
” well i’ll be goddamned! “

a low whistle, a prolonged wheeeew of sound from a crooked, grinning maw from where he crouches — in his twenty - odd moons of life, dodge chevy had never made a move to conceal himself in any regard. incapable of shame, some have muttered ; incapable of manners, others had snipped.. but its was nothing the chocolate sepia couldn’t scratch a flea at. he’d lived his life beneath his owners feet and they’d learned to step around him. his interactions with wild cats have been.. insubstantial, to say the very least. almost nonexistent, really.. if you didn’t count the occasional glimpses of lazing, contented faces through their monsters wide, clear eye.

but it had been a long trip. the wide - flanked monster that carried him today huffed and puffed as it crawled into its den for the night, resting it’s tired paws alongside the lines of monsters already long past asleep — and the moment it’s limbs had popped open, he’d taken his chance. after a bubbling trill and a quelling brush against his keeper’s leg, he’d ventured off towards the grassy area to the side of their monster’s newfound nest to stretch his cramped legs. sides, he thinks, it was hard work ignoring their monsters ever - present rumble. he could hardly stay asleep! how was a guy to rest all day in these conditions, huh?

and perhaps that was what led him further into the pine forest, mocha paws plodding absently through the brimming undergrowth. birds sing above, a welcoming song — and he feels the urge to sing back, does so in a quiet, cacophonous hum back to the fluttering heavens. by fate or stupidity one, when the frantic, nearby rustling of leaves sounds, dodge merely pauses. a stilt in his nonchalant sway along the odd - scented path ( did it always smell like that here? ), meadow green eyes only widen when a hunting patrol of wild cats slink from the pine.

he merely gapes.

” y’all’s twoleg lets you keep all’a that? mine’d be raisin’ hell! “ his lip twists and eyes widen, a grimace of a thing that says ive tried. boy, that hadn’t been a good day for anyone.

  • i. hes wayyy too far into the territory but without a single brain cell
    trucker cat trucker cat trucker c
  • DODGE CHEVY ——⠀.⋆ ⠀\ō͡≡o˞̶
    m. he / him, future daylight warrior of skyclan. sturdy chocolate sepia with evergreen eyes. young and wild, colt - like in all but age ; he is forever exuberant, all boisterous laughter and crooked smiles from gapped teeth. his limbs are sleek and leanly muscled, though not quite long enough to rival the size of his clanmates, leveling him quite a bit shorter than skyclan’s majority. deep mocha tones lightening at the elbows where his short fur feathers messily, surprisingly glossed and well - kept by the haphazard diet his owner offers him. oft coated in strong - smelling soot and something chemical, dodge chevy is an oddity amongst the clans — if only for his.. unique kittypet life.

    𖦹 . bisexual, single and widely flirtatious. smells like thunderpath & cheap beer.
    𖦹 . auto garage mouser. twenty seven moons, ages every fifty posts. no apprentice.
    penned by antlers​

  • Haha
Reactions: mercibun
❪ TAGS ❫ — A squirrel dangling from charcoal jaws, Slate lifted his head and set his amber glare on the stranger who had quite boldly addressed the patrol. This was no SkyClanner, and yet here he was, standing there like he hadn’t just waltzed over the borders. Did his nose not work, or was he just a blatant idiot?

He wrinkled his nose, instantly recognizing the tom as some sort of city cat. Ugh — he stunk. While this one smelled of twolegs, he also smelled strongly of other things that he couldn’t quite put a name to. Monsters, perhaps? They oozed dark and dirty liquids sometimes that stained his paws and tasted horrible.

Figuring that his peers wouldn’t put their foot down, Slate decided that he’d do so himself. He dropped the prey at his paws. "You’re trespassin’, pal. Beat it." Slate issues the blunt warning, still clearly possessing the mentality of a street cat who defended his little alleyway turf from other strays. It hadn’t occurred to Slate that this fellow might want to join SkyClan, but he hadn’t found it necessary to ask. They didn’t have to offer membership to every single cat they laid eyes upon; there were cats crowding the dens as it was! As far as Slate was concerned, this was just a clueless kittypet who strayed too far into the pines.

// mobile </33 but wanted to get a post in!
The spotted cat didn't have much to do since Duskpool was still recovering, so he just goes on patrols where he thinks his help is needed. Hunting was an easy one, since he knows a lot of prey is needed for how large the clan seems to be getting. He can't say much as he also joined the clan through just approaching the border, but he wonders how much larger it'll get, since he hasn't seen any new joiners really; at least since the shelter.

Seems like he might get an answer as a cat he's never seen before trespasses, and Slate is quick to jump on him. "Well, Twolegs are pretty stupid. And we need all this," Drizzlepaw offers instead of just a threat. "But, yes, you are on SkyClan's territory. You lost? You aren't gonna find yours here." He isn't below chasing the stranger off if need be, but he'll be hospitable for now.​
જ➶ Quite easily he disagrees with the statement that Drizzlepaw makes. Twolegs are anything but stupid given how they recently managed to snag a good chunk of the clan. But he doesn't say anything at the current moment. Not with the mouse in his jaws. Plopping it down though he looks to the stranger then, eyes of honey brown looking over him before the fragile warrior slowly sits down. He feels rickety today but he managed a smile despite Slate's less than enthusiastic words. "Yeah, twolegs don't really like dead things around the den. I remember bringing in a frog and they really didn't like that." It also had been kinda alive still and one of his twolegs started shrieking. Rolling his shoulders then the chimera tilts his head as he looks to the rest of the patrol. Normally they ask a bunch of questions and Drizzle asks some of the more important ones. He keeps himself at the ready for anything but he doubts he will he chasing after anyone this day.

"Do you need help finding your way back?" The soft spoken and collared youth asks with a smile still on his face. At least then they don't have to be hostile to the other, especially if he doesn't know any better.


The tomcat emerged alongside the rest of the patrol, nearly tripping over the pheasent in his jaws and into Slate, whome he quickly gave his space before shooting a sheepishly apologetic look, dropping the oversized bird to his feet. "Damn things almost as big as me." he snorted before amber eyes shifted to land on the stranger before them.

The scent of twolegs and mosnters was quick to meet his nose, marking them as a kittypet easily enough, though it was unusualy just how strong the scent of the thunderpath was on them. Probably lost then, or here to join. he noted.

"No twolegs here, friend." he called with a flick of his ear, tone civil but not overly friendly given the fact that this was a tresspassing stranger and they had cats to protect. "We live on our own, and this prey is to feed our cats. I'm afraid my friends are right- you'll have to head back to where you came from unless you plan on sticking around full time- can't have strange cats wandering around so close to our home, right?" he explained, the words not unkind but firm in their delivery. He wouldn't become hostile without a reason, though he understood Slates frustration.

Angry at all the things I can't change
Twolegs. He didn't understand how daylight warriors like Johnnyflame put up with the lumbering up walking beasts. They were way more trouble than they're worth in his eyes, always causing trouble. Green eyes skimmed over the grinning stranger with an apprehensive gaze. The rubber burnt scent of monsters and thunderpath assaults his nose and he does little to hide the grimace that marks his features. "Shall I go grab Blazestar?" Coyotecrest mumbles lowly between both Slate and Johnnyflame after placing his own squirrel upon the ground. Surely the large ragdoll needed to be made aware.
When you're lost in the universe don't lose faith