camp SOMETHING AMISS (return from patrol)

// TLDR: Mudpelt's patrol returns to camp after finding fresh fox scent on the territory, only for him to realize Fernpaw is not with them. Please do not make a followup thread to this - Pin will make it!
Antlers gave permission for this thread! Any two warriors could have been the two with him!

The journey back to camp is a swift one, with the dark brown warrior taking up the lead. He pushes through reeds and draping willow branches with haste, following by the rest of the patrol. It had been an uneventful fishing trip until the lot of them had come across something alarming - fresh fox scent, the trail leading from Twolegplace and towards the river. Mudpelt knew better than to take on the beast without reinforcements. The group of them had thought it best to report this to Cicadastar before taking any action; at the time, Mudpelt had missed the disappointed look on his son's face. They'd be back to finish the job, after all.

He dives into the water that surrounds their island camp, promptly shaking off droplets as he emerges on the other side. His patrol's startled looks give away that there's something they need to say, and clanmates quickly approach to inquire. "Fox scent on the territory," He reports quickly, a nervous twinge to his voice. Despite it, he stands tall, muscular shoulders pushed back in determination. "I thought I could bring back a larger patrol to find it and drive it off." The other patrol members speak up, exchanging details with the worried RiverClanners and the warrior takes a step back to survey the returning patrol. As he does so, he realizes with a slow and creeping horror that a familiar red pelt is not among the cats gathered. "Fernpaw?" His ears fall back against his head as worry takes over his features. He looks around more wildly, sleek pelt beginning to bristle in alarm. "Fernpaw's not here!"
A fox here? Snakeblink had taught him of foxes, of all the troubles in RiverClan's territory– though he's no hope of defending against them, he's aware enough to be anxious of it. To worry near to his heart. Mudpelt was the best available to take care of things such as this. A capable warrior, strong in battle as he is in everything else; if he had come face to face with the fox, would they have fended it off? Would RiverClan be safe for a while longer? There are so many warriors here he would trust with defending them. His own mentor, too. But himself? Anxiety and fear squish together, melding. And the longer that the warrior festers in his own concerns, the worse it becomes in his own mind. But it isn't until he says Fernpaw? that the reasoning clicks.

Reaching to his full height, the older apprentice tries to glance through the heads as well. Maybe he'd missed him. Maybe he was just out sleeping. It should have been nothing. "Where could he have gone?" His mouth is suddenly very dry. Frogpaw's ears pin back. "He wouldn't leave camp." What had meant to be a comforting assertion cracks and buckles. "Would he?"

  • ooc:
  • frogpaw_finished.png
    —— npc x npc, has several npc siblings. mentored by snakeblink.
    —— loyal to riverclan, but somewhat uncertain of his place there.
    —— unknown sexuality. single, not actively looking or interested.

    a lanky, slender black smoke with low white and soft blue eyes. his ears are gently curled, and each paw has at least one extra toe, making them seem broader and larger than a typical cat's.
  • "speech"
In every situation you give me peace
A single ebony paw plucks through the fresh kill pile, weeding out spoiled food from the good that remained when Mudpelt rushes into camp with rather disturbing news. Dark ears prick with surprise, halting the filtering process to listen more closely. A fox? That was never a good sign and she did not blame the warrior for seeking out a larger patrol to take on the red hued canine. Rising to her paws she comes to stand near Frogpaw, periwinkle eyes shifting about with a small frown lacing her maw. "Was he not with you?" She asks with a trickle of worry beginning to seep into her voice. The ginger tabby was not within camp the last time she checked. A wave of realization begins to crash over her, blue eyes growing wide as she looks between the two. "H-he wouldn't try to take on a fox on his own, would he?" Her ears begin to pin as she peers past Mudpelt's shoulder but still finds nothing. Regardless, her nerves are kindled with the need to find her friend.
Don't gotta be afraid because you're in the lead
Foxes. The sound alone of the word sent a tremor down her spine- forget the consequences that seemed to follow after it. Her ears flattened, biting down on her lips. The scars that wound her body. She had been told it was from a fox- she was too young to remember, nursed back to health by Riverclan's paws. She pushed to her paws, ears flattened and her fur puffed up as she approached. She gnawed on her cheek for a moment, silent amongst the confusion and fear that was beginning to spread. Troutpaw's head turned, a sharp inhale following- and she looked back at Mudpelt.

She nursed her words before she finally spoke, unsure if she was pushing out of her range of jurisdiction- she's just an apprentice. Should she really say something? "We should go look. If- if he was out with you, and he's not here now..." Troutpaw's head turned towards where the patrol had headed in. She flattened her ears, stuck in indecision. ​
the day is like any other. a calm, sunny greenleaf morning — he is lounging, drawn only from his den by the sound of a returning patrol, ears swiveling forward expectantly at the chocolate tom left to lead it. bad news comes almost instantly, heart dropping into the pit of his stomach quicker than he can quell it. dread creeps up his paws, icy tendrils flooding pulsing veins. a fox. a fox, and.. " what? what do you mean he — " he isn’t here. fernpaw. there was only one thing that could mean, he knows. the ginger tom was still out there, either sidetracked or led atray by the fox that lurks somewhere beyond their meadows. his pupils thin in alarm, the fur along his shoulders beginning to prickle at mudpelt’s rousing panic. apprentices gather quicker than anyone else, drawn by the trembling energy sparking from the nervous patrol and lingering fox - scent, ” you three will stay put. if the fox is still present, the meadows are far too dangerous. they were no children, but a fox would rip their throats from their bodies in seconds, the snarling, drooling beasts they were. he had no extra eyes to be sure they didn’t do anything fish - brained — like fernpaw may have.

