camp something just like this - tired

Flamewhisker I'll sleep when I'm dead

// this takes place before Howling's injury! I meant to type it up yesterday but fell asleep

A couple days had passed since the battle along the border. She had slipped out of the camp yesterday in an attempt to hunt, but she had returned empty pawed. A squirrel had managed to be just a little faster than her, but that probably hadn't taken much. She was exhausted... and it wasn't completely from lack of eating. Even though she hadn't wanted to eat much, she had shared a few bites over the past couple days. It was probably just grief taking it's toll. This was her first close death since her mother. As long as her paws were busy, and not idle, she was fairly alright.

She had a hard time falling asleep last night. Every time she closed her eyes, she was startled awake by the battle cries of her clanmates. Cries that were not currently happening, but it felt too real for her. By the time she had fallen asleep, it had been close to dawn.

It was almost sughigh before the red tabby stumbled from the warrior's den. Her fur was unkept, mostly because she had left the den in such a panic she hadn't had time to lick her pelt down flat. There weren't many bodies in camp, so she assumed patrols had already left. Had she been assigned a patrol? She couldn't remember from the night before. It felt like she hadn't slept at all, even though she had clearly slept in. A cloud left her maw as she let out a long exhale. What was wrong with her? She was failing as a clanmate.

Lucky for Flame, Cove had not been assigned on a patrol. When the red tabby stumbles from the warriors den looking dishevled, Cove looks up from her shells that she had been playing with. She gives each of them a quick pat, totally not going to admit she was playing Clans with her shells, before she rises to her paws and trots over with a concerned look in her eyes.

"Hey, Flamewhisker!" she greets cheerily, tilting her head as she stops and sits down once more. Oh, if only she hadn't left her give-away shells in her next today! Shells make everything better, at least it does for Cove. "How are you?" a chipper trill, doing a once over one more time. Eugh, Flame looked exhausted but Cove will not pry unless shes directly told the problem. "Its cold, but isn't the snow pretty?" she comments while she waits for a response, creating a small snowball underfoot. Oh, she hopes Flame is okay at least!
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