pafp something that i want [bug hunting]

Jan 10, 2024
*✧・゚ Sangriakit doesn’t care what Stupidwing or Silverdummy have to say. She’s not just a useless lazy kittypet, and she’s gonna prove them wrong about her and her mom. She’s gonna be a warrior and she’s gonna be super cool, like Johnnyflame and Hazelbeam. But first, she has to be a kit and then an apprentice, and she has to be just as good as her cousins and the other SkyClan kits. So it makes sense that she should get really great at everything before any of them. Some of the other kits have been practicing their climbing—but not the torbie. She doesn’t wanna go up in a tree until she grows wings like a bird, no thank you. Sangriakit doesn’t need to climb if she’s really good at hunting, so instead of going way high up she decides that she’s gonna keep all four of her paws right here on the ground. And what’s on the ground for her to hunt? Everything!

Well, not quite everything. But all around camp there are bugs on the ground, and she’s gonna catch all of them. But hunting bugs alone is so boring, so maybe she should ask someone to do it with her. She definitely doesn’t wanna invite Fluffykit to hunt bugs with her. Her cousin would probably cry about hurting the little creatures. Not that being worried about hurting bugs is a bad thing, but they are just bugs. They don’t have to thank StarClan for their lives, because they aren’t prey. Are bugs even alive? Do bugs have a StarClan? Both are good questions, she thinks.

Today, she’s found a bunch of those funny black-shelled beetles scurrying about the camp, perfect little targets for her practice. She doesn’t have anyone to help her catch them, so she quickly recruits the nearest cat—who just so happens to be Johnnyflame. "Hurry, hurry," she tells the lead warrior under her breath, gesturing with her little white-tipped tail for the lead warrior to come closer. "Look! I bet I can catch… like, a bunch more bugs than you. I’m fast, see?" To demonstrate her blinding speed, the kit darts off in the other direction, pouncing eagerly upon the empty space in front of her.

// @Johnnyflame


Spring was finally in the air, and Johnny couldn't say he missed the snow. The sunshine felt nice against his coat and the smell of fresh growth and damp soil left him feeling energized and refreshed, like he was bursting with energy he needed to burn. Momentarily he considered heading out to run a few laps or do a few climbing drills with Glimmerpaw- not only was it good for keeping form, but it usually helped to deal with some of the antsiness he felt whenever he had 'free time' within the clan- but that train of thought was soon interrupted by a small voice.

Hurry, hurry."

Ears tipped forward in curiosity, and he turned to find Sangriakit staring up at him from a short distance away, small tail urgently waving him over. Amusement was quick to settle within his sunny gaze despite his confusion as to why he was being called over, but as always he was quick to bend to cave and make his way over, hunkering down beside the kit and whispering back, "What are we doin'?"

"Look! I bet I can catch… like, a bunch more bugs than you. I’m fast, see?"

He couldn't help the fond chuckle as she went speeding off in the other direction, jumping at invisible targets. Kits. They had so much to learn, but in some ways that lack of knowledge was something precious in it's own right, an innocence worth protecting. One day Sangriakit would truly have to learn to hunt and fight, she would leave behind the days where chasing bugs and sleeping at her mothers side were all she knew in favor of having to work to keep herself and her kin alive and safe. It was a challenging but fulfilling life, and while there would certainly be many other good memories to be made along the way, nothing would ever be quite the same as it was for her now.

Besides. When he thought about how lonely his own upbringing had been in comparison without any siblings or friends outside of his twolegs, or how rough a kit might have had it as a rogue wandering the streets alone - thanks a lot, Silversmoke- he couldn't help but cave whenever he was asked to forget he was a grown ass cat for a while.

"Aye, those are some sharp moves, I'll admit," Johnnyflame replied, "But you've got your work cut out for ya- I'm one of the best critter catchers Skyclan has to offer. My name was nearly Snakecatcher, you know."

The bobtail happily played along, knowing full well that it likely wasn't on the list of names Blazestar had been considering for him, even though it *would* have been accurate. "Come on, then- show me what those killer paws of yours can do!"



