sensitive topics someone you loved | rescue

Apr 2, 2023

The life of a loner is not so bad it turns out. Lonely at times, yes, but Dewfrost had not felt so free and at ease since the days before the clan. Sometimes the dark thoughts still haunted the corners of her mind, grief, guilt, sorrow. It was easier now not having to constantly pretend as though she was alright, to forcibly smile and act like her emotions weren't eating her up inside.

As she had expected, time away from the clans, from Roeflame, had given her time to reflect on her thoughts. She had found a certain peace with her past. It didn't make things right but she had come to accept it.

That day, Dewfrost found herself somewhat close to ThunderClan territory. She wasn't looking for her daughter or to cause trouble, she just simply liked the lands here better. They were much more inviting than the masrhlands she had called home. She had kept generally close to the twolegplace as of late, recalling the information Sharpeye had given her and using it to her advantage. Being around so many twolegs was a bit off-putting but Dewfrost had been quick to learn to avoid them. And avoid most other cats for that matter. It was a surprise then that she would know of the rogue issues facing the clan - well she didn't know it was an issue facing all the clans, but she had heard whispers of a few rogues who had tried their luck hunting nearby. It concerned her slightly but she had to recognise it was not her place to care about those things anymore. She had given that life up when she chose to leave.

She had been walking nearby when she heard the loudest, most earsplitting caterwauling she had ever heard. It made her freeze on the spot, body rigid, as though half-expecting to see some crazed creature charging at her. No such creature did. But despite the lack of predator chasing her, the sound persisted, a bit quieter now but still there. For once, her curiosity got the better of her. She followed the sound carefully, quietly noting that the smell of ThunderClan was strong now, and she had likely trespassed. But it sounded like a cat was in trouble and she had to know more.

When she came across the two fighting cats, she had no idea what had caused the scuffle but it was very vicious. There was a skinnier, bony-looking rogue fighting with a clan cat. Due to their movements it took a moment to place the she-cat fighting them, before suddenly recognition flared in her brain. It was Roeflame. The rogue was fighting Roeflame.

She watches for a moment as they fight, too stunned to move to intercept. She wants to help, StarClan knows she does, but she is torn between getting involved. It is only when the rogue knocks Roeflame to the floor, their lips pulled back in a snarl exposing pearly white teeth, ready to go for a killing bite that she lunges. She knows that look in their eye too well. She knows what would happen.

Before the rogue can bite Roeflame, Dewfrost crashed into them, sinking her own teeth into the scruff of the brute's neck, pulling it off her daughter and beginning her own fight.

Little did she know it would be her last.

// @Roeflame .
Please wait for Roe and me to respond again before posting!

ROEFLAME — break the air to feel the fall.
The rogues were becoming bolder, their taunts more blatant than ominous prey scraps on their border.
The squirrel is long dead, knocked from the rogues jaws as Roeflame had pounced on her with a fear-instilling screech, the hunger of both the warriors own and her clanmates fueling her fire as the tabby worked to drive the mangy scrap of fur from her territory.
The fight had been going in her favor, the element of surprise on her side as she chipped away at the rogues stamina, delivering quick but forceful blows while working to dodge the rogues counter moves.
It isn’t until her opponent springs at her with a shocking amount of energy does Roeflame realize her fatal mistake in underestimating the others desperation.
The two go tumbling in a fit of hisses and snarls, oblivious to the lurking silvered shadow.
Roeflame hurls unsheathed claws towards the bony feline, the stretched forepaw exposing her throat. It is only a heartbeat too late does the tabby realize her stumble, when celadon eyes catch the sight of their outstretched fangs, plunging towards her.
Roeflame yowls again, fiercely as she refuses to go out quietly.
Teeth barely graze pale fur before something knocks the rogues weight off of the small warrior.
Burnstorm? The thought is instinctual until Roeflame rolls, eyes locking onto a silver figure barreling her would-be killer over.
Crimson-speckled and breathless, Roeflame blinks as her brain tries to make the image of her savior click.
The rogue is gaining the upper hand by the time Roeflame realizes, scrambling to her paws with a warning cry on her tongue.


tw: blood & death

Dewfrost had never been much of a fighter. Her father, Cold Wind, had always teased her for lack of desire to fight, for her gentle spirit. She thinks the only reason he wasn't entirely ashamed of her was because she was something of a gifted hunter.

