something wicked this way comes 𓆰 vicious attack

He hobbles and he bobbles forward, clambering over the curl of red fur and tucked stripped paws to make his escape. Sunfreckle is sleeping, he'd been a heavy sleeper lately and it was a wonder he woke up at all sometimes; it could be a leaf blowing by to touch his nose that stirs him but its never the crash of thunder that shakes the trees and darkens the skies. Either way, Pigeonkit is taking advantage of it, excitable little brain riddled with awe and interest and he had squeezed away from the pile of his much larger siblings without much notice - so he thought.
Tiny white paws slammed down a little too heavy with each step, slapping the ground as he plodded along and came across his first interesting sight in the camp. A pile of things, unmoving things, things that might be cats but were shaped wrong and smelled like hot mornings and sharpness. The kitten stares, or it seems like he does, his long fur billows around his form and an especially large tuft of it covers his eyes in such a way he appears to not even have them; shrouded in a pale blue pelt. After a moment of standing there wobbling in place on unsteady kitten legs he lunges without warning, tiny teeth sinking into what he does not know is called a squirrel and he drags it, wrestling it out of the pile to the best of his abilities - which was not a lot. It was almost as big as he was and certainly heavier and his efforts only tugged it slightly forward enough to tip the entire pile but he does not stop; shrill little growls rise up from his throat, he thrashes violently from side to side before eventually tuckering himself out and drapping his tired form over the squirrel in the midst of the freshkill pile he had left in ruin.

She is woefully unaware of the beast running amok in camp. Badgerstrike was having a rare moment of calm nearby. Rabbitnose said to give it a try. Just relax for once. So, she decided to relax. She has found that staying idle for more than a minute makes time crawl by slower and not doing anything was UNBEARABLE.

Fortunately, she spots a terrible threat wobbling closer and closer.... Pidgeonkit, on a warpath to the fresh kill pile. She watches him grab a squirrel with his vicious little kitten teeth and pull and tug with all his might! The squirrel never had a chance. She is witnessing a mauling. She watches him destroy the pile as the squirrel is removed from its spot, and hears his little growls as he wreaks havoc. She smiles as he tires himself out and decides to approach the little monster.

"Nice job, Pidge! You gottem!" She says excitedly, setting down again next to the fuzzy kitten. "Truly, you are an avatar of destruction. The forest will tremble before your might." She continues.

She knows the story of this kit, and can only find it reminiscent of her litters own, their mother slaughtered, leaving them to fend for themselves until a kind stranger who they would later regard as their father rescued them. She wonders if Rabbitnose made the connection.​
Sunshinekit is much like their father in how heavily they sleep - yet even Pigeonkit's stompy feet wake them. The sickly kitten blinks open a single eye, watching as their new sibling totters away from them. Sunshinekit is tempted to return to sleep, oft enjoying the lazy activity. However they see where Pigeonkit is escaping towards and, for once, they're a bit hungry. It seems their appetite is returning... now if only the strength in their legs would come back, too.

Sunshinekit lets out a huff-mrow sort of noise, forcing themself to their paws. It takes a wobbly moment before they do, and they slip away from the group in a slow attempt to follow the blue-furred sibling. Badgerstrike is there, and their aunt is praising their now exhausted sibling for... something. Oh! Did they kill the squirrel? "Good job," Sunshinekit offers, only to follow with, "Y'gon' eat it now, yea?"
( ) Hailstorm is next to arrive and seeing little Pigeonkit thrash around the squirrel was enough to make a warm chuckle slip from his maw, both ears perked forward and he can't help but be amused. It was quite an adorable sight and his mind wanders for a brief moment but a blink of his amber eyes and he had returned to the present. The thought of having kittens one day in the very back of his mind or rather it was a little question that popped into his mind in rare occasions. Just a silly thought.

He hums quietly noticing that Pigeonkit's sibling approaches and Hailstorm would nod slowly "I think that would be a good idea considering Pigeonkit went through all that trouble to hunt the squirrel," The warrior muses as he sits down.
Having some spare time was a rare opportunity. Earlier that morning, she had been on a hunting patrol, but now she found herself relaxing in a sunlight blessed spot inside the camp's clearing. A little ball of fur made his way towards the fresh kill pile. Like her clanmates, she too watches him viciously grab a squirrel, knocking over the pile in the process. The prey he had caught was similar in size to himself, and quite frankly Flamewhisker couldn't help but laugh. She rises to her paws, joining her clanmates around Sunfreckle's most recent son.

She waves her tail a few times before sitting down nearby, flashing a smile to the rest of her clanmates. "When you are apprenticed the prey of the forest won't stand a chance." she purrs. The fresh-kill pile would need re-stacked now, but she couldn't find herself to be upset with the kit.


"Gott'em!" He mewls, voice slurred but enthusiastic as he mimic's Badgerstrike's comment. Pidge? Pidge? Was that him? Was he also Pidge? Imagine getting two names, that was great-two was better than one, that was something he was already very familiar with. Two siblings were more fun to play with, two mossballs were more enjoyable, two naps were the best. He was tired now, another nap sounded nice, but there were cats around him now and he fought it off with an eager growl as he grabbed the squirrel again and shook it by its scruff.
Sunshinekit asks if he's gonna eat it and he nods as he tries to shake the vermin further, shrill growls and grumbles escaping him and tiny claws scrambling on the ground for support and traction with every tug.
"Gonna eat it!" Pigeonkit squealed, though his sharp little kitten teeth were not quite good enough to rip apart any prey without help, he still gave it a good show of attempting to.