camp something I didn't do [ night watch ]


Following the several sleepless nights, Flamewhisker had been quite keen on volunteering for guarding the camp while her clanmates slept. She was used to not getting much sleep at night, and running off of the little bits here and there that she did get. Green hues shifted towards the warrior's den, a hint of jealousy stirring within her. She could hear their peaceful snores...she could imagine their bodies limp and resting. I would give anything to sleep peacefully. she thought bitterly to herself. The last time she had slept fairly peacefully consistently, give or take a few nights here and there, was when she was in the nursery with her kits. She had just started to get over her nightmares, until the battle. She had fought in one other battle before that, but it hadn't of scarred her as deeply as this one had.

You almost died.

She couldn't keep that one thought out of her head. It was there, tugging at her...nagging at her all day, every day. Guilt was eating away at her core...guilt that she had almost left her kits to live like she was....without a mother. Perhaps volunteering to watch the camp wasn't the greatest idea. Even though she wasn't sleeping, she was still left alone with her thoughts. Her ears rotated, attempting to pick out any sounds from outside the camp...hoping to hear anything that could take her attention away from herself.

The black molly liked to think of Flamewhisker as a close friend, she hopes, at least, that she feels the same. Long nights spent together in the nursery where they whispered to each other so as not to wake the kits up, hushed conversations in the quiet of the night. It made the den feel so much less lonely when one was so used to sleeping among so many others. Still though, she finds herself tossing and turning in her own nest back among the other warriors, and so as not to wake anyone else up with her fitful sleep she makes her way out of the den and into the open air of the camp.

Spring has warmed the air and Little Wolf cant help but drink it in. Its cool and refreshing, still holding on to a small chill from leaf-bare but not unbearably so. She closes her eyes for a moment and lets the peaceful calm of the camp at night wash over her. When she opens them again, she has a good look around and is surprised to find the red tabby she cat there too. She had forgotten she had volunteered for guard duty tonight for moment.

She makes her way over and takes a seat next to her, sweeping her black tail over her front feet and offering the other she-cat a gentle smile. "Evening, how's guard duty going? See anything spooky in the trees?" she can tell something is troubling her friend but she is never one to pry. Perhaps Flamewhisker would tell her on her own, once she was ready to.

Berryheart had always been a light sleeper- but it was from no plague of nightmares. No- his awakenings often coincided with the fickle beat of his heart, or the disturbance of any outside sources. Tonight, the latter disturbed him- his sister's low tone, drifting in even as the slightest vibration, was about enough to jostle him from his dream. Awry eyes creaked open, adjusted to the darkness. The pale veil of moonlight drifted through the entrance, dust-flecks tangoing in circles... the sight of it almost distracted him from what had tugged at his curiosity in the first place.

One on guard duty, the other simple company... a shadow and a sunset, side-by side. Which one was which he had long forgotten. It surprised him how quickly he had lost track of warrior-duties, for he had once performed them among everyone else. With one day of revision he would surely catch up, but there was no use in racking his brain for something like this.

Silent, he sidled up beside his sister, wordlessly offering both Shady and Sunset a nod of greeting before turning his gaze to the streak of stars, tree-framed, above them. It was a pleasant evening... and his dreams would be better off with the glimmer of starlight fresh in his memory.

With her desperately alert senses, she had noticed a figure coming from the Warrior's Den. She kept an eye on the clanmate, but kept listening to the rest of the surrounding area. As the figure got closer, she recognized her former denmate of several moons, Little Wolf. As she padded through the camp with her ebony pelt, it seemed as though the shadows from the sky had consumed her, and all that was left were her eyes.

The flame hued warrior would smile in her friend's direction as she sat down beside her. While she had planned on being the only one wake tonight, she was thankful to not be alone. She could control her thoughts when in the presence of others...but when she was left alone...she ruffled her pelt to shake the thought away. "It's a nice night...though, we seemed to have missed the unpleasantly cold watch duties." the tabby added on the second part of her sentence, her gaze glittering with slight amusement. What she would have given to have had her warrior duties those past moons ago, but there was still that part of her that hadn't missed the cold patrols.

Another figure joined them, Berryheart. She dipped her head in greeting to the tom as he sat beside his sister, and she wondered briefly what it was like to have a littermate in the clan. The thought didn't last long, as she was reminded about how pampered and lazy her siblings had become while being kittypets. She watched him lift his gaze to the stars, and she wondered what he saw up there. When she looked, all she saw was stars...but with being a medicine cat did he see other things? Maybe she would ask another night.

Her attention drifted back to Little Wolf, her ears rotating slightly as they listened a faint rustling nearby. She parted her jaws slightly to take in the scent, but she could smell mouse. "Nothing spooky tonight...though, my spooky meter has been kinda maxed out later..heh...nothing scarier than this." with that, she would lift a paw and tap her head slightly.

ACORNKIT — the cow jumped over the moon .
By all technicality, Acornkit isn’t allowed to leave the nursery passed sundown- and normally, she doesn’t want to, she much prefers being coddled in the safety that is Wrenflutters nest alongside Oakkit.
Tonight, however, low-spoken chattering is able to stir the light-sleeping kit. Curiosity nibbles at her paws, and she shuffles them against the moss to try and snuff it out.
Eventually however, it becomes too much, and Acornkit wiggles herself out of the nest, awkwardly shuffling towards the nursery’s entrance.
Down-turned optics are aglow against the darkness as she peers over the slight uphill to the outside.
It’s Apples, Berry, and… well actually, she couldn’t tell who the other molly was, her black pelt melted in with the ebony around her.
Acornkit does not dare step a paw out, especially with all the talk of spooks in the air, but she does inch just a bit further to get a better look as to what was going on.

"Should you not be sleeping, Acornkit?" His voice is a gentle question from behind the little scrap of fur, green eyes warm and amused at the adventurous nosiness of the youth. Sunfreckle had only been getting up to get a drink, but he had spotted the night guards in the distance and felt it prudent to fetch a clump of moss proper to share with them. "Would you like to help me with important warrior things? Carry some moss so we can get Flamewhisker, Berryheart and Little Wolf something to drink?"
Normally he would urge a kit to return to sleep but when they were this active it was better to work out the last of that energy before tucking them back into the nest. A glance inside the den was stolen to Wrenflutter and the other kits before he smiled back down to the scrap of messy fur; needed to groom that one more than once apparently.