In this moment however, Dewfrost fights like the fiercest of warriors, claws unsheathed, teeth bared, the fur along the ridge of her back raised. The rogue is brutal and relentless but so is she. She feels claws digging into her skin, tearing, ripping, taking tufts of fur with it. The rogue's teeth prick her shoulders briefly but Dewfrost bucks her off, quickly turning and charging into her knocking her to the ground. She can hear the rogue cursing beneath her, begging to just have the squirrel and go, but Dewfrost is furious.

"I saw you!" She hissed, leaning her head down towards them. "I won't let you take her!"

Dewfrost tries to bite her shoulder and rogue screeches in annoyance. Although Dewfrost had the upper hand, the rogue's thrashing is difficult to contain, and Dewfrost can't keep her held down for long. Both cats are stood upright now, exchanging blows, trying to dodge each others movements. Dewfrost swings a paw upright at the rogue's head, tearing one of her ears to shreds. There is another yowl and the rogue twists trying to bite her. They wind up in a mass of two bodies, both cats trying to bite or wound each other further.

Dewfrost isn't sure how it happens but she feels the rogue's teeth at her throat. She gasps out loud as the teeth connect and she feels blood welling quickly from the wound. Already weakening, Dewfrost finds the strength in herself to yowl in frustration, before kicking out with her hindlegs and pushing the rogue off her. Dewfrost stands there teetering, her pale eyes glaring at the rogue, almost daring them to try again. A foolish thing to do given her waning strength but Dewfrost isn't thinking like that. She's doing what she should have done moons ago, defending her kits, her only surviving kit.

The rogue and Dewfrost stare each other out before the rogue makes a low growl, turns on her heels and runs away, a few fresh wounds for her efforts to get the squirrel.

Dewfrost watches them go warily. Only when they're out of sight does she try to turn back to Roeflame, but even that seems incredibly difficult and Dewfrost can no longer find the strength to stand. She collapses to the floor wearily, blood pouring from the bite wound in her neck, her breaths ragged. Her awareness is waning now but she is aware of a shape coming towards her. Roeflame.

"Sorry!" Dewfrost suddenly chokes out. It's almost urgent in the way she says it, knowing she hasn't got long left. "So sorry..."

There's more she wants to say. So much more. She wishes they had more time, that she could try and make further amends. She wishes that they could have had a life together.

She says sorry again, or at least she thinks she does, in truth it comes out as more of gargle of words. Her green eyes move away from Roeflame, looking at a spot of the forest ahead of her, staring intently as though there was something more interesting than trees. And then, for her final moments, something like pure joy flashes in her eyes. "C-Clover?" She whispers, elated.

There is one final exhale of breath and then she is still.

ROEFLAME — break the air to feel the fall.
// TW for graphic descriptions & intense grief.

The cat that tears into the rogue before Roeflames very eyes is not the Dewfrost she had come to know, there is not a whisper of meekness in the silver molly.
Not even when the rogue finds their way to her mothers throat before Roeflame can reach them, the anguish that echoes through the forest is the cinnamon tabbies own horrified cry.
Dewfrost kicks the rogue from her, still holding chartreuse fire in her gaze despite the crimson that streams from her throat- and Roeflame almost has hope. Perhaps, it was simply a flesh wound.
No sooner has Roeflame closed the gap that was once between them does the rogue spring away, kicking up soil as they made their escape.
Thud goes the haunting sound of Dewfrost, and Roeflame doesn’t want to look, does not want to see the spotted warriors corpse.
Sorry! The choked exclamation surprises Roeflame and she whirls around, eyes already clouding with a mixture of shock and confusion.
"Stop…stop it!" It’s an angry demand, even as the Thunderclanner presses a forepaw against the others shoulder.
Another apology, and Roeflame is shaking her head, unaware of the way her body had begun to almost violently tremble.
Frustration creases at her brow bone as Dewfrost calls out for a “Clover,” eyes drifting to a far away place. "I’m right here! It’s me!" Roeflame cannot help her desperation to be seen. When the silvered flank finally falls still, her head is still shaking. "No, no.. no I’m right here! I’m still mad at you!" While she is yelling, there is no true rage in her tone, only tragedy.
"You can’t die while I’m still mad at you! Dewfrost!" While meant to be a shake, when Roeflame prods the queen it is more of a kick, and she does it again and again.
"Get up! Get the fuck up!" Now there is rage, white-hot and visceral.
Her weeps are a bone-chilling melody, the blood that now painted her chest and paws truly nightmarish. "You don’t get to do this to me!" The tabby cries, stilling herself as she sobs.
I hate you! I hate you! Who she is thinking these things towards is unclear to the warrior, only knowing that the hatred is there.