A friend to both her parents, Twitchbolt often felt his eye stray to watch Sangriakit, to make sure she wasn't hurling herself into any sort of hostility... luckily, it seemed today she picked wise company. Johnnyflame was a nicer face, especially for a dayligt warrior, among the council. In truth, Twitchbolt wondered how he had so much time for others- he always seemed to make it. A flickering smile found its place on mahogany features, and he drifted over to the two after overhearing their conversation. A tattered ear swatted toward the sound as he bent his head and plucked a bright crimson feather from a cardinal sat on the freshkill pile.

Maybe he could have picked bluejay, but... well, he bore one already, deeply special to him, and a part of him felt jealously protective over it. Yes, only he and Quillstrike should match with these feathers... when had he gotten so sappy?

"I, I have a prize for the winner," he announced, nudging it forward and holding it in place with a dithering paw. A springtime splash of colour- he caught Johnnyflame's eye, then Sangriakit's. What was the fun in a competition if you didn't get a prize, after all?
penned by pin ✧

𓆩 ♕ 𓆪 "Snakecatcher..." breathes Hollykit in awe. What a wonderful name that would have been. Better than Johnnyflame, he thinks. More fitting. A hunter of monsters and beasts... Sangriakit is more of the flaming type, quick as lightning with a voice like gleaming sunrays. Hollykit watches with rapt attention. A proper battle of skill, two seasoned hunters pit against each other for a covetous prize. Her ears perk up, eyes wide and focused. Who will come out victorious? The scarred and grizzled warrior, seasoned by many moons and many battles? Or the firebright kit who will surely grow to hunt great beasts alongside him?

Hollykit can't help but weigh in. Maybe he's biased, rooting for the underdog, but those kinds of tales have always been a favorite of his. "A littler bugcatcher's gotta be better... A snakecatcher is too big." All the bugs will be scared of him, surely! The red of the cardinal feather would go nicely with his collar, but maybe Sangriakit deserves a hunter's trophy as well.

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  • HOLLYKIT ⚔︎ she / him, kit of skyclan, three moons.
    a small, fluffy kit with mottled fur and deep green eyes.
    bobbie x blazestar; littermate to lionkit & candorkit.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by SATURNID ↛ saturnids on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

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*✧・゚ As she stands from where her pounce had landed her, the cinnamon torbie turns to look back at Johnnyflame. He’s on board with her idea, because obviously he would agree, and he even says that he’s gonna beat her. He’s the best critter catcher in SkyClan—whoa! That means it’s even cooler that he’s a lead warrior AND a daylight warrior. And then… "SNAKECATCHER?" She gasps—loudly—and her little tail wiggles over and over again. That’s such a cool name!! But if he thinks he’s going to beat her that easy, he’s super wrong. She huffs, "Well, maybe I’ll really be named Snakecatcher when I’m big!" Or Bugcatcher, but Snakecatcher sounds so much cooler… And anyway, she’s probably gonna be Sangria for the rest of her life; it’s the name that her mom gave her, and so it’s the name that she wants to have.

Before she begins the competition, though, another friendly warrior makes his way over. "Twitchbolt, hi!" Sharp kitten teeth bare in a smile that’s quickly turned on the deputy—he’s the best deputy, and the little torbie is happy to see him! And then he sets a pretty, bright red feather down onto the ground, saying that it’s a prize. A prize for the best beetle hunter. Which is, of course, Sangriakit. Johnnyflame might be a lead warrior and big and cool and strong, but his skills probably can’t even get anywhere near hers. And she’s going to get that feather for sure.

Even Hollykit agrees, and leaf-green eyes shift to settle on the younger kit, grinning brightly at him as well. He says that a smaller bugcatcher is better, and pride swells in Sangriakit’s snowy chest. "Yeah, you’re so smart," she says to the smaller she-kit, flicking a bright ear happily. Hollykit is the best one of all of Bobbie’s kits, she decides. With one final nod to Hollykit, she turns to actually beat the lead warrior in their game. "Okay, Johnnyflame, let’s go! I’m gonna catch sooo many more bugs than you," she announces, and bounces off to swipe at the first beetle that she spots.
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