something is familiar / intro


Nov 1, 2022

A jump. A little hop. A crouch and a pounce. A large moss ball sat menacingly in front of Squirrelkit. She had been slowly approaching it, though her methods may have included more flailing than necessary. It was just like, so big and green! It was the perfect- " Evil moss, You are mine! " The kit flung herself at the moss ball, claws out, teeth gnashing at its soft fronds. Finally, the big bad evil was dead... and the ball had unraveled, leaving Squirrelkit covered in pieces.

Successful kill! Squirrelkit couldn't have done better in saving her clan from danger. Her sister would be so proud.
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He was watching the fierce hunter catch her prey, paws tucked under him and tail curled around his form. With a wide grin, he decided to encourage this behavior.

"Yeah!!!! You get that moss, Evil mosses beware!!" He cheered Squirrelkit on.

He wondered briefly if he should fetch more moss. Would it be too much for the kit? He wasn't sure. So, the only way to know was to ask!

"What if we made a bigger moss ball?" He suggested, hopping over.
"A bigger mess, you mean?" Watson doesn't sound chiding per say, more a "mischievously encouraging but with plausible deniabilty" tone.

The tom brushes some of the scraps to the side with his paw before reaching into the side of his plaid bowtied collar. Like magic, the orange tabby produces exactly what they would need for Grapejuice's suggestion: a large wad of moss. Of course, it was meant for contribution to the medical den and it was a pain in the keister to find but... Well, he could always say he just found a little less than he expected. Or that he was mugged by demanding little children. Either or.

"Have at it then." Goodness, he's growing soft far too fast for his liking. Watson moves aside, smiling and reminiscing about his own kit days with feathered balls as though he's some ancient elder himself. Ah, those were the good old days!

Though she's lounging nearby, Bear doesn't exactly feel relaxed. Rather, she feels distinctly as if she's forgotten to do something despite the fact that she knows there's nothing she's supposed to be doing right now. Perhaps that's part of the problem - if she has nothing to do, then surely it means that she's missing out on something. What that something might be, Bear has no idea, and she's contemplating just going out into the territory to have something to do (maybe hunt? That's something she's...well, not good at, but at least capable of) when she catches Squirrelkit's cry of victory, ears pricking up. A smile crosses her face as she watches the kit tear into the moss until there's nothing left; it certainly looked like she was having a blast.

The prospect of a bigger ball of moss is suggested, and Bear considers offering to find them some more, though she hesitates - would it be weird to just step in like that? She hardly knows them, and besides, it's not like she knows where to find more moss. It grows in the forest, sure, but she suspects that all the nearby moss has been mostly harvested, especially with so many kits running around, assuming that Squirrelkit isn't the only one tearing into moss. As Watson produces some moss out of - did he pull that out of his fur? Her train of thought is interrupted by the notion of a cat growing moss out of their own fur, and it takes an embarrassingly long moment before she realizes the moss must have just been pressed up against his fur. Furrowing her brow, Bear tries to remember what she had been about to do; go out and hunt...moss, or, no that didn't seem right. Shaking her head, she instead approaches the small gathering, trying to offer a welcoming smile. "You sure showed that moss! I bet you could take on a whole nest by yourself and win!" she praises lightly with a soft smile.
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