XXXXXBy the time Mousenose discovers Roeflame, the rogue who had stolen her prey and her mother from her is long gone. Her patrol had been far enough away from Roeflame that it had been far too late by the time they’d pelted to the scene. The brave ThunderClan she-cat is crouched over a she-cat who is obviously no longer alive, her throat bloodied and her body limp. Mousenose’s fur begins to bristle. “Roeflame?—Roeflame, are you okay? Who…” Bewilderment replaces the hostility in her eyes when she sees how broken Roeflame looks. “Roeflame, who is that?

XXXXXShe inches closer, her tail held high and her eyes flicking nervously to and fro. Was it one of the rogues? But—but no, she thinks, because why would Roeflame be crying over her body right now?

Howlingstar is quick to arrive just after Mousenose, the scent of blood on the air summoning her. She arrives prepared to fight more rogues, claws already slipping from their sheathes but all she finds is Roeflame crouched over a dead loner. A loner that...looks familiar. She looks like a clan cat she's seen at Gatherings. "What has happened here?" She mews urgently, concern evident in her expression and voice. The tabby hurries forward, ears flicking in all directions as she seeks out any sort of danger. Did Roeflame kill this cat? "Roeflame...?" She urges. She wants to be there to support the broken warrior, but she must be a leader first. She has to know what transpired to have a cat dead on her territory.

ROEFLAME — break the air to feel the fall.
The call for her is distant, and Roeflame ignores it at first, willing for Mousenose to just go away. The tabby warrior wasn’t ready, she wasn’t ready for any of this.
Paw still clasped to her kins shoulder, she bows her head to let her fangs sink deep into her bottom lip, as if she could stifle the pain from spilling more than it already has. She doesn’t feel the cuts, or the blood that dries on her pelt, her attention all too focused on the anger and grief that swell in her chest.
What has happened here? A deeper, velvet voice asks, much closer than Mousenoses. Finally, Roeflame forces herself to look up and meet her gaze to Howlingstars, the last time the warrior had seen so much concern in her green optics was the night she had told her the truth about Cinderfrost. Her ears flatten, unable to hide the reaction the memory has caused.
Roeflame shakes her head unable to speak, but only for a moment.
"She’s… she’s my mother, my real mother." The emphasizes is all but spat out, and she looks away from her leader, the same shame she had felt when confessing to Flycatcher bubbling back up. "A rogue was going to kill me over a.. over a squirrel. I don’t know why she was here or h-how, but she saved me." The words are rasped and almost choked out. Finally, Roeflame staggers back, her stomach twisting up in knots. "I-I want Flycatcher. Where’s Flycatcher?" The faces around her while familiar, brought her no comfort. Roeflame needed the one other cat who knew and had shouldered some of her burden with her, she needed her former mentor more than ever before.

// asking for @Flycatcher

It is another cat present who goes in search of Flyycatcher, hurrying back to camp and catching the deputy by surprise. After getting the warrior to take a moment and calm down, the deputy listens to what they have to say, his eyes widening in surprise upon hearing about a deceased cat and Roeflame asking for him.

Deciding not to waster any time, Flycatcher asks for where Roeflame and the others are and quickly dashes out of camp, desperate to get there as quick as he can. The scene he stumbles across is a tragic one. He sees Mousenose and Howlingstar pressed close to Roeflame, their faces full of concern, he sees Roeflame so clearly distressed, and he sees the body of Dewfrost. Her mother? He wonders. Although she smells vaguely of the twolegplace there is a familiarity to her silvery form and Flycatcher thinks he had seen her a few times at gatherings in the past. "Oh, Roeflame," He says softly, approaching her but not getting too close unless she would let him. "I'm so sorry."
Howlingstar's eyes widen in surprise. Roeflame's mother. Sympathy wells up within her and she nods to a nearby warrior to retrieve the deputy. The silver and brown she-cat is broken and mourning and she wraps her tail loosely around her until Flycatcher can arrive. "She's a hero, then," The plump tabby murmurs, only slipping away when the blue tom arrives.

She stands by for a moment, dipping her head in respect for the warrior who had saved her clanmate's life. The question still remained...who is she? Though familiar, Howlingstar cannot place her name. Now isn't the time to ask, though. She decides she will let the warrior mourn her mother's life before asking any questions, even if it waits till sundown.