camp sometimes on a sunday ↷ [rainstorm]

The sky's throwing a conniption fit. Rainwater comes down in sideways sheets, pounding the ground so hard it bounces right back up and splatters underbellies. Groaning and bending against the wind are the wetlands' lanky pines, voicing their grievances as loud as they please, thank you, to any cat within earshot who cares to listen. Lightning has yet to turn the sky into a glowing nest, nor has thunder cracked a mighty warning over the land. For the moment, the storm is just having a good cry. But the storm is young. It will learn. It will mature. It will bellow its anguish with all it has, and then it will move on.

Smogmaw - in his day - has gleaned a great deal of insight on the storms that frequent the marsh. Forecasting when they'll pick up or taper off is like a second skin to the tom, or so he would boast if his clanmates possessed the scantest amount of appreciation for one's meteorological acumen. In a storm such as this, a cat's best bet is to simply wait it out. Shame that ShadowClan's camp is quite literally a hole in the ground, ill-equipped to handle the runoff, just waiting to be flooded.

Damp earth sheathes his paws, and damp fur weighs him down, as Smogmaw stands beneath Clanrock's looming stature with his eyes lifted overhead. He's squinting, barely able to make out the clouds' turbulent forms through the downpour. At this moment though, it isn't animals or quaint shapes he's searching for. "Five... four... three... two... one..." It doesn't happen, and his muzzle twitches in disapproval. But he's trying it again in short order. "Five... four... three... two... one..." He is denied for a second time, and his muzzle wrinkles further.

𖠰𖠰 The clan’s deputy is big and intimidating, but so too is he a bit… strange. He stands tall above the kit, his form seeming to cast a shadow even without significant sunlight. Now, his stature is better put to use shielding Branchkit from the harsh downpour. He should go back to the nursery, probably, but one thing the kit hasn’t yet developed is a mind for consequence. He merely wants to watch the rain fall, transfixed by the way droplets splatter against the ground. The rattling rumble of Smogmaw’s voice draws his attention to the older tom, though, and he peers up at him with murky blue eyes narrowed against the rain.

The deputy is… counting. And he seems frustrated by that. Is he waiting for something? For the storm to end? The storm isn’t bad—at least the sky isn’t shouting like it did the last time a storm crashed its way through camp. "Waiting? For what?" He chirps out, his head tipping to one side with curiosity. His fur is soaked through, and his little paws tremble with the cold, but he doesn’t mind the way his belly presses against the mud as he stares up at the older tom.

[ ༻❄༺ ] The howling and snapping of the wind while a turmolent downpour cascading itself onto the clan, heavy droplets of water sticking to her whiskers as she made her way to stand near the other, it was cover no less. Mud from the ground below splattered her fur and yellow eyes narrowed slightly. Smogmaw seemed to be counting down and yet, it would seem the sky denies his request. While Branchkit asked what he was waiting for exactly.

Eyes drifted to the dark clouds that cascade from above, stubby tail twitching a bit as a soft sigh slipped from her maw. It would be a perfect day to stay huddled in ones nest cozied up and dozing into a nice slumber, yet the loud howling of the wind did not beckon sleep like its counterparted rain. "Perhaps hes waiting for the rain to go away. Shame we can't hunt at the moment" she stated coolly. Yet this rain would surely beckon prey out right?

  • "speak""Thoughts"
  • Snowpaw She/Her, apprentice of Shadowclan, 7 moons.
    Lithe long hair blue lynx sepia with high white, and yellow eyes. Stubby tail, permanent resting bitch face
    Hailfreckle x Mudsplash
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted (ask first) / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by Ryn@/Rynnaro on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


There's no chance that Branchkit would be around Smogmaw without Gigglekit being close behind due to her growing admiration for the deputy, and as such, she's standing beside her brother to shield herself from the downpour by using the older tom for shelter. She hasn't seen this kind of rain in all her short time of being on earth, and she's astounded that so much water could possibly come from the sky.