” aspenhaze, willowroot, boneripple, come with me. mudpelt — “ the father was frantic already, but the leader lowers his ears, lowers his voice. comfort, quick and desperate, ” we will find him. show me where you scented it. “

  • i. grabbing @Aspenhaze @willowroot and @BONERIPPLE to follow @MUDPELT and his patrol.
  • ˖ ⁺ 。 ˚ ⠀ CICADASTAR⠀⠀−−−c−−−⠀⠀king of the rivers.
    m. he / him. black smoke & tortoiseshell chimera with intense salt - blue eyes. a handsome, looming tom bearing patchwork black - silver curls that fall over his slim figure in loose, shining rivulets, broken with white and glossy from his fish diet. descending from a heritage of overtyped oriental shorthairs, cicadastar stands unusually tall amongst his peers, and holds himself with a tragic grace, poised and prim and ever - aware of how he is being perceived.

    gay, mated to smokethroat. smells like wet stone & moss.
    speaks with a german accent. 43 moons, ages every 50 posts.
    penned by antlers

  • cicadablueoutline.png

  • "speech"
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Reactions: Aspenhaze
Aspenhaze is once again immediately ready to leap into action at the sound of "fox". Foxes are dangerous, sure, but they aren't that afraid to take them on, especially if it means they save a clanmate. They're not shocked in the least at their name being called by Cicadastar, and they dutifully nod at the request to join him to deal with the fox, however it may turn out.
Her father’s patrol enters camp, and she can see the fur of every cat on it is ruffled. Iciclefang pads closer as Mudpelt reports they’d found a fox in their wetlands. “Filthy thing,” she murmurs to her father and Clanmates, lashing her tail as she remembers scoring her claws against a badger’s backside. “We’ve had nothing but trouble lately.

She’s about to offer to help drive the beast away when Mudpelt stiffens, horror dawning on his features. “Fernpaw?” She feels her body drain of blood, her eyes stretching into frozen puddles across her face. “He was with you? He can’t—” Iciclefang swipes a tongue about her mouth, which is suddenly dry as cotton. “He can’t even beat Darkwhisker in a spar! Why wouldn’t he come back?

Frogpaw, Sablepaw, and Troutpaw quickly gather closer, concern painting their features as they badger Mudpelt with questions. At Cicadastar’s approach, Iciclefang snaps her head around. She’s relieved and flushed again with adrenaline when he declares he’ll take a patrol to find Fernpaw—but he does not name her. Aspenhaze, Willowroot and Boneripple of all cats are ordered to go with him, Mudpelt leading the way to the fox.

Iciclefang fixes them with a fierce look as they prepare to bound after her father. “Don’t come back without him!” Though her words are spoken like an order, any cat who knows her know it is a plea—a plea to StarClan to spare her fool of a brother’s life.

જ➶ The woman is alert and sitting up when the patrol arrives, eyes half open as she pulls her ears forward. For a moment she just listens and she crinkles her muzzle a bit as she hears that there has been scented the fresh smell of fox on the territory. That is a problem. Foxes are known for being fierce predators that have to be dealt with accordingly. Her body slowly steps up then as she whips her tail against the ground and she steps forward at tbe idea of helping to drive the fox away. But it all breaks down when Mudpelt shouts that Fernpaw is not witj them. "He couldn't have stayed behind to-," She cuts herself off before the idea passes her lips and instead she eases her way forward on silentpaws. Her burning eyes look as Cicada speaks then and she is summomed among others to go and get this fox.

A dip of her head is all she gives for a moment, ears twitching. Right. The fox has to be gotten rid of and Fernpaw has to be brought back home safely. "We will bring him home, Mudpelt." But she is bitter as she hears Iciclefang, remembering what she said to her. And she remains silent towards the other, only preparing to leave.
Apprentices gather around him, asking questions and he only shakes his head, insisting, "He was right behind me! He-" The dark brown tom trails off, whirling around again to look deeper into the wetlands. "Fernpaw!" A desperate yowl that is not answered. Cicadastar approaches with an attempt to comfort and the warrior turns wide eyes onto the leader, his stumpy tail flicking back and forth apprehensively. We will find him. With worry plastered across his face, he nervously gives his leader a nod. Iciclefang begs them to come home with her brother and he gives his daughter a concerned glance. "We will," He assures her, already backing away in preparation to cross the river and lead the patrol to the scent. "I promise!" He gives one last glance to Boneripple, Aspenhaze Willowroot and Cicadastar before diving back into the water.
Troutpaw inhaled quietly- the chorus of concerned voices was almost overwhelming, but just as she felt her muscles start to tense up, preparing to rush from camp, Cicadastar spoke. Akin to an engine turned off, she stepped back and muscles relaxed, ears flattening. Nervous anxiety bit at her stomach and twisted- Fernpaw was going to be alright, right? Troutpaw didn't say anything else, just sat back on her haunches and stared on as the patrol, newly formed and anxious themselves, rush from camp. She glanced at Sablepaw, as if attempting to find some solace there. ​