something doesn't feel right [open / worrying]


astronaut in the ocean
Aug 7, 2022


Skyclan was a busy place- even more so now that they had all the shelter cats living among them. Warriors and apprentices came and went on patrols, split off for training sessions, or just broke off into groups to enjoy their spare time together. And so, for a while, Quill hadn't really thought anything of it when Bananasplash hadn't been in their nest that morning. She must have just gotten up earlier than him, right? And when he continued to not see her, he fed himself excuses, because if there was one thing Quill was it was rational. Chances are she was with Orangeblossom and the kits, or hunting with Pigeonsong or something.

But by the time mid afternoon was rolling around and he'd still seen nothing of her, Quill started feeling anxious. It wasn't like Banana to just ditch him like that. She was always with him these days, and when she wasn't they always told each other where they were going. It was a curtesy thing, a way of saying 'i'll miss you and i know you'll miss me, so don't worry cuz im only hunting, or hanging out with Butterflytuft, or whatever'.

So why hadn't she done that today?

"Hey, have any of you seen Banansplash around?" he asked as he made his way over to a group of cats that were sitting in camp. "I haven't seen her at all today. It's not like her."

He was clearly agitated, worried that something had happened. He'd been all over camp and the forest beyond, but he hadn't seen any signs of trouble or anything like that. Surely she wouldn't have gotten caught again? She knew better than to walk into the dense brush or tunnels.

skyclan - male - 14 months (Feb 17th) - bisexual - homoromantic - single - a very tall, dark chimera tomcat with mismatched eyes and several scars. has bluejay feathers woven like spikes along his spine and neck.

Though Quillstrike and Honeysplash’s courtship had surprised Blazestar, he hardly makes it his business to interfere. He knows he isn’t the best at reading romantic cues—he’d hardly known Little Wolf had been in love with him when she’d confessed, after all—and he brushes any instances he might have noticed of Twitchbolt and Quillstrike together as coincidence. Close friendships could sometimes look like a relationship between mates, right?

But when he emerges from his den around sunhigh, Blazestar’s dark blue eyes narrow with concern. Quillstrike asks a group of cats about Honeysplash’s whereabouts, using her daylight warrior name. “I’ve not seen Honeysplash today, no,” he murmurs. “Perhaps she’s gone to play with Orangeblossom’s kits? Or maybe she’s been sent on a patrol. Perhaps you should ask Thistleback.” It’s not as though the poor golden she-cat has any Twolegs to return to—they’d abandoned her, dropping her off at the shelter to be imprisoned or killed.




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Similarly to the most of the clan, she was caught off-guard when Honeysplash and Quillstrike announced their mateship. For a long time, she had always viewed him and Twitchbolt as an upcoming pair... Still, like Blazestar she was well aware it was none of her business, she'd be the last cat to poke her nose in their business, she settles on wishing Quillstrike and Honeysplash a happy life together.

Now he asks the group she sits with if they've seen his mate. Blazestar, upon exiting his den, answers he's not seen her. Figfeather nods along to the flame-points words, "I've not seen her either. ...I'm sure she's fine though." The marmalade tabby assures, it wasn't hard to guess he was worried she may have gotten captured again.

It was profoundly unlike Quillstrike to be so fidgety. That was his job most of the time- to write about worrying for something or someone, and to be grounded by the stoic chimera so often stood by his side. Now, that time had- had lessened, but only slightly. The envy he'd felt, that ugly jealousy and those uglier other-feelings had been pushed away in pursuit of continuing their ongoing friendship, getting used to the new status quo.

He had noticed too that Honeysplash had not been present in the warrior's den that morning, which was- odd, for Twitchbolt was usually one of the first to stir. Still, some... some got up at the first light of dawn to get some alone-time, and though he had never particularly chalked the younger warrior up to be an introvert, he supposed everyone must need a moment sometimes.

It was naive, though- because as soon as he saw that look on Quillstrike's face, his enquiry pointedly about his mate's whereabouts, Twitchbolt let concern wash away any other emotion that arose. For every part of him that had been blindsided by the... the unintentional claws of Quillstrike and Honeysplash's romantic admission, there was en equal side of him that cared for them both as his friends, and... the thought that she might have gone missing was concerning. It was not as if she was a frequent daylight warrior anymore, after her Twolegs had abandoned her.

"Did she not... tell you where she'd be...?" For once his tone was not shrieking and incredulous, but rather low with frayed worry. She was... besotted with Quillstrike, as far as he could tell, to the point where she'd admitted jealousy toward Twitchbolt's close friendship with him. If she was going anywhere odd, surely she would have let him know.
penned by pin ✧


"She's not." he snapped in response to Blazestars suggestions. He wasn't some mindless kit after all- obviously he'd checked the usual places. Still, he was able to recognize the tone was unwarranted, jaw clenching in an attempt to reign in his frustrations.

When he spoke again, it was with more contolled tone. "I've checked all the usual spots. She hasn't been to see the kits all day, and none of the patrols remember seeing her with them."

