He's still hot. Such a thought causes her to stand still for a moment and grimace. SHUT IT! Ever since her realization about her feelings towards the tom in question, it is safe to say her mind listens to her half the time while her heart has decided to betray her entirely. Oh, how she longs to go back to the days where her heart didn't race seeing him or the horrid thoughts of pinning him so he can't escape her and nuzzling him. It is awful. She's surprised that he even went along with her request to the Sun-warmed Pool again. Granted she kicked him while he was resting to order, "Get up loser, we're going to the Sun-warmed Pool." The annoyed expression and huff he made before getting up caused her to shiver. It was from there that she knew that even though this was a horrible no good idea because yes she has a crush on him and maybe for some time now... As they were now, they couldn't be together. He was just as much as a coward as her and they would continue to be cowards unless one of them was brave enough to take the first step? Is she taking the first step? She doesn't know. All she knows is that she has to tell him before her heart overtakes her mind and she does something stupid like kiss him silly in the middle of camp. You know you want to kiss all his scars, don't deny it. Internally she screams at this betrayal of the heart as she pads along side him.

Look at him. It takes all the effort in the world not to. She isn't sure if he's doing it on purpose, but all of a sudden he moves closer and their fur brushes against hers slightly. The action forces her to turn to him and the thundering of her heart nearly causes her to collapse on the spot. Kiss him. It's so easy. Kiss him and make him forget about all those other she-cats. Whoa. That was... Hmmm... With a snap of her head she begs to Starclan to give her the strength to make it to the damn Sun-warmed Pool. Eventually they make it and take a seat. She hasn't told him why he's here. It's a mystery to him. She's sitting a tail length distance away from him, as if to make this easier for the both of them. If my heart would stop trying to leap out of my chest that would be great, thank you. A moment of silence passes. Ugh, let me get this over with. I know he'll run in the end anyway. If I do this, it'll be easier for the both of us. I refuse to pretend this stupid idiot made me fall in love with him if my thoughts are already this bad. With a sigh, she turns to look at him. Even if he rejects you, maybe you could ask if you spend the night together like the rest of them. Oh, how she wants to beat the ever loving pulp out of herself for that because let he be turned down with dignity.

"I love you, Fogbound." The words escape her maw so easily, that she's quite shocked herself. Definitely this was not the way she wanted to start into this, but if she already said it then there was no point in trying to soften the blow. That wasn't her style anyway. "I don't know how you did it you asshole when I tried not to fall in love with you, but it happened. Look, I know this is messed up and ruins everything. I know that. I'm just letting you know right now because we make jokes and have this weird game going on. The last thing I want is to kiss you silly if you try to say one of your dumb romantic lines as a joke. Heck, this whole time here I was struggling not to pin you down and nuzzle you like couples do." So is this supposed to be a confession or an insult? If there is any relief for Fogbound she is insulting him per usual but being entirely blunt. In other words, despite her changed feelings for him, she is very much the same. There is no Rabbitclaw who is gentle. The Rabbitclaw before him is still rugged.

She isn't sure what else to say, so she puts a paw to her neck and rubs it to relieve her nerves. "So yeah. That's it." Take that as you will, just don't be too much of an asshole turning me down okay.
  • @FOGBOUND places this here and runs
  • — rabbitclaw / windclan tunneler / feminine pronouns / 45 moons
    — pansexual / single / looking / open to flirting and crushes
    — scar riddled short-haired lilac tortoiseshell with blue eyes
    — may powerplay minor harm / can powerplay healing
    biography / @ on discord for plots
    — penned by velou