SOMETHING WICKED ➼ first day out


Apr 24, 2023

He has seen the borders now, ThunderClan as their neighbor and RiverClan across the waters, WindClan cut through fourtrees in a distance further away and beyond the two-leg place ShadowClan reside somewhere in the marshes. His paws hurt from walking so much but he offers no complaints, Abysspaw was a sensible enough child and knew his limits; he’d yet to hit them fully. Charlielight is talking now, chattering away about two-leg place that they now explored and warning him not to go off on his own in this area even as a full warrior; rogues lived within the derelict alleyways and crumbling two-leg nests and were not kind to the forest dwellers.
“-and this is my nest.” The calico declares, pausing in her steps as she spots her own housefolk at the gate and she approaches with light and chipper steps to mewl a greeting to them; the sound draws the tall creature to them and the ginger tom shrinks back in fear, keeping his distance.
“Oh, don’t worry Abysspaw, this is my two-leg and she’s nice.” He doesn’t quite believe her but he allows himself to relax as the towering predator looms and is only faintly hissing as a large splayed paw descends down and very gently scratches atop his head before withdrawing.
Abysspaw is surprised, watches them pull away and stand to walk back into their nest without a fuss and he is struck by how odd it was to receive a simple touch and nothing further. No hurt, no pain, he knows two-legs and he faintly remembers the loud one of his memories that he and Doompaw had come from initially with their mother but he has yet to encounter one like this.
“See? Nice.” Charlielight says and she flicks her tail to urge him to stand and join her on their trek back to camp. By the time they get back in he has so many questions built up he blurts them out without pause, “Are all two-legs like that? Why does yours let you come and go? I thought most daylight warriors had to sneak out? Why didn’t they try to capture me like the ones at the shelter did?”
She laughs, waves a paw and urges him to go and grab something to eat from the freshkill pile, “So many questions and not enough time! Tomorrow I will try to answer but it's late and I need to get back-make sure you go to bed at a reasonable time yes? I will return first thing in the morning.”
Abysspaw nods, green eyes wide in curiosity. Yes, this apprentice thing was not so bad-he was learning a surprising amount of new things. He plods over to get himself a vole as his mentor makes her way out of camp and he picks a spot to chew it thoughtfully, still starstruck over the strange moment.

anger makes you stupid . stupid gets you killed .
The large brute paused, helm pivoting to watch the two converse, tail hanging low, barely brushing the walk-ridden ground as he changed directions, padding up to the apprentice. It was a rare occasion to see the warrior padding up to someone, no less starting a conversation, but it seems his promise to himself all those moons ago was shattering his resolve, but couldn’t he ask about training, especially when he had his own apprentice to look after once Drizzle became a warrior.

Duskpool offered a dip of his helm, settling a few lengths away from the apprentice to watch, tail curled around massive paws. “Learn anythin’ from Charlielight?” He inquired, helm turning to watch the other, a singular optic crinkling. “Seems like ya enjoyin’ yourself.” He’d add, the tip of his obsidian tail flickering.
thought speech
Doompaw’s first day out with Twitchbolt had been quite different than Abysspaw’s. His claws ache from sinking into tree bark, from supporting his weight, but he feels something he never has before—accomplished. No matter how many frantic outbursts Twitchbolt had spastically yelled his way, Doompaw wears pride along with his exhaustion when he returns to camp. He sees the bright ginger pelt of his brother, and he flocks toward him, giving Duskpool a wave of his tail. “Hi!” He says to the older warrior, flopping himself adjacent to Abysspaw. “Where’d you go today, huh? I didn’t see you or Charlielight.” He attempts to a bite from Abysspaw’s fresh-kill. “Twitchbolt had me climbin’ trees.

  • doomguy . doomkit . doompaw
    — afab, he/him, apprentice of skyclan
    — unknown sexuality ; single
    — short-haired blue tortoiseshell with white and green eyes
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — penned by Marquette

His head raises in greeting to Duskpool, a smile on his maw to the older warrior's questions and he nods at the same time Doompaw wanders over to join him and subsequently steal his meal but he finds he isn't too bothered by it this one; too caught up in the excitement of his day.
"She showed me all the clan borders and then we went to two-leg place." He replies, tone chipper but subdued, "I saw her nest, her two-leg touched my head and didn't grab me like the ones from the shelter did. I guess some of them are nice. She also showed me the areas I'm not supposed to ever go to alone because rogues are there."
A kittypet safety lesson, if you will, but one he had enjoyed all the same. How strange to learn those upwalking beings who had caused so much pain were also capable of gentleness and kindness. He supposed there was a reason the clan had so many kittypets who went home everynight and didn't just run away. They must have good owners and he wonders what it might be like to have a good owner as well, a thought that briefly burns through him with shame before he squashes it with a huff and finally raises a paw to stop his brother from eating the entirety of his meal, "Save some for me why don't you."