sometimes, i feel the rules been changed ||


‧₊˚✧brat prince✧˚₊‧‎
Jul 6, 2024
A gawky gray feline slithers silently and carefully forward, hovering his stomach and tail above the substrate beneath his paws. He placed one paw forward and then the other gingerly, mindful of anything which could make a sound. His cheeks twitch excitedly and his eyes narrow as he raises his haunches up, causing his rear to rise. He takes a halfstep forward before using all the power of his hindquarters to pounce forward.
Wormpaw missed the target— an unsuspecting smooth pebble he had placed there just moments ago- by a tail length. He lands without grace, his spindly legs crossing, which causes him to lose his balance and tumble forward, landing with a groan on his backside. Wormpaw rolls to his flank and spats an explicit string of nonsense. He pants there after his unruly outburst, exhausted from just the task of stalking a pebble. Wormpaw was still recovering, but this put him at a serious disadvantage if he hoped to become a warrior at a time equal to his counterparts. His face burned hot and he whipped his angular head around, searching for any of those who may have been watching him practice his hunting techniques. Wormpaw did not yearn to be picked on for his lack of experience, training, and stamina. Satisfied he doesn’t seen any fellow apprentices looking for an easy target to bully, the frail youngster rolls to his paws and stares upon the pebble. Without hesitation, he slams his paw down on it in anger— an idiotic and brash decision that results in pain shooting up his leg which causes him to rear back, hissing, "Fuck you!" The foul mouth youngster whipped his tail, seething at the pebble that fought back.

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The confounds of the marshland territory were as new as they were exciting, the barriers of this new life of Ferndance's presented feeling like something to challenge rather than something truly worth following. It was fun though, she had even taken in a stray mere moments into her short-term stay within ShadowClan. Like an owl atop a high branch, she watched Worm integrate himself into the group and almost appreciated how easy the chimera made it look (the truth was, unfortunately, lost on her). Following orders was new, following StarClan was new, and not being with her family was almost uncomfortably, yet in her mind, Wormpaw was too young to have ever known a life before that. It was almost desirable for herself, if not for the fact that teenage years sucked. From her spot by the Warrior's den, Ferndance witnessed his altercation with nature's fiercest, his curse loud enough for her fallow ears to twitch. 'You're just like my brother...' She realised with a tilt of her head, a sad nostalgia appearing and disappearing in her gaze within a fraction of time.

Consequently, Ferndance approached, a gentle smile upon her maw. "I'm sure the pebble didn't mean it," she cooed, staring at the unmoving stone. Her pupils broadened at the sight of the seemingly insignificant thing, her paw hastily swiping at it, batting it until it had reached sanctuary behind her forelimbs. It would make a good nest liner, even if for now she was content to let both the pebble and her apprentice believe she was just putting a barrier between them. "Don't kick hard objects," she recommended sincerely, her tail gently swaying behind her. "Kick soft things instead... like moss... or kittens... " A blank stare, followed by seconds of silence. "I'm just kidding, don't kick moss." The young warrior reclined on her haunches, refusing to admit whether her newest advice was legitimate or not. Before she'd even figured it herself, she found her brain had moved on, reminded of Wormpaw's blunders. "Is everything ok? I saw your fall..." Falls. Plural, she imagined. The chimera was more like a fish out of water than a cat at the moment, but he would get good at some point.

✧*:.。. Wormpaw was scowling at the pebble when he heard pawsteps heading in his direction and he whips his dainty head upwards to see who was coming to give him a hard time, his eyes narrow, seething with contempt at just the thought of a bully. When his piercing glare settles onto Ferndance his facial features soften in recognition and he brightens exponentially in comparison to his prior anger. He shallowly purrs, his maw twisting into a grin as Ferndance teases him and takes the guards the pebble, his victim. He spoke to hardly no one outside of the medicine cat and his mentor, npc, and it was nice to see a familiar face. “Ferndance!”

Several days ago, Wormpaw was found by Ferndance and she had brought him to the patrol she had been a part of, practically a heap of bones abandoned by his parents. As he recovered from his severe malnutrition and gained strength in the confines of the medicine den, the decision was made for him to remain and train to become a warrior of Shadowclan. During this time, he remembers Ferndance visiting in the den, chattering to him until he was well enough to begin his training once he was decent enough to walk unassisted.

As he is advised to not not kick hard things he chortles, an oddly loud sound to bubble from within the scrawny little thing. He prances forward a pawstep to delicately headbutt Ferndance in her chest. “Kits! Too easy of victims!” Wormpaw exclaims and then dashes away from Ferndance playfully, his tail lashing. It was a surprising scene, to see Wormpaw so upbeat after being noticeably sluggish and sullen since his arrival– rightfully so, as all he had ever known for 6 months was torn from him in one decision made by his parents.