"Maybe he's countin' the drops!" Gigglekit suggested, though this was not one of her brightest ideas - after all, Smogmaw was counting down, not up, and as soon as Gigglekit realized this she frowned and shook her head, putting a paw to her maw as she continued to consider what the counting could mean. It did seem rather hard to count every drop of rain that fell, because from Gigglekit's experience, it was hard to even dodge them when you were running - and she'd tried.


It was almost peaceful for the tom, enjoying the sound of rain hitting the camp’s floor, hitting the trees and ground nearby. He liked it. Part of him disliked how heavy his pelt could end up if he was out in the rain for long periods of time. Mourningbloom would rather not think about that now. Instead, he glanced towards the other cats in camp, tilting his head at Smogmaw’s counting.

He too was curious as to why the deputy was counting, until he glanced to the sky and examined it. It looked nice at the moment, but any moment the loud noises could arrive, along with the flashes of light. The chimera understood. ”I’m waiting for it to end.” He spoke softly, a yawn ending his sentence. Eyelids relaxed as he lowered his head some. Of course the weather left him tired. It didn’t stop him from listening, though, mind focused on the Gigglekit’s suggestion for the counting. Mourningbloom smiled and shook his head, amused. He tried to come up with a silly reason, but the cogs within his head wouldn’t turn fast enough to think of one. Who cared, he would just listen instead.

(ooc - mobile post! srry for mistakes)
*+:。.。 Bonepaw did not fear authority so Smogmaw's intimidation factor did not affect the boy. The only thing he had to fear was the tom's larger size and honed skillset - both of which were leashed so long as Bonepaw allowed him no motive. So the pale-coated ticked tabby would approach without hesitation, despite his recent tiff with his son, Laurelpaw. aiming to stand over Branchkit and Gigglekit, serving as best he could as an umbrella, Bonepaw would refrain from adding commentary. He figured it'd be useless to convince the little ones that they risked getting sick, they'd realize the fact soon enough by the way they both shivered. In the meantime, he'd lift his gaze to watch Smogmaw, awaiting the result of all this questioning.

    Shadowclan — apprentice
    DMAB— He/Him — Unsure
    6 moons — Ages 1 moon every month real-time
    Son to Ferndance x Needledrift
    Littermates with Bloodpaw, Shadepaw, Snowypaw
    Half-brother to Gigglekit, Morelkit, Branchkit
    Apprenticed to Nightwhisper

    Physically easy | mentally hard
    Attack in bold #738171
    injuries: None currently
Frostbite stares blankly from the nursery as the rain batters the land and sends mud and debris splashing everywhere. He's glad to be sheltered and has no intention of leaving his nest today. His fur will get absolutely filthy in all that splashing mud.... And he would like to avoid that whenever possible. Part of him chastises himself for it, considering literally every day he gets mud on his pelt in varying degrees. But he can avoid it this time..... And he will.

For he bears the curse of being a white cat in a muddy territory.

"Look at all that mud...." He says, pretending to sound enthused.

Listening to Smogmaw countdown and the inquiries about it make him want to add to the conversation. What is he counting down to? Well. Frostbite has a theory.

"Maybe.... He's waiting to see if someone starts splashing in the mud. Stars know we have a few cats who love to play in the mud." He suggests. He's not naming names, but....They know who they are. One of them being his own son.​
Smogmaw had been kind to her and Sycamorekit when they’d been brought to camp, and had defended Lilacfur against the biting words of some of their Clanmates. Marblekit has not forgotten this; when she stares at the gray-pelted deputy as he counts seemingly meaningless, it’s with a strange longing to approach him without fear. Branchkit and Gigglekit do so, eager and bouncing on muddied paws; there’s a sense of belonging there that sets her heart twisting. She wants to be like that—can she be like that? Bonepaw, Snowpaw, and Mourningbloom gather close, too, but Marblekit stays in the nursery’s entrance beside Frostbite, unsure if she should go so near the others.

