pafp SOMETHING TELLS ME [ ✦ ] prompt

Routine. It was something that he could lose himself in. The familiarity of his paws drawing long loops across the territory as they made their way to one border and then another, the idle chatter with faces that he had grown up his whole life knowing. There is something peaceful to be found in the monotony of day to day life. Some cats may call it boring but as long as tragedy was not striking, he was content. He didn't need to go on long journeys away from home, didn't need to go and explore the unknown because everything he could ever want, could ever need, was here. In ThunderClan. Patrols his friends were assigned to alongside with him were the best. His whole life he had known Stormywing, she was a good cat. Loyal and ambitious and proud like he was, it was no wonder that they didn't butt heads more frequently. And perhaps they would, one day when they were older, but for now he is content to walk alongside her and exchange idle chatter with her and with the other cats that were with them.

It is not hunting that they have been assigned to today, but the call of bird song and chattering squirrels was something that could not be ignored, not when leaf-bare was starting and they would need all the prey they could get. Besides, he doubts anyone would be angry with them for returning with a few mouth-fulls of prey, so his patrol stopped for a quick respite. To hunt, to get a drink of water. He himself takes off in no particular direction, listening to the sound of the branches swaying in the cold breeze as he walks.

He shivers and puffs himself up against the wind chill, thankful for his long dark colored coat. In green-leaf, he knows he would be cursing it but right now he is grateful that it keeps him warm. A creak in the tree-limbs overhead makes him turn his head and, for a second, he is ready to dismiss the sound as the wind just playing tricks on him. That is, until he sees familiar golden eyes peering at him from the shadows. "What're you doing up there?" he calls to his friend "I almost mistook you for a squirrel" his voice is full of nothing other than amusement and after only a second of hesitation, he scrambles up the tree, sinking his claws into the bark and hauling himself up to the lowest limb that could support his limb. "I will never understand what about this you enjoy" he says with a slight laugh, trying his best not to look down at the forest floor below.

// please wait for @STORMYWING

// apprentice tag @FALLOWPAW

She doesn't mind the break, not at all. Sure, border patrols can be exciting, like when she gets to exchange words (no matter how unfriendly they may be) with clans across boundary lines or see a familiar tortoiseshell pelt walking along the opposite shoreline. But on quiet days, when they pass no other clan patrols, they can be super boring. A hunt is way more her speed on these types of days, and so she takes to where she usually does - up a tree.

She leaves her patrol-mates and apprentice on the ground, not wanting to be slowed down today. She has a mission to bring down at least one piece of prey so she can say she accomplished something on this patrol, and lo and behold, a thin robin is practically gifted to her. She launches herself from a branch to another, sinking her fangs into its neck as quickly as she can. And when it's all said and done, she's got a meal for some cat! Proud, she slinks along the branches, going from tree to tree to get back to her patrol, before she spots Burnstorm down below. She blinks down at him and meets his gaze, snickering when he calls her a squirrel. That's two cats to call her that name, and she's not mad about it!

She spits out her robin and secures it to the branch with a paw to watch her friend clamber up to the lowest branch. Her face twists with amusement, ears pricking. "You look like a frozen-legged badger, standing all stiff like that!"
"I feel like that's an insult to squirrels, Burnstorm." The calico jested as he peered up at the pair. Wildheart found himself hesitating over the decision to ascend the tree or not, these days there was much to weigh up in terms of safety. It wasn't like he was a bad climber, he was quite adapt in truth, but balancing safely continued to be a concern for him given his lack of tail. Not that he would ever admit to his difficulties.

"Good catch, Stormywing. The bird must'a been deaf if it failed to hear you coming though, haha!" The tom reared up and rested his forepaws against the trunk of the tree as the urge to climb continued to toy on his mind. The foolish hunger for competition won out and he was soon scooting his way up the tree with the sole goal of surpassing Burnstorm by ascending to a branch above his current perch. "So, joining us, badger-face?"

don't try to rush your enemies .
Hunting in mind, Oakfang had set out alone in search of viable prey when he caught sight of them, voices echoing did he smile, amber hues crinkling. What it would be like to be young again. Times of adventure, but the older warrior was quite content with his mundane lifestyle as a warrior, routine-orientated, subtle yet meaningful. He breathed, thoughts straying to Spiderlily’s determination to climb, witnessing fall after fall until the other clambered up trunks with ease.

Shaking his helm, the smokey warrior stepped back, watching Wildheart clamber up, sensing a bubbling competition about to begin if Burnstorm rose to the challenge. Of course, the other much preferred staying on the ground, feeling the rough terrain of the earth beneath his paws than rough bark. Deciding it was time to go, Oakfang peeled away to hunt, tail flickering as he vanished further into the undergrowth.
thought speech