Is everything okay, I saw your fall… Ferndance reminds Wormpaw of his failure and he shrugs, his upbeat mood dissipating as he hears concern in Ferndance’s voice. He trots back to Ferndance and sits beside the cinnamon feline, his hindquarters sprawling beneath himself. He rolls his eyes at Ferndance and then headbutts into her flank and mumbles in her fur, “Everything is fineee.” His sarcastic reply comes out muffled and he pulls his face back to glare at Ferndance pitifully. He feels annoyed at the inquiry– he feels he is at a disadvantage due to the fact he is still unwell by his prior malnutrition– and he does not want others to catch on to his weaknesses. What if they decide to throw him away? Again? He scowls, scrunching his long features up to appear more menacing, which he fails at terribly.

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A soft headbutt to her chest caused the cinnamon tabby to purr as a rebuttal, teeth flashing as her smile broadened. "Well... sometimes you just need to hit down." And, as if to prove her point, Ferndance bound after Wormpaw, refusing to even try slowing her gait. It made it easy enough to catch up to the chimera, too easy. The hunter seldom enjoyed true challenge and with playing fair trickier than anything, she hadn't even considered it possible. A white forepaw aimed to bat at his tail as it swayed behind him, but she'd posed her question before she could tackle him. Everything seemed to change at that point. Sensing the other's posture shift, Ferndance sat down again, her head swiveled to one side. An indignant little huff escaped her at the eye roll and she angled her head downwards to meet the other's gaze (glare, she realised, the longer she looked). The cinnamon tabby couldn't recall a time when her family had not been open with her about anything, be it their pasts or just how they were feeling. It was for that reason that she shrugged at Wormpaw's words, content enough to believe he was fine.

Until he made a face as if chewing up a wasp.

Blinking incredulously at the contrast between word and expression, the cinnamon tabby stared in perplexed silence as she tried to make sense of him. 'Is he... lying?' The glare, the scowl, everything told of a cat who did not want to be crossed, who preferred to shelter his feelings instead of wear them proudly like a Freetail - like her kin. She'd heard of such afflictions but never seen them herself until now, and, as if content that a mystery had been solved, Ferndance's smile returned. She bumped her head against the top of Wormpaw's. "I could pretend to not care... if it's easier," she decided, chest puffed out as if it were the greatest strategy in the world. It was the first problem she felt as if she could truly solve by herself - fixing the emotional turmoil of an abandoned apprentice. Oblivious to how high that goalpost was, the warrior mewed, "And just teach you some other curses instead. I've heard some weird ones around here... like foxtrot, and badgerface." Mischief glinted in forest-green eyes as she spoke her made-up insults, hoping to catch Wormpaw's interest.

✧*:.。. For his first six moons of life Wormpaw was indescribably lonely, the kind of lonely that despite being in the vicinity of his parents, it felt as though he may be swallowed up by a void and his disappearance would not even be noticed. He remembers the hours of turmoil where he would be left behind under a dumpster or in a thicket of bramble, wondering if the threat of his abandonment had come true that day. Until it did really happen and faced the void, attempting to fight the temptation to be swallowed by it and be embraced by nothingness, because it was surely better than being discarded, right? He thought the void won when he felt his weightless body rise from the dinginess of a trash bag he sought refuge on, but he felt a warm breath against his scruff and knew he had been found.

Wormpaw glares upwards at his savior, his chest rising and falling quickly partially from his attempt to play with the she-cat but also at the well of emotions trying to escape his small frame. When Ferndance affectionately bumps him on his head his waspish expression dissipates and rolls his shoulders back to correct his posture, exhaling harshly– as though he were breathing out all his fears of being abandoned once more. He feels a knot forming in his throat as he reconsiders his feelings towards her original inquiry and realizes that Ferndance had not been attempting to ridicule him… It was a genuine, heartfelt question. “I just do not feel strong enough,” Wormpaw admits, offering a crooked smile so that Ferndance would not take this as a sign to pity himself and that he did not intend to discuss this further, at the moment.

Wormpaw swallows back his emotions and nods thrice, his eyes lighting up in excitement at Ferndance’s offer to corrupt his vocabulary further. “Foxtrot,” Wormpaw drawls, his eyes widening as the unfamiliar “curse” slips from his tongue. He smirks and jumps to his paws and begins to dash around Ferndance, egging her on to chase him again. “Ferndance is a badgerface! Badgerface! Badgerface!” Wormpaw jeers affectionately, hoping she will take the bait. It was as though he were playing with a big sister, someone he could rely on and devote himself to endlessly.

  • ooc
  • wormwatcher —— ✧*:.。.shadowclan warrior, he/him, homosexual, 28 ☾
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