Frostbite remarks that Smogmaw might be waiting for someone to play in the mud. Marblekit wrinkles her nose dubiously. “Really? Yuck,” she mews, her nose twitching. She’s never played in the mud before, though she’s seen the other kits do it, splashing about in congealed puddles gathered in camp. Hesitantly, she looks at Frostbite. “…Are you gonna play in the mud?

  • ooc:
  • pcAn1D5.jpeg
  • Marblekit, she/they w/ feminine and non-gendered terms.
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — 3 moons old, ages realistically on the 1st.
    — mentored by n/a ; mentoring n/a ; previously mentored n/a
    — shadowclan kit, formerly a rogue. siltcloud x lilacfur, gen 3.
    — currently mated to n/a.
    — penned by Marquette.

    sh fawn tabby with dull green eyes. bossy, brazen, outgoing, conniving, mischievous, skeptical, spiteful.


Lilacfur watched quietly from the medicine dens entrance where the rain gently pattered against the stones overhead. It had been a while since they had a good rain that wasn't coated in ice. A proper rain that would fill their little forest with herbs, surely, and keep their streams full.

It appeared that Smogmaw had garnered the attention of their younger Clanmates and a smile dressed her features. Frostbite said something she couldn't hear, and Marblekit joined his side and something began to stir that she couldn't quite name. It wasn't jealousy, she was sure. The time she spent with her kittens was sufficient, she felt. Sharing meals was about as much free time she could spare with them when she wasn't occupying a nest in her sisters den.

This felt something familiar to being left out, though. Like when she watched her older brothers laugh and wrestle with cats their own age. Chattering and shouting about things she had yet to understand but this... she felt like she might not ever grasp its comprehension. Being a parent. (A good one, but she pushed that little detail away). So unprepared for the lives of kin like this. She wondered if they knew how she felt. As much as she tried to hide all of it they were impossibly perceptive, Marblekit even more so. Was she like that at their age, she had to wonder? It's hard to remember anything aside from how quickly her childhood crumbled apart. How quickly she jumped to forget the worst parts of it.

"I hope the rain brings good things." She spoke aloud but in particular to her sister and Magpiepaw.
[ i need the clouds to cover me ]
"Is no one going to come out and play with me!?"

Ah, a child playing in the mud, just as Frostbite predicted. Snowypaw had not yet splashed - not whilst cats questioned Smogmaw for his counting, nor while the medicine den commented on the rain. She had stood by the apprentice den's entrance, wanting to rush out and across camp to the nursery, to enjoy some time with her mother and little siblings (two, of which, are pestering the deputy.) She had made it about halfway there when she noticed just how gummy the ground felt underfoot, and how already soaked she was.

To any cat who had seen a wet dog, she would look no different. She shakes her pelt vigorously to no change, and though her pause gives her a chance to rethink her life decisions up until that point - she instead laughs and shouts. The rain is harsh and at points it feels like its stabbing into her skin, but it's also fun and exciting. "C'mon, don't leave me alone in this!!"
˚₊‧ ⛧ "By all means, play to your heart's content~" came a meow from behind Snowypaw. Stars knew that Garlicpaw had found herself a readily-practiced hobby in mud-splashing. Ashenpaw, however, sat neatly beneath the cover of the apprentice's den, "But if you get any mud on me, you'll have to eat it." His vague distaste for sludginess was perhaps an inherited trait from his dearly-departed mother, though he lacked the energy to be quite as fastidious with grooming most days.

Still, rain was something of a comfort these days, rain meant the frogs would come out, and that maybe they would be able to eat more than just enough.

"I hope you're all in good terms with Starclan," he called to the drizzle-enjoyers scattered throughout camp, "It'd be a shame if anyone got struck by lightning today."

