pafp something unexpected | reveal

Flamewhisker had wanted to speak with him. She sounded urgent and troubled. Flycatcher had been confused but had simply nodded and agreed to meet when she was ready.

Now he waited, alone, and huddled in the far corner of the warrior's den. He assured himself that all was well and that whatever she wanted to speak about was only a trivial matter in the grand scheme of things. But his mind kept returning to the urgency in her voice and how she sounded almost desperate to speak. It made him worry that the injuries she received in the skirmish with SkyClan were perhaps worse than they had all thought.

He is thinking things through when he spots her out of the corner of his eye. "Flamewhisker!" He beckons her with a call, though he is already crossing the gap between them to greet her before she can move again. "Are you alright? What was it you needed to speak with me about?"

// @Flamewhisker please wait for flame to respond!
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Flamewhisker I'll sleep when I'm dead

Her stomach had been twisted in knots all morning, and for more reasons that one. She wanted to throw up. They had only just became official would he take the news? But she was worried for more than just his was the middle of leaf bare, the clan already had too many mouths to feed...Howling Wind was out of commission right now, Morningpaw had just died, and now...this. It was all too much.

The past few weeks she had just dismissed her growing appetite for just the lack of fresh kill....she had been more tired lately, but she had assumed that was just from grief. The intense all made sense now. What a horrible time to bring new lives into the forest...she had thought about possible outcomes all morning. What if anything happened to them? There was no way she could live with herself if anything happened...stars she was so light headed.

His voice sounded from in front of her, and she almost gasped in alarm. Since she had asked to speak to him, she had been wanting to avoid him, but there was nothing they could do now...there was no stopping it now.

Her green gaze slowly met his, and she licked her chest fur embarrassedly a few times. Why was this so hard? This made their previous conversations seem like nothing. How would she tell him? What would he say? There were so many things that could go wrong here...but she knew she wouldn't be able to hide it for much longer. "H-hey...Fly.." she stuttered, clearing her throat as she padded over to sit beside him.

It was time to rip off the bandage.

"I...I don't know how else to say I'm just going to say it." she took in a deep breath, then met his gaze. "We're going to be parents."
IT WENT FROM A SPARK TO AN OPEN FLAME ⋆⁺₊⋆ This conversation was obviously very private. The pair had gone to a very secluded place, and They were best left alone to enjoy their little moment by themselves, anyone with a basic understanding of social courtesy could tell that.

Emberstar did not have a basic understanding of social courtesy.

Her ear pricked up when she overheard the pair talking, but she didn't make a move to head over to them. The moment that she heart Flamewhisker's declaration, however, she raced to their side. "You two are going to be parents!?" she asked loud enough for the entire clan to hear, her voice practically glowed with joy. Her eyes shone with pride. "Congratulations! Oooh, they're going to be so cute, and you two are going to do a great job with them! I'm sure of it!"

Even more so than usual, the tiny molly seemed to practically vibate in place with how her paws shuffled beneath her and she kept shifting around. She seemed barely able to sit still. "This is so exciting!" she declared. ​

It was a beautiful day today, the sun was shining despite the cold leaf-bare weather lately and the forest was alight with bird song. Still, she could not find it in herself to enjoy it. With her daughter in the stars and her mother in critical condition, her and her mate separated forever, she found herself drained. Emotionally and physically she was tired. She lays outside of the medicine cats den, a post she has taken up in case her brother has any news about their mom. From this position, it is hard not to eavesdrop.

Her head turns as Emberstar loudly exclaims that some cats are about to be parents. Her eyes alight on Flamewhisker and Flycatcher, trying to read their faces. Were they excited or were they nervous? Had her child’s recent passing put a shadow over what should be happy news or were they concerned about having kits in leaf-bare? She is uncertain.

Despite her own grieving she manages a small smile aimed in the happy couples direction. "Congrats" she says with a small dip of her head before turning her attention back to the open mouth of the medicine cats den
( ) Raccoonstripe, paws restless and muscles aching from cold, from overuse, has been preparing to go out solo hunting when the couple's words reach his ears. Flamewhisker, pregnant, and Flycatcher caught by the surprise, an unwitting father. The tabby's nose wrinkles. Kits, in leafbare! It seems irresponsible. ThunderClan can barely feed itself, and Flamewhisker will be one more hunter that they can no longer rely on to bring fresh-kill to their hungriest mouths.

Stars, she'll soon be one of those hungry mouths. Not to mention no cat knows how many little brats she's carrying.

The dark tabby has half a mind to ignore the announcement and continue with his mission, but he stops himself. Sees Little Wolf's weak, polite congrats, Emberstar enthusing over her leads' bad fortune.

Maybe they'll need someone to pick up Flamewhisker's slack the next couple of moons, he muses, eyes flashing with the idea. Especially with Howling Wind... He brushes that thought away like a paw clearing through cobwebs. His mother will be back to normal soon, he's sure of it. Berryheart is more than capable, chosen by StarClan themselves.

Ambition more than good will drives Raccoonstripe towards the lead warriors. With a cheeky smile, the striped warrior calls, "Wow, kits! What a blessing. Flycatcher, you lucky guy, you! Flamewhisker, you'll make a lovely queen, a great mother." Idly, he twitches his tail tip to and fro, gauging the couples' reactions.

She stutters a little as she begins to speak and Flycatcher's brows knit together in concern. He truly does begin to think she's going to tell him her injuries are worse than they all thought. And then she drops a real surprise.

We're going to be parents.

It seems to take a few moments for him to process the information but when it hits him his eyes go wide. Flamewhisker is expecting kits. His kits. They are going to be parents. He's not sure what to think or how to react for a moment before their clanmates are quick to surround them, offering their words of support and congratulations. Emberstar, Little Wolf, and Raccoonstripe say such nice words. A blessing they say, and though Flycatcher agrees he is worried too. Leafbare was not an easy time to be raising kits and things were already tough as they were.

"That's wonderful news, Flamewhisker," He says, stepping forward to lick her ear affectionately. "This is a surprise but a welcome one too. I can't wait to meet them."


"Ew! Gross!" Wildpaw wrinkled his nose as he overheard the cheery news being shared. So the clan was about to get bigger, and at a tough time of year at that. He... he actually felt sorry for the pair, would they be ready to accept the risks that the harsher seasons would bring? The apprentice shook his head with a grumble before making a move to stomp away before he was made to see any further public displays of affection. He'd had about all he could take. "Still... congrats you two, bet you'll be good parents..." He thought privately to himself.​