( ) there's been an odd adrenaline in her body for a few days now, an energy that sends jolts through her muscles and fire in her veins. there's an itching in her paws, and as she slinks through camp, she can't help the prickling feeling on the back of her neck, the thought that everyone is watching her. she's the dumb one, the cat who got pregnant a moon and a half before leaf bare. what an idiot she's been, both selfish and ignorant to think the clan will take care of her through this. she's bring new lives into the world, yes, but she's going to be taking from everyone in order to do so. truly, what a fool she's been.

the pit in her stomach churns with discomfort caused, she's sure, by both the young lives inside of her and the anxiety that's permeating every part of her body. in the days since that disastrous reveal, she's tried to stay out of everyone's way. much of her time is spent out by the river, furiously hunting as much as she can, as if this will attempt to make up for the issues she's already causing the clan. when she's not fishing, she's hunting for herbs, desperate to aid beesong in any way she can. today, however, her body hurts, paws aching and stomach cramping in a way so discomforting that she can't bring herself to crouch by the river.

slender paws carry the aching feline towards sunningrocks, the chilled air sending pinpricks up their spine. willowroot has conceded to one day of relaxation, and they've chosen today for it. the grand boulders come into sight and a sigh of relief escapes their chest involuntarily, claws flashing out to cling to the rock as they make their way up. they know the rocks won't be empty- truly riverclanners are all birds of a feather, but a spark of joy alights in their eyes as their gaze falls upon one tom they haven't had time to speak to yet. smokethroat sits just beyond the other gatherings of cats, staring off into the middle distance. approaching on hesitant paws, the femme seats themself beside him, smoke fur brushing darkened pelt. "hey," they breathe, and then... they don't know what to say.
@Smokethroat mwah mwah


Smokethroat's staring contest with the river is cut short, he's watching the edges of the shore where froth seems to blend into the brittle shards of ice where water is just still enough for the cold wind to catch. Nothing has frozen over yet, but it has certainly tried and in time they would be shaking the cold powder from their pelts with every outing. He's not looking forward to it, his first leaf-bare with Moss's grouchy guidance or warm form sharing a nest. The warrior's pelt is far from thin, but it was designed to repel water not cold and he could already see himself having a rough time of it sleeping especially since he struggled to rest at it were. Soft but strained steps draw both orange eyes from the river to the smoke hobbling forward behind him and he sucks in a breath through his nose and flicks his tail in a silent greeting.
He wants to ask why she's out here. She should be resting, preparing, keeping Poppysplash's bossy ass busy but the excuses are already evident in the haggered way she's moving and the look of thoughtless unease on their expression.

"You know..." He trailed off briefly, not wanting to add to what he knew was already a touchy subject but also wishing to impart some degree of wisdom, "...if you keep running yourself ragged you might hurt them." The dark tom's head gave a gentle nod, gesturing to her stomach. He understood the fretting and desire to continue being productive but at this point it was really a matter of safety.
"...move to the nursery." His tone remained soft, but firm as much as he wanted one of his few trusted friends still nearby it was in her best interest to just adjust to the idea that it was going to be a long winter. If he was in Willowroot's place he would probably be the same, restless and unforgiving of himself and wishing to take it all back but kits were meant to be a good thing. For the clan, for the parents, for life...