  • OOC:
  • 29y3n1.png
  • ashenkit . ashenpaw
    — ftm transmasc. he/him. 12mo apprentice of shadowclan. mentored by smogmaw
    — muted blue torbie w/ pale blue and amber eyes
    — smells of rainsoaked fern and swamp milkweed
    all ic opinions!
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — pfp by meg , fullbody by antiigone, sticker by saturnid
    — penned by eezy

By the simple means of staring skywards and counting down as rain-pellets pelted against his face, the deputy seems to have drawn a crowd. Nerves are set alight when two kits materialise from thin air and cocoon right up against him, eventually culminating in a flinch. His composure returns soon and swiftly. It isn't their presence to have rattled him, but rather the unsolicited contact that caused his initial startle. Branchkit's question, and the following theories from Snowpaw and Gigglekit, would be met with a delayed response: "Five... four... three... two... one..."

Yet again, the sky delivers its denial. Damned sky. Frustration flickers further along the crease in his forehead.

Ashenpaw opens his maw to remark upon lightning strikes, and Smogmaw's upsloping focus just about wavers. That is precisely what holds the deputy's focus, and to hear his apprentice give a premature answer nearly grants him a grin. Lightning is poised to tear across the brooding sky given the massive build-up, and he can just feel it. A good crack of lightning is perhaps the most ferocious display a cat could ask the heavens for. And if he could time it right, if he could get to 'one' as the skies ripple with searing-white fury... it'd be deeply satisfying in a primal sense.

A rich exhale, before he starts again. "Five... four... three... two... one..."

Brows narrow as anticipation peaks, and...

From blackened clouds explodes a blistering white streak, branching off into little strings and strands like a thousand spiders' legs. The thunder's grumble punctuates the end to the count, but by the time it crescendos, Smogmaw has already swung his head over shoulder. "See that? Did you see that? Right on time. I'm magic."

Yellowed fangs poke into his conceited grin, eyes finding those who linger in the nursery.


Starlingheart doesn't mind the rain much. But perhaps it was because she was a medicine cat, not a warrior who, despite the weather, needed to go out on patrols and go hunting. She could hide in her den if she wanted, could curl up in her nest and watch the rain fall just outside of the stone entrance, dripping down in a small waterfall, a dull roar against the roof. And it was good for the herbs growing about the territory to stay hydrated. Today, she had braved the rain in order to make her way to the nursery in order to spend some time with her sister and all of her new-born kin. She rather enjoyed being surrounded by all those small faces, all the kittens that looked up at her with pleading eyes as they begged for just one more story. It reminded her of when her own litter was small. "Branchkit, Gigglekit, c-come here, let me- let me dry you off. Before you catch a- catch a cold" she calls to the two kittens, a slight frown worn upon her features and her eyebrows creased in worry. Kittens getting sick was never something that Starlingheart could say she would advocate for.

Other apprentices call for playtime and she cannot help but agree with Marblekit. Playing in the mud is not something she would have ever considered, even as a kit. She liked to keep her fur relatively clean, after all. It is her sister that draws her attention though, her hopeful wish upon her tongue a sentiment that Starlingheart herself could share and appreciate "It will" she says softly, her own green eye filled with a hopeful glance upwards at the sky. StarClan willing. ShadowClan could use a miracle every once in a while.

  • PSgWDJV.jpeg

  • 75214491_NhVBn1uSQsE4P99.png
    A skinny she cat with short black and white fur littered with scars and one singular green eye.
    Easy in battle + has little to no formal battle training

Gigglekit was waiting, rather impatiently, for something to come of Smogmaw's countdown, her childish imagination running wild with the possibilities. Snowypaw asks if anyone else wants to play in the mud, but before Gigglekit has the chance to join in with her older sister's shenanigans, Starlingheart calls for her and Branchkit to return to the nursery to get out of the rain before they catch a cold. Gigglekit isn't so sure at first that she will catch a cold, but then she remembers that Starlingheart is the medicine cat and starts trotting over.

She doesn't make it before Smogmaw's countdown starts again, and this time, at one, a bolt of light scrambling across the sky, followed shortly by a booming noise that makes Gigglekit spring into the air, mews leaving her lips as she looks helplessly between Smogmaw and Starlingheart. Despite herself, Gigglekit's eyes begin to water, but she manages to say, "He's- he's magic!" Somehow, the girl is caught between absolute fear and absolute admiration.