Something happened here || Loner at the border

Sep 15, 2022
In his most recent travels, he picked up an unwelcome scent along the thunderpath that leaked into the pine forest, where he would not follow. He had no issue with Skyclan and didn't want to start having any. But it was the scent of the moors that grabbed his attention. He felt his chest tighten with unease at the thought that they had been so....Near, where he wanders. Furthermore, this was the second attack on Skyclan, as far as he knew.

Where Dandelionwish and Mallowlark were staying.

He felt the worry in his gut nearly overtake him, he wanted to run into the forest and see if they were okay. But he had restraint, he knew better. He would have to wait for a patrol, risky as it may be.

But he needed to know. On top of that.... He wanted to know who won. Windclan had no medicine cat and foolishly launched an attack... Were they desperate? Were they sick again?

He lingered a safe distance from the marked border. Curiosity was getting the better of him, so he peered into the forest, making sure he wasn't hidden and hoping he appeared as nonthreatening as he felt. Because lets be honest...He's Yewberry. He's not threatening at all.

He thought to call out into the woods, but he decided against it. Someone would come along shortly, he was sure. Borders had to be marked, and all that.​


The low, rumbling growl that met Yewberry was far from welcoming. On the lowhanging branch of a pine tree stood Quillstrike, the fur along his sneck and spine sitting in jagged spikes of animosity. "You aren't welcome here, exile." growled the hulking chimera as he lept down to land just on his side of the border, tail lashing behind him. "So get the hell away from our border."

He recognized this one, a former windlcanner who'd once supported Sootstar- the very devil of the moors who'd tried invading them again. Claws flexed, jaw clenching in anger as he strode forward, crossing past his clans border with a predatory roll of his shoulders before lunging at Yewberry, attempting to rake his claws over the toms ear and face.

OOC- attacking Yewberry, im so sorry, all opinions are IC- he's going through some stuff rn!!!!

skyclan - male - 16 months (Feb 17th) - bisexual - homoromantic - a very tall, dark chimera tomcat with mismatched eyes and several scars. has bluejay feathers woven like spikes along his spine and neck.




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Figfeather recognizes Yewberry as well- the last time she had seen him he had been far less scarred and she much younger. She's almost positive he was among the cats who fled with Dandelionwish. The marmalade tabby arrives just in time to watch Quillstrike lunge for the gray tom, in an instant she assumes he must've been here to cause trouble and races forward to assist.

Rushing up to Yewberry's side, she aims to duck and sink her fangs into his hindleg. If she can she aims to tug, most cats are not capable of keeping their balance on a mere three legs if she could get him to tumble, they could have him surrendering quickly and racing back where he came from within no time.
He is welcomed as warmly as expected, the usual hissing and spitting of his hated title as an exile of windclan. He tenses, knowing Quillstrike is going to attack him just from the look on his face.

"I never intended to be welcomed." He says flatly. Why would he? He is a non clan cat by the border of a clan. He had hoped things wouldn't have devolved to violence QUITE so quickly, though. Oh well.

Clayfur's words echo in his mind. Once a Windclanner, always a threat.

Quillstrike's claws nick his ear as he pulls back to dodge the blow, causing him to wince. Before he can get a word in, Figfeather arrives on the scene and pulls his leg from under him, making him fall to his side.

He bore his teeth and kicked out at her with his hind legs like a cornered rabbit, hoping to push her away. "I smelled Windclan where they don't belong and came to see if Skyclan was okay." He spat.

"But I can clearly see you're fine, and that my bleeding heart has once again caused me nothing but agony."

That was always the problem, wasn't it.

His heart was too soft. Perhaps if he had chosen a different border to wander across, he would be in a different clan. He'd be different. Better off. But he had chosen to wander the moors the day he had come to this forest, and he had no way of knowing just how badly he had ruined his life. He was never fit to be a Windclanner. He did not share the warmongering bloodlust they did. He had been kind and empathetic, and it lead him down a path that brought him nothing but misery.

Sootstar herself never hurt him, but it's clear to him now that she doesn't have to. Her existence, the existence of Windclan as it is currently, will always be claws in his side, digging into him no matter where he goes.

He will always be known as a Windclanner. A vile, ruthless creature, as so many see them. He is not, but he feels himself descending into one. With each hostile remark, every swipe, he is judged for things he did not do. Things he watched happen as he had been before, quiet, sniveling and spineless.

Once a Windclanner, always a threat.

That's what everyone believes. Perhaps he should make good on their words. Perhaps he should become the monster he feels himself becoming inside. He has killed before, on the streets. it didn't feel as satisfying as he expected it to. It only filled him with regret. But maybe it was the wrong cats he killed. Those cats were rogues looking for food who saw an easy target and paid for it. He had no grudges against them, there was no.... Feeling, behind it.

Maybe he should target the cats who continue to cause him misery even though they are nowhere near him.

"Let me go." He growled to Figfeather. He wasn't trying to hurt anybody, but if they refused, he would certainly change his mind in an instant. He didn't want to die here.



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Figfeather's teeth sink into skin, but Yewberry kicks out his legs and squirms making it difficult to keep her grasp. She does her best to hold on tightly, but when her opponent no longer squirms or wiggles and hisses 'let me go' she obliges. Figfeather would not continue to attack a defeated rogue, she spits out the tange of blood on her tongue and bounds back to her side of the border before spinning around.

She's glaring at Yewberry. "Your bleeding heart...? SkyClan doesn't need a loner to check up on us." She growls, the tom's pathetic self-pitying only aggravates her further. "Keep your nose where it belongs, SkyClan's affairs and wellbeing are none of your concern." Her tail lashes and she shoots a glance at Quillstrike. What had the loner done to initiate the attack in the first place? All she knows is that she wasn't going to walk by and leave a clan-mate hanging.

//sry i think you ended up having the worst luck with who popped in LOL hopefully someone else will come along shortly


Claws tore their ear, but it didn't feel like enough- it would never feel like enough. Bitterness and hatred swirled in the chimeras heart- but toward who? They weren't questions he was willing to touch just yet, all he knew was that he was angry and this cat was enough of an excuse to let that anger vent itself.

Mismatched eyes flash toward Figfeather when she arrives behind the other, knocking them off their feet and leaving the tom floundering between the two of them. Claws flexed with an eagerness to drive their point home, to send the exile running back with a set of scars that would forever remind them to steer clear of Skyclans borders, but he holds himself in check.

Quillstrikes not a Windclanner, and two versus one isn't a fair fight. Had Fig not come along and Yewberry had chosen to fight back, he may not have been so inclined to hold back. Instead, he nods toward the shecat, her loyalty not overlooked, and when she releases her hold on the tom, Quilstrike circles around to stand beside her, glaring daggers at the other tom.

"You don't care about Skyclan." he growled coldly. "Your here to check on your ex-clanmates, to make sure they weren't ripped apart by that crazy, foxhearted shecat and her pack of dogs."

Anger was the only emotion that ever seemed easily taken from the tom, his usually dull tone now alive and bleeding red like fire. "If Blazestar wanted all of Windclans exiles hanging out together, he'd send word for the rest of you to come join."

OOC- again, all IC opinions!

skyclan - male - 16 months (Feb 17th) - bisexual - homoromantic - a very tall, dark chimera tomcat with mismatched eyes and several scars. has bluejay feathers woven like spikes along his spine and neck.