Mar 31, 2023
𓅫 SkyClan is and always has been his home. It will forever be his truest home, the place he seeks out when his thoughts begin to slip into shadowy places. He is and always will be a warrior, a SkyClanner, but lately, he has not felt the ever-important connection to the clan. Blazestar is dead, and with him also went some of the sense of belonging that the smoky blue tom felt in the pine forest. His sister is leader now, and while that is a good thing for her, it only feels as though he is drifting further and further from her. Responsibility, the weight of nine lives, rests on her shoulders now, and it could be taken away from her again just as quickly as it was given. He could lose her—for good. But wise than that thought is the thought of what could happen if he doesn’t lose her.

If she dies, then she will do so nine times over. He, like each of Blazestar’s kin, will watch her die again and again, and there will be nothing he can do about it. There is no way to ease the suffering that will surely ensue. But until push comes to shove, he can do nothing except continue to support her—which brings him to his daily trek through the woods, paws scraping across the needle-laden earth. Life is beginning to return to the forest, and unfortunately, that means that irritating plants have also made their return.

It isn’t until he’s halfway to SkyClan’s camp that the blue smoke warrior notices the extra decoration that he’s picked up. He shifts to leap into a tree, and a line of burrs tugs at his fur. He swipes at his own flank absently, attempting to pull the plants free, but it’s of no use. No matter how he fights with the plants, trying to free the burrs from the blue fur they’re caught in, it isn’t until he finally reaches the entrance of SkyClan’s camp that he has a chance of getting them out. "Ugh," he grumbles, disdain clear on their face as he glares at the burrs caught in his fur. He doesn’t know how to even begin to remove the plants—no matter how he twists and turns, he cannot catch sight of the clinging burrs. "No way I’ll get these out…"
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Any cat of the wild knows the annoyance of burrs. The sticky seeds were a pain to rid your pelt of no matter how much you scratches or bit at them. It got even more difficult in Cloudberrythorn’s case where they were unreachable.

The ginger she-cat cannot watch him squirm and twist any longer. Rising onto her three steady paws she wobbles over, ”Those things are the worst!” she exclaims her shared annoyance for the burrs. ”I can help.”

Leaning down, Figfeather aims to carefully pluck the seeds from the blue tom’s flank. She manages to grip a few with her teeth and fling them off, but on the fourth she is met with an unfortunate situation.

Clinging to the fur above her lip she would spat trying to fling it off. No use, it sticks. Falling onto her rear she wipes a paw across her face to rid herself of it, but instead it of falling off it sticks to her forepaw. ”Fox-dung.” She curses, fruitless in her efforts.
  • » Figfeather
    » SkyClan Warrior
    » She/her . AMAB
    » Mentoring Wolfpaw
    » Mate to Fantastream
    » Sire to Sangriakit & Coffeekit
    » A red tabby she-cat with a mangled leg.
    » ”Speech”thoughtsattack
  • » A foe in battle whose ability to strategize can shift tides.
    » Excels in strategizing and pre-planning her battles.
    » Fights defensively and aid to her clan to victory.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ- They had been trotting across camp, they had stepped out of the camp entrance for a moment as they felt like they where going to scream. They had a few days before they were finally free of the medicine den and minutes felt like hours. Hours felt like weeks and so on, and it was a mere count down of her scoring marks in the ground. Though as they were walking across camp there was a few movements that caught their attention.

Honeysplash paused for a moment, then tilted their head to the side curious. Cloudberrythorn seeming had gotten entangled in burrs, and he was moving around a lot so she went to approach to help- but then Figfeather also stepped up. Though things didnt seem to go very well for her either and she furrowed her brow with a thought, something small that popped up in their head. The cream warrior walked away for a moment, plucking some leaves from the nearest bush that were large enough to wrap around something.

Then she came back over to them and watched Figfeather try to dislodge the burr from her lip, then it was stuck to her paws and she couldnt help buck snicker, trying to suppress the little bubbles of laughter, “Here, try these?” They offered a bit and pushed the leaves forward a little, “Use the leaves tow rap around the burrs so they dont stick to you?” It sounded way stupider now that she was voicing her idea out loud and it made her ears flick back against her head slightly.

  • HONEYSPLASH she/they, Warrior of Skyclan, 24 moons.
    A lithe, cream tabby cat with high white and green eyes.
    Younger siister to Orangestar, Applefrost and Apritcotflower and littermates with Blueberrybounce and Cloudberrythorn // Former mate to; Quillstrike
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by youwolf_1997 on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


One look at Twitchbolt's pelt would tell anyone that he had extensive trouble with burrs. The tangled mass took on any array of plants and pine-needles, and those sticky little seeds were far from an exception- in fact they were often the main culprit. If he didn't relate so deeply, the look of absolute distaste darkening Cloudberrythorn's face might have been amusing. Honeysplash and Figfeather were quick to rush to their side, and Twitchbolt shook his own fur off at the sight, feeling the ghost touch of burrs on his body the longer he looked.

"Don't want you to end up like me..." he joked, hoarse and quiet. "I'm sure I've still got burrs ss-stuck in my fur from when I was a kit." Honeysplash's idea with the leaves wasn't a bad one- to test it, he attempted to pluck one from Cloudberrythorn's pelt- it drew away with ease (and a few hairs entangled with it), and he nodded sharply. "Uh, you... might be here for a while, Cloudberrythorn..."
penned by pin ✧
𓅫 Thankfully, his humiliation is not suffered alone. Figfeather hobbles her way over to him, sharing her own complaints about the burrs caught in his fur, and Cloudberrythorn’s muzzle shifts into an amused sort of smile. "The worst is an understatement," he grumbles, shaking his head. The bright-hued tabby attempts to help rid his pelt of the burrs, but instead she only manages to get a burr stuck to her on two different places. Ugh. "This is hopeless, isn’t it?" The blue smoke groans, flopping over dramatically onto his side in defeat. The pines… they’ll never let him live this down, even if the clan forgets in time. And not to mention the burrs themselves—it feels like they’re laughing at him, somehow.

But as she always seems to, his sister appears at the perfect time. She suggests that they wrap some leaves around the burrs, to prevent them from sticking to their paws and… everything else. He tries it himself, and it seems to work; Twitchbolt manages to remove one rather easily. The thought of having burrs stuck in one’s pelt since kithood is an uncomfortable one. "Maybe I’ll just keep them. Like a… really terrible decoration," he finally rumbles out, ears flattening against his head.
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"Aye, best to just give in- your one of the burs now." suggested Johnny with a playful grin, "I imagine that'd be quite the battle tactic- covered in those things, rolling down a hill toward your enemy." the bobtail chuckled, picturing some unholy crossbreed of a porcupine and tumbleweed rolling into a bunch of Windclanners like a bowling ball.

OOC- a short post before coffee