It was cause for alarm, if Quillstrike had ever heard one. His mate was gone, missing without a fucking trace, and he couldn't search the entire territory alone- not fast enough.

Figfeathers words of reassurance barely managed to reach him, not with the nightmare that was the shelter so fresh in his mind. Because those were the only options; humans, or predators. What else could there be?

"Did she not... tell you where she'd be...?"

Quill hesitated for a moment, because he knew it sounded wrong, not the kind of things mate did. And he wasn't sure what that meant, only that he was standing there alone.

"She was gone when I got up this morning." he explained, ears flicking backwards as his uncertainty began to bleed through. Had he done something wrong? He knew he could be oblivious sometimes, but surely he'd notice if she was that mad?

Mismatched eyes would shift back to Blazestar then, his worry obvious. "Can I take out a patrol to look for her?"

skyclan - male - 14 months (Feb 17th) - bisexual - homoromantic - single - a very tall, dark chimera tomcat with mismatched eyes and several scars. has bluejay feathers woven like spikes along his spine and neck.

Quillstrike becomes more agitated with each response from his Clanmates, and though the tone he takes with Blazestar is harsh, the leader does not rebuke him for his anger. It’s borne of concern; he can see that clearly enough. Any cat, even one as young as Quillstrike, would fret if their mate had disappeared, especially this close to the shelter kidnappings.

The tabby asks if he can take a patrol to search for Honeysplash. Blazestar hesitates; Quillstrike is young still, a warrior only for a few moons, but… he’d had a good mentor in Thistleback. He flicks the tip of his tail, nodding slowly. “Yes. You may. Take Twitchbolt and Figfeather with you.” The two of them were nearby; this was no time to take hours to find appropriate warriors free from tasks. “The three of you are without apprentices. Consider it your first real mission.” After a heartbeat, he adds, “You are all three familiar with the Twoleg traps and the dangers of Twolegplace. Don’t dawdle, stay alert, and don’t start trouble you don’t need to.” All three of them had suffered in that cursed place—perhaps, in some way, putting them on a search patrol together would be a good idea. “And you’re to report to me as soon as you return.




♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Quillstrike’s voice grows thick with agitation, Figfeather stiffens and refrains from making any further noise. Best to let Blazestar handle this one… she half-expects his wrath for the tone but he is a fair and considerate leader, the tabby thinks she catches a flash of understanding in his eyes.

In fact, he goes as far as approving the dark striped tom’s request for a patrol. He is quick to assign Twitchbolt and Figfeather, noting that they could see it as their very first warrior mission. This has Figfeather’s attention, excitement pulses through her and in an instant she’s up on her paws. ”Understood, Blazestar.” She meows eagerly, her tail taking a confident position in the air.

Despite her excitement, she was worried for Honeysplash. It was unusual her mate hasn’t seen her around today… but Figfeather truly couldn’t help but think it was nothing to worry about. She didn’t want to be in camp much either, especially after the tree… Looking to Quillstrike, she awaits his order to head out.


The relief he felt at being told he could take out a patrol was bittersweet, because while it would allow him to take a step back from work to focus on Honeysplash, it also meant that he might find something he didn't like. If something had gotten her, if she'd fallen into one of the twoleg traps, what was he going to do?

"Thank you." he replied to the older tom, grateful for their patience with him even though he knew he wasn't being the most friendly cat right then.

Mismatched eyes shifted to land on Figfeather and Twitchbolt then, two cats he knew he could trust to help him even if he wished a larger patrol could have been spared. He wasn't about to look a gifthorse in the mouth though, and he gestured to them with a flick of his tail. "We'll head out now then- if something happened to her and she needs help we can waste any time."

skyclan - male - 16 months (Feb 17th) - bisexual - homoromantic - single - a very tall, dark chimera tomcat with mismatched eyes and several scars. has bluejay feathers woven like spikes along his spine and neck.


She was gone when I got up this morning, Quillstrike confirmed, and Twitchbolt felt his constant jittering get worse as his mind wandered to the possibility that Honeysplash was in a considerable amount of danger. He supposed if anyone knew how uncharacteristic it was of her it would be Quillstrike, but even from the interactions Twitchbolt had with her... it seemed odd for her to have simply wandered, without even checking in with anyone...

His stomach twisted. For all the ferocity of the ... reaction he'd had to the sudden announcement of Quillstrike and Honeysplash's apparent romance, he would never have wished ill upon her for it. He never had, and... the possibility that something might have happened to her sickened him. Blazestar's command grounded him, and he met the leader with steely eyes, a single nod moving his head. "Yeah. Understood, right." A mission, a real mission.

Eyes flickered to Figfeather, and then to Quillstrike. Fretful in his own way, agitated before and apprehensive now. And he was right, wasn't he? Not a moment to waste. Already beginning to walk, he followed the direction that Quillstrike had beckoned. "I'm right behind you," he confirmed, his passion to find her already bleeding through his words. Tracking would be difficult in this weather, but with three of them... they should have a good enough spread of talents to ensure they'd find answers.
penned by pin ✧