!" He squeaks, smacking his paw down on a dead leaf. It gives a satisfying crunch, and he starts kneading it with his paws to make more noise. "They're fun!"

Somewhere in the back of his mind he knows he shouldn't befriend these kits. They could be future enemies some day, and its no good to hesitate in battle. But Pearlykit doesn't want to be alone right now, so crunching leaves with other kits it is.​
Everything. Lots of things. Crunchy leaves. All were answers that, for now, would have to be satisfactory until Softkit could see for herself just what lay beyond the ThunderClan camp; and perhaps, even beyond the whole territory. There were things that would remain unseen for moons to come, and she realized quickly she would have to get accustomed to having that knowledge just out of reach until the proper time made itself apparent.
"Hello," Softkit greeted the older tom that had greeted her parents, and she watched as Tybalt set down the small offering of feathers for the kits to play with. She peered curiously at the feathers, before looking back up at the tom, nodding in response to his question. "Yes, it's our first time out. I'm Softkit." She introduced herself with a small smile, and the introduction was just as much for Pearlykit as it had been for Tybalt, her pink gaze shifting to the kit that was playing with the leaf.
"It's a little loud," Softkit commented as she watched Pearlykit continue to crinkle the leaf, and she experimentally tapped at the feathers that had been brought; unlike the leaf, they emitted no noise, which Softkit seemed to find preferable.
*+:。.。 "WOW! Future thunderclan warriors incoming!" shouted a man who in twenty moons learned nothing about 'indoor voice'. Heavy paws thunder against the earth as the bulky Bengal makes his presence known. He couldn't say one way or the other how he truly felt about children. They were small, and fragile so in terms of competition, they were always way too easy to beat - although since Sal was a 'paw he'd been kicked out of the nursery many times for trying to challenge newborns to races...but he couldn't be kicked out if the kittens were in camp! Salamanderburn, thus, is a ball of energy when he comes upon the happy family introducing themselves to the wider world, eagerly looking upon the youth who'd hopefully one day maybe even become his very own apprentice one day! Waving his leopard-like tailback and forth, the man peers down upon the little ones. "A little loud? Ah don't sweat it you'll get used to it!" shouts the very loud tom-cat before plopping down on his rump, "Name's Salamanderburn! Nice t'meetcha!"

Peering closer at the more talkative kit, Salamander muses, "Softkit ey? Not a very strong name but I s'pose they don't always hafta be! Still pretty brave of yah to come out here so congrats!" He aims to slap Soft's back with a hearty pat...maybe a tad too roughly but he holds back enough to hopefully at least not hurt


A cat approached with brown fur and golden eyes that popped against the contrast. The girl would narrow her eyes as he came bearing soft looking things. "What do you expect me to do with this?" She asked, very bluntly, pawing it into the air and watching it drift slowly to the ground. It held no fascination to the young girl, but she never claimed to be creative.

A blue and white kitten approached next, stepping on crunching leaves, and Vixenkit didn't exactly know what to do with the loads of information before them. Names, new things, she'd press herself into Softkit if allowed.

She had first been the loud one, but now she kind of regretted it. Hearing her sister introduce herself, shed follow through with her own. "I'm Vixenkit." She greeted to the other two. A leaf nearby was the victim of her own white paw, pressing gently as it cracked and crunched beneath her pad. It was kind of satisfying, she supposed.

And then a booming voice with loud thuds of steps coming onwards that made her springboard off of the ground leaving her with a puffy tail and huddled against Whitelion. Loud was right. It seemed they would have to quickly get used to it. "That's a hard to say name," she said softly.

"Daddy, id like to get on your back now," she whined, pawing at his sides to try to climb up herself. Unfortunately, she was too small, and was not able to.
Tybalt flinched, gritting his teeth as Salamanderburn came up behind him. The other warrior was speaking way too loud, as always. He offered a small smile towards Softkit, who was now prodding curiously at the feathers he'd brought. "My name is Tybalt," he said. "Nice to meet you, Softkit."

Turning his attention toward Vixenkit, he shrugged his shoulders. The other kit seemed disinterested in his offering and more interested in the leaves, not that he minded. "You can play with them if you want," he offered. "If not you, someone else can have them. They're not much good for lining nests with, Too small."
make peace with your broken pieces .
Whitelion stood, watching Tybalt with a perceptive optic, dipping his helm to the other while reaching to curl a tail around his sick mate, sitting just at the maw of the med den. He chuckled at Pearlypaw’s comment, golden optic crinkling, not before resting his gaze on Vixenkit and Softkit. “Perhaps you’d like to join us, little one.” He rumbled, referring to the shortened journey.

His gaze narrowed at Salamander’s presence, frowning. If Spiderlily were well, Whitelion didn’t doubt for a moment that the warrior would be seeing stars, feeling Vixenkit press up against his frame, sweeping a protective tail around her frame, expression darkening. He supposed Spiderlily wouldn’t need to if Whitelion had anything to say, maw parting to speak when Vixenkit spoke.

Glancing down, the white-furred warrior crouched down without further delay, helping her up and onto his shoulder with his tail, letting out a soothing rumble. “It’s alright, little one.”

He turned to Tybalt. “I offer my thanks Tybalt, but perhaps the others would enjoy them?” He offered, nodding his helm to the nursery, filled with Windclan and Thunderclan kits. His tail flickered, offering the warrior a gentle smile.
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