no angst something in the moon .. FIRST SUCCESS

. ° ✦ It isn't exactly something as planned as Bravepaw had originally thought. When his denmates would retell their champion prize of their first prey it sounded far more articulated than how it would occur for him. Maybe it's because apprentices often want to appear far more put-together than they truly are, to impress the youngsters they share space with. Bravepaw had imagined the moment countless times, pouring in details of how he would feel, act, say, right down to what he would catch to bring back home.

This hunting patrol didn't feel different than any other, assuming there was something within him that would have a special sixth sense of knowing it would be the patrol at all. He remained close to Freckleflame's side as usual up until his Clanmates began to spread out and follow the scents of prey that hid beneath the growth. Another day of practicing and maybe scaring off a mouse or vole in some attempt, he thought.

Wide paws settle comfortably in the soil, sunlight flickering between the overarching leaves and he practiced the routine of a hunt. Pause, scent, observe, act. Rinse and repeat to the point where now it has become second nature to breathing for the tom. His jaws part to scent but the air and something odd greeted his nose, something earthy like clay. Bravepaw glanced around to see where it might be, but instead of spotting fur he noticed a patch of dirt, no more than a tail-length away, beginning to give in. He remained still, partially in confusion and another in excitement. A round pink nose burst through the surface, wriggling around and he acted upon the instinct his mentor had driven into him.

A quick pounce, claws pin it's body before it can wriggle free, and a single bite snapped tiny bones, stilling the creature beneath him. Despite the very little exertion, Bravepaw's chest is rapidly rising and falling for the air he held from the spike of adrenaline. Wild blues remained wide as he searched around for midnight-marred fur. "Freckleflame- Freckleflame! Did you see? I CAUGHT IT!! WHAT IS IT!!"
 ° .  . ° 
  • ooc: — mentor tag @freckleflame | baybee caught a mole!! he doesnt know what it is
    A Longhaired chocolate tabby with a white locket and deep blue eyes. Very thick coat that has started to grow into long, wispy curls. Developing into an awkward stage of kitten uglies as the rest of his body grows and changes. Severe scars from owl talons stretch across his shoulders and another that starts from his back down his left thigh.
it is a comfortable, warm spring day. perfect weather for a hunting patrol, the birds sing and mice scurry across the ground, waiting to be caught. when mentors and their apprentices start pairing off, leafhusk follows suit, disappearing into the forest with adderpaw. hunting is a mindless, peaceful activity for her now, finding something shouldn’t take long.

achievements exist in a vast, darkened tunnel, with a bright light at the end of a tunnel. it is never ending and stretches on for eons. one thing she’s realized, while training an apprentice of her own, and by simply watching the others, is that learning is hard. leafhusk didn’t realize how many apprentices move at their own pace, but each victory is celebratory, no matter how small.

bravepaw’s exclaim could possibly be heard from the borders, she thinks, ruffling through the bushes to return to the patrol. a mouse is gently set by her paws, with leaves pushed over it to conceal it’s body. her ears press against her skull for a moment, a gentle ask to keep quiet sits on her tongue, but leafhusk decides against it for obvious reasons. his enthusiastic is infectious, a small smile tugs at the corner of her maw. "great work, bravepaw." she hums softly.​