sometimes life can be deceiving | arguing

Lilybloom had not considered herself accident prone before. But after today's little incident, she finds it hard to ignore a slight pattern emerging. Almost drowning, losing an eye, and now almost slipping into the river again...

The hunt had been going well enough. Although the river wasn't at its full strength they seemed to be managing to catch a few fish from within its depths. Lilybloom had been perched on the river edge, poised to dip her paw in and scoop a fish out, when a momentary lapse in judgement caused her to slip and she went headfirst into the river momentarily. She had gotten out but it had taken a moment due to her paws struggling to find purchase on the muddy bank. After righting herself, she found herself quickly joined by Lakemoon, asking if she was alright a d fussing over her. Lilybloom had pushed her away then, not out of malice, but genuinely because she was fine and didn't understand the panic. It was an accident, she slipped and struggled to get back up, but she was fine now.

After the little incident, the mood had seemed to shift and thanks to Lilybloom dunking her head accidentally into the water, most of the fish had scattered. The patrol had eventually given up, gathered up the prey they had already caught, and returned to camp. All the while back, Lilybloom was aware of Lakemoon behind her, those beautiful blue eyes she loved so much no doubt boring into her as she walked. They had scarcely made it back to camp, when Lilybloom decided to lightly tell her mate off. "You don't need to hover, Lakemoon," Lilybloom told her, turning so her green eye was looking directly at her. "I told you I was fine."

/ Please wait for @Lakemoon .

LAKEMOON — me and the devil, walking side by side.
To be as in love as Lakemoon is was terrifying, a realization the warrior hadn’t realized until she spotted her mate slip head-first into the river.
Lilybloom was all she had, the thing she held closest to her heart.
Yet, she had been stained by the tortoiseshell’s blood and tears, been shoved away from her by a then Lilypaws mottled paws. Lakemoon had felt her almost slip away too many times to keep a level-head when she watches her slip on the rivers bank.
The warrior is oblivious to the subconscious instinct until her veins are ice when she rushed over to Lilybloom in two quick strides, who was upright by then and soaking, Lakemoon nudging her away from the river with panicked breaths on her tongue.
Being pushed away from her mate was a surprise, but Lakemoon remained unflinching, only giving a small nod in understanding before backing off.
Her gaze, however, never left Lilybloom, even as they made their way back into camp, the anxiety from earlier still rippling along her striped spine. When the patrol spills through the entrance and into the camps clearing Lakemoon attempted to come up to her mates flank, to ask-
”You don’t need to hover, Lakemoon.”
Her chastise is soft, but it does put a stop in the tabbies tracks.
"I don’t hover." Lakemoon insists in reply, a lie.
It is Lilybloom’s turn for her gaze to burn into Lakemoon, a green fire prickling in her chest.
Lakemoon flicks her ear, a silent but tell-tale sign of her thinning patience.
"You need to be more careful." Lakemoon wants to say more, but the words don’t form correctly on her tongue, and she looks slightly to the side instead.
I don’t like it when she looks at me like that. I didn’t do anything wrong.
"I don’t want you getting hurt again." While her voice does not have the capability to soften and never has, she dips her gaze slightly towards the ground before finally bringing it back down to Lilybloom, her own azure spark returning.


The patrol had been an unfortunate result. With the sun bearing down on the backs of the warriors, droplets dripping down whiskers and paws held to carefully strike down below, they were working hard to bring anything back to the hungry maws waiting home. Hazecloud herself hadn't been the most successful out of the group, atypical for her proficiency. Fishing had come to her as naturally as breathing, her clean stealth in her namesake. Today appeared to simply be a bad one, luck had not taken to her.

Luck especially laughed at her when her claws flexed in the moment of a catch, but Lilybloom's slip had scared it further down river. Glimmering scales disappearing into the depths. Hazecloud had sighed, waited for the waters to calm again, but nothing came up after that.

The silky-furred cat didn't hold any ill will against her Clanmate, though. It was hard for her to hold any grudge against her peers. Hazecloud had been disappointed more in herself for coming back, jaws empty of any prey. Lilybloom's slip had reminded her of when Chicorybite had jumped in for a prized catch though at the cost of scaring away the other remaining fish. Had remembered the hissing bites and bitter snaps he had received from it. She had defended her little brother from their words then as she would for the rest of her Clanmates.

She might not feel inclined to do the same when it came to more domestic conflict, though.

Her sights rested on the two she-cats. Their words, soft and loving despite the subtle quarreling, weighed her gaze down to her paws. The icy clawed paw that clutched her chest before began to return. Hints of jealousy and regret while she reminisced similar disagreements before. Hazecloud opened her jaws to say something, but she felt there would be little help behind anything she wanted to say.

Their eyes meet each other and Lakemoon insists she doesn't hover. Although Lilybloom notes her patience is waning, she presses on. "You do hover," Lilybloom responds, insistent that she is in the right. Usually, Lilybloom was not so irked by Lakemoon's protectiveness. She found it quite endearing in a way and felt safer knowing that Lakemoon had her back and would be there for her should she have needed it. Lilybloom was capable enough in her own right but having Lakemoon there made her feel stronger and more assured of herself.

When Lakemoon urges her to be more and not get hurt again, Lilybloom tenses. Again. That word sticks out like a sharp thorn for Lilybloom. Deep down she knows her mate didn't mean it in a bad way, but it still gives her pause, a prickling heat building in the pit of her stomach. "Again?" She echoes, inclining her head as she speaks. There's a hint of genuine annoyance there now and her tail twitches. "It was an accident. I got back up didn't I? You're acting like I was about to drown again."

LAKEMOON — me and the devil, walking side by side.
When Lilybloom echoes her own phrasing back, Lakemoon almost visibly winces, struggling to keep her stone-cool composure.
Perhaps she should have simply held her tongue, but now it was too late, this was an argument now, or perhaps a disagreement.
Disagreement. Lakemoon validates in her own head.
Her neutral expression cracks as her brow bone furrows, letting her mates words churn through the ever-moving gears in her mind.
Finally, the silver warrior steps back, no longer looming over the other.
You’re acting like I was about to drown again.
The sentence brings a flood of unwanted memories with it, remembering the awful feeling of her Lilybloom’s sharp tongue being directed towards her.
"Forgive me if I would rather not risk it, Lilybloom." Lakemoon begins, but pauses after the tortoiseshells name leaves her maw, resenting the sharp tone she had just thrown towards her. "Actually.. no. I’m not sorry, I won’t ever be sorry. I’d rather you be annoyed with me then ever have to see you go through that again, or worse." Lakemoons tone hasn’t softened, but the edge is gone, her words now just firm, unapologetic.
The feeling of Hazeclouds gaze is burning by the time Lakemoon turns a narrowed gaze towards her, ears quirking backwards in subtle hostility. "Can we help you?" The tabby would ask the on-looker, obviously displeased that their conversation had now become a display for others to peer at.
Not waiting for Hazeclouds reply, Lakemoon would cast one more look towards Lilybloom, her beautifully scarred Lilybloom, and turn away on a brisk heel, before she completely loses what little composure she has left in front of the whole camp.

// out ! <33

Spats are commonplace in camp. With so many cats living in the same space, arguments are bound to come up, and the nagging heat of greenleaf doesn’t help keep tempers in check. It’s usually no real problem: cats will yell at each other, maybe storm off, and work out their grievances later with a cooler head. But it’s a lead warrior’s duty to help mediate conflicts, and Snakeblink takes perhaps more interest in the task than his skill in mediation (or lack thereof) warrants.

So when Lilybloom and Lakemoon start snapping at each other, he finds himself drifting closer to the mated pair, eyes keen and head swiveling from one to the other like they’re throwing a mossball back and forth rather than words. Even Lakemoon’s shortness aimed at Hazecloud doesn’t deter him — he may use his position as an excuse, but the truth of it is that he is terribly nosy, to the point of discarding his usual skittishness.

And, unlike Hazecloud, he isn’t so wise as to hold back his words when Lakemoon storms off.

”Do not spurn her fretting,” he says to Lilybloom, though no one asked his opinion on the matter. ”It’s no criticism towards your skill. She loves you deeply — such feelings would make anyone act irrationally.” They would all be lucky to have someone care as much for them as Lakemoon cares for Lilybloom, overbearingness and all.

——————————————————————————————————— so god damn lonely

  • Snakeblink • he / him. 42 ☾, riverclan warrior
    — a sleek, skinny tabby with long ears and a scar over his right eye.
    — gay, not actually evil, penned by @Kangoo

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Lilybloom listens as Lakemoon answers back, silent but irritated. Her words seem to settle her somewhat but Lilybloom still remains tense. The fussing and protectiveness over her in that moment still bothers her but Lakemoon's word, sharp as they were, do seem to succeed in puncturing her annoyance and letting Lilybloom see that perhaps she had a point. It had been hard enough for Lilybloom to deal with everything that had happed but to see that happen and largely be powerful to stop it that was something Lilybloom had no basis for.

When Lakemoon spots Hazecloud staring at them, Lilybloom also turns to look, and whilst no words are spoken she looks at the other warrior with a wary expression. She tears her gaze away to look back at Lakemoon, watching as her mate stalked away before shaking her head. When Snakeblink speaks up, Lilybloom's eye narrows for a moment, thinking he was about to drop an unwanted opinion on her. Surprisingly though, his words are quite honest and fair. If Lilybloom were in a better mood she probably would have thanked him for his words in that moment. Instead, she shakes he head again and slinks away. "She worries too much..." Lilybloom could be heard muttering as she padded away.
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